Fic: Curiosity Cats and All That

Apr 29, 2011 11:55

Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Castiel/Dean
Rating: Adult-ish
Spoilers: Set during Seasons 6 (no plot spoilers)
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to Supernatural. This is only for fun, not profit.
Warnings: Slashiness, TrueFormKink!

Summary: Dean was never what he liked to call a curious person, curiosity cats and all that

A/N:Written for deancaskink  Prompt They wanted a true form kink so I gave them one!

Dean was never what he liked to call a curious person, curiosity cats and all that… Though he was one to always ask questions, most of the time his curiosity was hidden in a driving need to know the truth in order to stay alive or kill whatever baddy they were currently hunting. He never called it curiosity. “Humor me” or “Just spit it out!” was always his reason behind getting the answer. But the moment Dean had actually seen Jimmy, Castiel’s vessel, as a normal everyday -if not majorly rundown- human, he had to ask “What’s it like, being possessed by an angel?” the only thing that kept him from asking was Sam’s quicker line of questioning, and though he got a somewhat explanatory answer it was nowhere near as detailed as he wanted…

“Cas,” the angel had been studying the computer screen with single-minded determination until suddenly his head tipped up toward the hunter’s voice and then Dean became his only concern. “What’s it like… being inside a human?” Those blue eyes sparked with something that could never be called human, Castiel’s true nature showing momentarily, before he turned back toward the computer screen. “Come on Cas, don’t try that falling silent bullshit.”

“I am thinking. I’m unsure how to describe it to a human. It is… confining, but not in an uncomfortable way. I suppose you could say it’s similar to a corset of sorts, only one that encases the whole body instead of just the ribs. If one is not careful they could either be strangled or break the garment.”

“Really?” Dean couldn’t help it; he reached out to touch Castiel’s shoulder, getting the angel to turn his attention back to him. “Do you know what it’s like to be on the other end of that? What a vessel feels like?”

Castiel blinked, the angelic light fading momentarily, “I try to keep my vessels asleep, so they would not feel discomfort. But with Jimmy, as my doubts grew my grip on his consciousness kept slipping, giving him moments of awareness. He was never supposed to recall anything past his accepting me.”

Dean couldn’t help it, he circled around the angel to look over his shoulder, wanting to be close but unsure if physical touch would cause the reassurance he wanted to. “Those doubts helped us save the world.”

“Yours maybe, it tore mine apart…”

“It’s not your fault your brothers are being douche bags,” Dean blinked at the screen, his lip twitching upward. “Sometimes an earthquake is just an earthquake.”

“I am aware, but sometimes they unearth rather unpleasant things.”

Dean rolled his eyes and slid the laptop shut, “Jimmy said it was like being chained to a comet.”

Castiel’s brow crinkled at the closed computer before his eyes rolled toward Dean, “That is an inadequate comparison. Comets are frozen, I am rather warm, as you already know,” the angel snaked his arm back around his hunter’s waist, giving the other the assurance he needed to wrap his own around Castiel’s shoulders. “What has brought this bought of questioning?”

Dean shrugged, leaning so he could set his chin on the angel’s shoulder. “I was just wondering… since I don’t have to worry about being a vessel anymore with Michael locked up with Lucifer.”

“So you’re asking what it’s like to be a vessel?”

“Yeah,” Dean said, staring off. “Was wondering what it would be like to touch an angel without some human in the way.”

“You already know that,” Castiel reached up to rub his hand over the covered handprint, causing Dean to shudder.

“I mean from the inside…”

Castiel turned so he could look at Dean. The moment he did, the burning desire he saw in the hunter’s eyes had him shooting to his feet and kissing him. Castiel pulled at Dean’s shirt, wanting, needing desperately to see his brand, touch it, without the fabric blocking him. Dean gave a woof of sound as his knees struck the bed and sent them both falling onto it. “You want to feel me, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Dean gasped out as he pulled the angel closer, as if trying to get him to crawl inside him.

“You want me in you?” Dean kept squirming under the angel even as Castiel went stone still above him. His voice was odd, echoed, like several people talking at once and not quite at the same time.

Green eyes looked up at those glowing blue, “Yes.”

Suddenly light enveloped his vision as he felt it, the searing heat of the angel flooding his body, pumping through his veins. He arched up at the feeling, the white light shimmered but never left his vision as he felt Castiel touching him. Tender, light, caresses along ever bit of him. He remember it, remembered what if felt like, to have Castiel touching him body and soul. Then it had been to rebuild him, to tear the darkness of Hell’s taint away. Now it was merely to worship the hunter, admire and inspect his work as he moved across every bit what made the hunter who and what he was until Dean’s whole body jerked and squirmed, until he could no longer take the overstimulation and the light turned to black as Castiel tenderly pushed him to unconsciousness before he burned out.

pairing:castiel/dean, fanfiction, supernatural, slash

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