Fic: Sleepless Nights

Mar 27, 2011 13:23

Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Castiel/Dean
Characters: Castiel, Dean, Sam
Rating: Adult
Spoilers: Set during Seasons 6 (no plot spoilers, Sam has his soul)
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to Supernatural. This is only for fun, not profit.
Warnings: Slash, mentioning of Bisexuality

Summary: Sam was mortified.

A/N: This was supposed to be a drabble and it just kept growing!

Sam was positively motified.

“Oh, fuck! Cas, so fucking big! Yes, harder!”

He had been woken by his brother’s voice barely distorted by the near paper thin wall between their rooms.

“There! Fuck! Right there! Oh yes! Ah FUCK!” A pillow pulled over his ears didn’t even muffle the pitch as his brother yelled his lover’s name before the sound of the bed striking the wall slowed and finally stopping. “God, Cas… fuck. You’re the best.”

Sam thought he was in the clear until, “Oh Cas, God, I fucking love you,” another pillow was stuffed over the first when the bed started creaking against the wall and the moaning started again. “Fuck, yes! All night,” Sam groaned; whatever Dean had responded to wasn’t loud enough for him to hear but he was damn sure it was going to be a long night.

Sam purposefully put off on getting Dean up for the day, but by noon he had no excuse not to knock on the door. “Dean,” no sounds, he pounded on the door harder. “Dean, wake up, we gotta get moving!”

“Door’s open Sammy,” Sam was slow to open it, finding Dean clad in a towel scrubbing at his hair as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

“We got a case. Louisiana. Apparently a storm stirred up some old ghosts that like whipping people.”

“Thinking old slave owner?”

“I would but there’s no pattern so I’m not sure if it is or not.”

“Great… That means either trudging flooded cemeteries or tracking down bodies thrown away like garbage. I swear people need to keep better records of the dead!”

“Would make our job a whole lot easier,” Sam agreed.

“Well, better get packed up.”

“I’m already packed… I’ll be in the car.”

It took all of five miles out of town before Dean frowned, “You alright?”

“Yeah, just tired,” Sam’s head was propped on his arm, supported by the door. His eyes drooped and he jerked upright when his chin slipped out of his hand.

“Research keep you up?” Dean had that smart ass tone and smile to match.

“No, my brother having loud gay sex next door did!”

Dean’s jaw was in his lap; Sam instantly apologized for snapping and looked away. They remained silent for a few miles. “I’m sorry we kept you up… I guess I had a little more to drink than I thought,” Dean pressed the gas pedal once he realized he’d slowed down, “This gonna be a problem?”

“Not as long as I don’t get woke up in the middle of the night again…” They were quiet for awhile longer, Sam getting a smirk on his face, and the teasing began. “So, how long have you been switch hitting?”

Dean snorted and rolled his eyes away from his brother. “Sam, you really wanna know?”

“Well from what I heard last night… definitely a catcher.”

Dean was blushing, that was the only thing keeping Sam from freaking about the conversation. “Sam… I’ve always been bi.”

Sam blinked, shaking his head in disbelief, “Dude, no way! You’ve been chasing girls since before you knew what sex was.”

“That’s because guys always came to me… Think about it Sam, how many times have I been hit on by men? It’s even worse when you’re not around because everyone assumes we’re a couple.”

Sam blinked, “Why do people always think we’re together?!”

Dean sighed and rubbed his eyes, “Probably because I ping their gaydar and you scream bottom…”

Sam’s jaw dropped, he blinked a few times before shaking his head. “I do not!”

“You’re a pretty boy that follows a guy around like a lost puppy and one that looks like a Dom at that so… bottom.” Sam rolled his eyes, knowing he couldn’t win this argument, not when Dean was cheating by having insider info.

They spent most of the day interviewing witnesses and victims. Sam slightly mortified when Dean didn’t even bother being discreet about flirting with the brother of one of the victims. The guy hadn’t even said anything but hello and asked them if they’d heard anything about the assailant.

“Dude, what was that?!” Sam demanded once they had a lead about where exactly the attacks were happening.

“What? Oh!” Dean shrugged, “He pinged my ‘dar.”

“He ‘pinged’ your ‘dar’? You can’t just look at the guy and deem him gay.”

Dean raised an eyebrow as he circled around the car. “Want proof?” Sam turned back when he saw his brother looking at the house with the grin he reserved for women about to bring him pie. The man was watching from the window, he blushed and smiled shyly back before the curtain hid him from view. “Better close your jaw Sammy, flies will get in.” Dean smirked and got into the car.

It wasn’t what they thought it was. It wasn’t an angered owner, it was a vengeful slave. A group of them by how strong the manifestations were. “Dean!” Sam clawed at the stone floor of the old slave quarters, the Sasquatch was being drug across the ground and shackled into one of the old chains still lining the wall.

“Sam! Find the grave!” A mass grave was their best shot of freeing the spirits and themselves. Dean was thrown to the other side of what looked like a slaughter house; red stained the corner he was turned to face before being forced to his knees. The blood was fresh; he could smell the Iron in the air as his shirt was torn away from his back. Green eyes shot wide when he heard the sound of a whip uncoiling across the stone. “Sam! Hurry!” The familiar sound of the whip cracked a second before his back exploded in pain. Memories of hell instantly surfaced with each additional strike.

“Dean, Dean, look at me,” Sam tapped his older brother’s face soon after the strikes had stopped. Sightless green eyes jerked toward the touch as he grabbed the hand touching him “Easy, it’s okay. It’s over.” Dean didn’t let go of the hand as Sam helped him to his feet, hissing when one big hand accidently brushed his back. “Sorry…” Dean didn’t say a word as Sam led him to the car, just set the keys in his hand and carefully sat in the passenger seat, waiting to return to the motel to get patched up.

Dean wanted Castiel, needed him. His mind kept flashing images of hell behind his eyes. No matter how much he shook his head or rubbed his eyes, it didn’t stop. Cas, please Castiel, I need you. Please! Save me. The thought kept repeating as he lay across the bed so Sam could disinfect his wounds. Just from the sounds Sam kept making at the sight he knew it was a shredded mess.

“I’m going to clean the wound. Gonna sting,” Sam warned, rightfully so, before pressing the alcohol doused rag against his back.

Dean hissed and arched away from it, clawing at the mattress as more images flashed behind his eyes. Castiel! The name kept replaying in his mind. I need you!

“What happed?” Sam jumped at Castiel’s voice and spun to see the worried angel.

“Pissed off slaves. Took it out on Dean.”

“Cas,” Dean’s hands clenched the mattress as Castiel circled around to stand on his other side. “Cas,” was sighed as the angel reached down to brush the scarred brand on his arm. Pain was suddenly dulled by the warmth spreading through him, making him feel safe. “Cas, please, I need you.”

“Dean, I know your basic response to things out of your control is to fuck or fight but not while I’m in the room please,” Sam nearly begged as he prepared to start bandaging the wounds.

“Better leave then Sam… I need this.”

“Don’t worry, Sam, I will heal his wounds,” Dean was already dragging the angel down for a kiss.

Sam turned around before he could see his brother making out with a guy. “I’ll be back in an hour…” was grumbled as he fled the room.

Castiel started to coax Dean to turn over, “No Cas, like this. Fuck me good!”

“Your back, you would be better off on top.”

“No Cas, fuck me, claim me! I need you inside me. I need you fucking me hard. Make me forget about this! Fuck me now!”

Regardless of the hunter’s begging and demanding, Castiel made sure he was well lubed before forcing his dick into Dean’s still loose passage. “Oh, fuck! Huge! Goddamn horse,” Dean moaned as the angel’s hips twitched forward, grinding against all the right places and making the hunter writhe under him “Fuck! Give it to me! Hard and fast!”

“Are you sure?” Castiel got his hair pulled for that, making him lean down against Dean’s shredded back and got moans when he ground into the hunter some more.

“Fuck! Now!” Castiel did, shoving hard and fast into his hunter. The pace would have had any man sweating in minutes and the angel merely shifted the angle and thrust even faster. Dean was moaning and shoving back just as hard as Castiel dared to thrust into him. “You can fuck faster than that,” Dean was panting, couldn’t keep his breath and he still had that damn grin as Castiel did just that. “Oh yeah, oh fuck! Faster!”

“I move any faster and the friction will render the lubricant useless,” Castiel growled into Dean’s ear, setting the hunter off. But the angel did thrust faster, just long enough to push Dean into an even bigger orgasm before he growled out his lover’s name low enough the room rattled as he poured stream after stream of cum deep into his blissful hunter.

“Damn Cas, fucking stud… always cum so much.”

“You know time is different for me when I move that fast. May be minutes to you but it’s hours to me, and holding back so long… I can’t help but fill you completely.”

Castiel shifted to get his weight off of Dean when he was grabbed, “Stay. I want you to stay,” Castiel and Dean both moaned as Dean’s body clenched around him, making his cock jump and swell. “Shit, you are a stud. Always ready to go!”

“You need to rest,” Castiel said, shifting them both so he could hold Dean at his side without leaving his warmth.

“Yeah, rest would be good,” Dean yawned. “Didn’t sleep much last night,” Castiel gasped when Dean clenched his half hard dick on purpose before shifting even closer to the angel. “Sam still can’t believe I’m bi…”

“Well, you are notorious for chasing women.”

“Yeah, but there are just some things women can’t do! And guys give the best head,” Dean smirked and pulled Castiel over his shoulder so he could kiss him.

“I have yet had anything to compare it to, but I enjoy it very much when you suck me.”

“Yeah, I know, you came hard then too. ‘bout choked me the first time…”

“I am sorry, my vessel was… backed up at the time.” Castiel blushing was always the hottest thing Dean’s seen, and if he wasn’t facing away from him, he would have probably proven his point just to make that blush deeper.

“Three years without getting off’ll do that to you Cas.” Dean was falling asleep, Castiel held him closer and let his Grace flow over the hunter’s skin. The wounds were healed and Dean slept a peaceful sleep.

Sam couldn’t hear anything coming from the darkened room so he deemed it safe to enter. “Whoa,” he spun and hid his eyes when Castiel turned to look at him from Dean’s bed. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“It is alright Sam. Dean’s sleeping. He asked that I stay, so I did. We are both covered.”

“So it’s cool that I sleep in here? ‘cause I can’t be cramped in that car after not sleeping last night.”

“Of course,” Castiel made a soft noise as Dean shifted in his sleep before holding the hunter to him. “I am going to return to Dean’s dream so that he will not have nightmares.”

“Okay,” Sam said as he threw his coat off and blinked when it looked like the angel had fallen asleep cuddling his brother.

Sam had thought it was bad when he’d been kept awake by the noise… It was worse when he was aware of every shift the two men, well man and angel, did throughout the night. Broken sleep was way worse than no sleep.

pairing:castiel/dean, fanfiction, supernatural, slash

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