six degrees of Canada Valentine's Day cardathon!

Jan 04, 2008 21:30

This event is a special kind of ficathon where participants send each other in-character Valentine's Day cards. In other words, instead of sending a third-person story about a character, you're actually sending a card from one character to another. Valentine's Day is for lovers, so requests can be either het-oriented or slash-oriented, but not gen. (I may run a het/slash/gen postcardathon later in the year.)

Fandoms covered by this cardathon include due South and any fandom eligible for the Midsummer ficathons (midsummer2006 and midsummer2007), which are mostly TV shows and movies with at least one of Callum Keith Rennie or Paul Gross. You may request any character in these shows. RPS is allowed. ETA: Crossovers are allowed, but at least one of your requests must not be a crossover. If you're not sure if a fandom is eligible, ask!

You can either use a commercial Valentine's Day card, or make your own. Artists are particularly welcome to participate! If you make your own card, there is no wordcount requirement. If you use a commercial card, you must write (or rather, the character must write!) a message of at least 100 words in your card.

Yes, this involves giving out your mailing address (and possibly your name, if you need that to be on your mail to receive it). Nobody will see it except for me, and the person who is assigned to write your card. I swear that I am not a weird crazy stalker. References available on request. :-)

Signups for the Six Degrees Valentine's Day cardathon will end at 1500 GMT on Thursday, January 10. (In other words, when I wake up and get on my computer and get my email.) Assignments will be sent on or before Monday, January 14, along with further instructions. Cards must be sent by Monday, February 4. That's three weeks, which should be plenty of time to find or make a card and write a measly hundred words! (Of course you're encouraged to send early, especially if your recipient lives in a distant country from yours.)

You are encouraged to scan, photograph, or transcribe the card you receive and post it in your livejournal at any time after you get it, but you don't have to. You may 'fess up to the card you sent, or post its image or text if you like, but not until on or after Valentine's Day, February 14th. You are also welcome to remain anonymous!


You may request up to four pairings (or threesomes!). Your assigned card-sender is only required to send one card. (However, if you want to send multiple cards, go for it!)

At least one request must be from one of the following core fandoms: due South
Wilby Wonderful
Slings and Arrows
Hard Core Logo
This is to make matching easier. However, I'll try to match first on the smaller fandoms (e.g. Regenesis, Buried on Sunday, Twitch City) At least one request must not be a crossover.

ETA for clarification: You may request 1, 2, 3, or 4 pairings/threesomes. If you request only one, it must be from one of the five fandoms listed above, and must not be a crossover. If you request more, your other requests can be from any fandom eligible for the Midsummer ficathons - Buried on Sunday, Twitch City, Double Happiness, what-fucking-ever, and they can be crossovers if you like. Go wild.

You don't have to offer more than one fandom or set of characters to write in. It just makes my life easier if you offer lots.

When you receive your assignment, it's your choice which pairing to use, and which character is the sender. For example, if your assignment is RayK/Stella, you can either write a card from Ray to Stella, or from Stella to Ray. You don't have to write a drippy romantic card. (I mean, is Joe going to send hearts and flowers to Billy, or just a scrawled, "Be my fucking valentine!"?)

To sign up, send email to me at with C6DVD in the subject line. Please use the following template. (Don't worry about the boldface, which I'm just using for clarity. Plain text email is actually preferable for me.)
LJ name: If you have an lj, give your username (whether or not you use another service primarily). If you don't have an lj, just write 'none'.
Mailing address: Where to send the card, including your name or pseud if necessary.
I'd like: 1-4 requests, in the format: Fandom: Character A/Character B.
I'll write: All fandoms you're willing to write, with pairing and character limitations. Please be generous, as it will make matching easier. It's only 100 words!
Special considerations: Let me know if you have any special issues. For example, if you won't send a card internationally (otherwise I am assuming everyone will), or if you won't write certain themes, or don't want to receive certain themes.

Here's an example:
LJ name: isiscolo
Mailing address: ISIS, 333 My Real Street, City, Colorado 81301
I'd like: due South: RayK/Maggie, due South: Ray/Ray, Slings and Arrows: Geoffrey/Ellen, due South: Richard/anybody
I'll write: due South: any combination of RayK, RayV, Fraser; Turnbull/Frannie, Welsh/Frannie, RayV/Stella
Slings and Arrows: Geoffrey/Ellen, Anna/Nahum, Anna/Richard, Anna/Maria
RPS: Any combination of Hugh, Callum, Molly
Wilby Wonderful: Buddy/Carol, Buddy/Sandra, Duck/Dan
Double Happiness: Mark/Jade
Special considerations: I don't want any explicit smut.

If something isn't clear and you want to ask a question, feel free to ask in a comment or by email.

I will send you an ack as soon as I receive your sign-up. If you don't get one, please comment here so we can figure out which of us has the overactive spam-trapper, and make sure we're on each other's whitelist.

If you sign up, you are committing to participate. Anyone who drops out without notifying me will not be allowed to participate in any future cardathon I run. If you absolutely must drop out, email me as soon as possible.

You do not need to friend me to participate, as the cardathon will be run by email. However, if you want to see announcements, just track my 'cardathon' tag.

hcl, canadiana, s&a, rpf, cardathon, wilby, due south

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