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Comments 108

text criticalimpact July 1 2011, 02:01:59 UTC
[... if he only knew how tired you are, what a lecture you're in for. Still, he knows there's more to that text given the situation.]

You're traveling alone?


text islandshore July 1 2011, 02:04:46 UTC
Yeah. Sora left too.

Might as well move forward and get the last badge.


text criticalimpact July 1 2011, 09:01:15 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that. I know what's it like to be separated from your friends. Don't think you're truly alone though, you have friends here.

[Might as well remind him that, hopefully it'll give him some comfort.]


text islandshore July 1 2011, 17:42:26 UTC
I know. I just... need some space, I guess.

Besides, I'm close to getting my eighth badge. Can't slow down now.


[text] cagedstar July 1 2011, 02:05:33 UTC
... I got one of her pokémon with me. I guess she really is gone...

I'm sorry, Riku.


[text] islandshore July 1 2011, 02:06:43 UTC
It's fine. Not like we have any control over it.

I've lost them before. Just didn't think it'd happen again.


[text] cagedstar July 1 2011, 08:54:04 UTC
Just be careful. If you can, please travel with people.

[You're reenacting canon and this is worrying her.]


[text] islandshore July 1 2011, 17:43:45 UTC
I've got my team with me. Isn't that enough?


text utterlyupbeat July 1 2011, 04:59:07 UTC
... Is "Fly" basically what the name implies?


text islandshore July 1 2011, 05:00:43 UTC
It's exactly what it sounds like. It's a powerful flying type move, and you can use it to ride on your Pokémon.

You can travel a week's distance in half a day, easy.


utterlyupbeat July 1 2011, 05:02:56 UTC
[boy that sounds super useful! only...]

What's the catch?


islandshore July 1 2011, 05:05:40 UTC
You don't get it until you beat the sixth gym. By then, you'll have spent at least a few months on the road.


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[text] islandshore July 1 2011, 07:21:46 UTC
You don't have to apologize.

Just be glad your friends are still around.


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[text] islandshore July 1 2011, 07:34:07 UTC
I'm not sad.


I'm just... tired, I guess.


action subvertio July 1 2011, 07:55:23 UTC
[Gathering supplies in the store? How about running into a familiar face as he's grouching at the front counter guy for ripping him off of some extra cash.]

How about you work on your slight of hand before trying to pocket the spare change right in front of me, stupid?


action islandshore July 1 2011, 08:01:53 UTC
[Of all the people... Ugh.]

Could you hurry up?

[He kind of wants to buy his supplies and leave.]


action subvertio July 1 2011, 08:07:56 UTC
I'm busy -- [Turning, he narrows his eyes slightly. Something about this guy seems familiar, but maybe the bags under his eyes throw him off. Curling his lip in an almost trollish expression now, he shrugs and ignores as the cashier sliiiiides into a duck behind the counter.]

Holding a marathon on how long you can go without sleep? The darkness will overtake you at some point. [Really, he means sleep; or at least, the unconciousness it entails.]


action islandshore July 1 2011, 08:11:11 UTC
[That face. That voice... It's the last thing he needs right now.

But he'll groan and go with it. Or try.]

Hah. I think I can handle myself just fine.


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