20 - text/video/action for Mahogany Town;;

Jun 30, 2011 18:55


[There's a brief video in the Mahogany Gym.

The fight begins with the Dewgong. Due to its typing, Riku allows his Rotom to get the job done, darting around with a combo of Thunderbolt and Discharge. It's over quickly, due to a glaring level advantage and Riku's insistance to mow the enemies down.

Next up, Surge faces the Lapras with a similar ferocity. Despite its size advantage, the silly Rotom doesn't hesitate to strike with a barrage of electricity.

Lastly, Pryce sends out his Mamoswine. Riku steps back, allowing his Charizard to enter the fray. Seconds later, Flare strikes with a ferocious Blast Burn.

The battle ends, and Riku snatches the 'Gear from his Scizor.]


Kairi's gone. She disappeared when I hit Cianwood City. That was a few days ago.

Don't bother looking for me. I'm in Mahogany Town, and I'm going to Blackthorn City. Wanna know how I got here so fast?

Fly's a pretty useful move

[After that, folks around Mahogany Town might spot an extremely tired looking teenager entering and exiting the Pokémon Center. He'll fly as far as he can before he has to stop. That ice cave... it looks tough, but if he can get there in a few hours, he'll take those chances. For the cave itself, he'll let Flare do the hard work.

With his party packed, he'll stop long enough to get a bite to eat and gather supplies. After that, he'll hop right onto his Charizard's back and head for the Ice Cave, for better or worse.]

[ooc: All of Rikus badges are approved now-- no worries there. Also, Kia and I decided that Kairi actually left a few days ago, when Riku hit Cianwood. He left Cianwood that same day and flew straight for Mahogany. Yay!]

seven badges, twentieth, rage, sora noooo, kairi noooo, team derpmon go, craaaaaawling in my skin

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