21 - video/action for Blackthorn City and later Ecruteak;;

Jul 04, 2011 13:36

[It's been a rough few days for Riku. He made it through the ice cave quickly, thanks to Flare's fire power and Jaws' speed, but he's still exhausted. Traveling alone just isn't the same as going with a group, especially when you're stuck in a chilly cavern.

But sometime during the late morning hours, he'll finally make it to his destination, and as the feed starts up (courtesy of Blade), there's a nice shot of the Blackthorn Gym as Riku takes on the final gym leader.]

[Clair's first move is to send out her Gyarados. And Riku? He does something a little odd, setting Flare up to fight. But what looks like it'll be a rough battle for the fire type quickly turns around as soon as Riku orders him to use ThunderPunch. It deals heavy damage on the Gyarados, and although it strikes back with Waterfall, Flare endures the hit and finishes up with one last punch. Down goes the Gyarados.

Kingdra's next to bat. A water/dragon neutralizes the weaknesses of both types, leaving only one weakness: dragon. Quake the Garchomp steps in at this point. It's a bit tougher on him, thanks to Kingdra's Dragon Pulse and Hyper Beam. Both Pokémon get beaten to a pulp, but Draco Meteor saves the day in the end.

The final match is between Clair's Dragonite and Jaws the Feraligatr. Riku makes the first move by ordering Jaws to use ice beam, but Dragonite's Thunder hits first, dealing a heavy blow on the gator, even with his high level. Luckily, Jaws is quick to retalite with an icy blast. Like with gyarados, the 4 x weakness takes its toll on the dragon very quickly.

In the end, Riku comes out on top.]

[Shortly after obtaining his badge, Riku starts up another feed, grinning as he holds up all eight badges.]

Well, what do you know? The Blackthorn gym was almost a challenge. Gotta give her credit for trying. [He tucks away the badge case.] But she just doesn't have what it takes to beat me.

[He looks over at his big ol' Pokémon. Quake is still panting from the duel with Kingdra, and Flare's still a bit damp from the waterworks. The others are looking just fine, however; he's swapped out Jaws for his Pidgeot, and if one looks carefully, they might spot an Aerodactyl and Skarmory in the background.]

Anyway, I'm heading back now. Think I'll stop in Ecruteak City for the night. Let me know if you see this, Ven. If not, I'll catch you later.

[He puts the rest of his flying types into their Pokéballs and hops onto his Charizard's back. Then the feed ends.]

[He'll finally make it to Ecruteak very late at night, around the midnight hours. At that point he'll check into the Inn for the night. Feel free to bump into him in Blackthorn or Ecruteak and Mahogany during the brief stop he makes to grab some food. ]

[ooc: Quick travel through the ice path was mod approved-- he used his Charizard to melt the ice and rode on his Feraligatr. :|b Badge also approved.]

gym battle, blackthorn city, twenty-first, final badge get, team derpmon go!, smell ya later

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