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Comments 19

painless_j November 27 2006, 01:06:42 UTC
Oh! Do you think I would like Heroes? My home video server has 8 episodes and I'm wondering if I should watch them.


isiscolo November 27 2006, 01:13:27 UTC
Well, I don't know what you like. Hmm. As I say, it is very fragmented, and the main characters don't actually even begin to meet each other until several episodes in.

There are some very cute and perhaps slashable men. Hiro is an adorable geeky Japanese guy, Mohinder and Isaac are tremendously sexy.


painless_j November 27 2006, 01:24:25 UTC
Hmmm. I think I can download the first one and see if at least I like what it looks like visually.


i_naiad November 27 2006, 01:37:12 UTC
The writers have said that they are working on story "pods" which are, I believe, mid-length (in terms of a season) plot arcs. So Save the Cheerleader was the first pod and now that that has been achieved, they'll move on to the second pod. At a guess I'd say that will be New York blowing up, but it could be Sylar.

I've also seen some talk, and this is speculation, that they are possibly looking at it in terms of traditional comic plotting where there is an A, B and C plot. Then, as the A plot is resolved the B plot becomes the A plot, C becomes B and a new C is introduced, and so on.

I like both of those concepts a lot. Particularly as, if they follow one of these ideas, it means we will be getting answers to some of our questions along the way, even if there are new questions as well. Of course, I'm really enjoying the pacing and the fragmented nature of the show. The longer the build the better the climax, you know? (...that wasn't meant to sound quite so dirty)


isiscolo November 27 2006, 02:56:05 UTC
Oh, cool. I agree that the pacing and the fragmentation, while at first irritating, are now the source of my enjoyment!

The thing is, while the plots can rise and be resolved in the A/B/C manner, I worry that once the characters have all met there will be less of a sense of discovery and coolness. But it is definitely looking like each person is continuing to operate alone, even when they have met, so that hopefully the, um, "non-ensemble" feel will continue.


i_naiad November 28 2006, 00:16:49 UTC
I agree. I'm not sure that they will have them all meet judging by the way things seems to be moving and, actually if they do all meet, I could see them continuing to leave those interactions fleeting except with perhaps a core few. Maybe Peter, Claire, Hiro and Matt, the ones who have embraced the powers and want some support and understanding.

One thing that intrigues me is the list that Mohinder found. It's quite long and not all of the people on it are deceased, so there are obviously a lot of 'supers' out there for us to meet. I wouldn't be surprised if they use some of them as minor characters to keep that sense of discovery rolling. I also think that we'll see more shades of grey in future episodes and I won't be surprised if one of our Heroes ends up on the wrong side, so to speak.


shayheyred November 27 2006, 02:56:53 UTC
I commented to some people recently that Heroes seems more like a long miniseries than a series, and that I feared they wouldn't be able to keep the tension and thread going too long presenting it this way. So you and I are very much on the same wavelength.


isiscolo November 27 2006, 02:59:46 UTC
Hee, we are twins! I hope they transcend our hopes and fears, because damn, it's really good so far. I did feel as though the "save the cheerleader" conclusion was a little anticlimatic, though, maybe because there was no direct obvious link to saving the world. I do think they need a few really big emotional wows scattered through the season.

That icon never fails to give me the giggles.


rubyrosered November 27 2006, 05:01:35 UTC
I completely see where you're coming from. I'm loving the show, but I have a small nagging worry about where it's headed. I guess that might be based on past disappointments with other shows. Also, the whole 'coincidence' thing sort of makes me feel off-kilter but the more it happens the more I appreciate it. Their approach is definitely very different from the typical tv series and we can only hope they'll be able to overcome those sorts of hurdles.

One thing that's changed my perspective a little is the introduction of new characters. At first I thought there was a small, core group that were going to be the 'Heroes', but now I'm starting to realize there are a lot more potentials out there, so it's possible that they'll never all intersect, as new characters and new plots can be introduced at any time.

So far, so good, I suppose. I'm looking forward to seeing where they take us!


isiscolo November 27 2006, 18:29:06 UTC
I wonder, though - they can't just introduce new characters indefinitely and expect us to care about all of them. (or pay all the actors :-) There are already an awful lot of characters, enough that each episode omits several. Are they going to kill off any known ones?


wychwood November 27 2006, 07:22:47 UTC
Kring has said that they have five years of story planned out, at the moment; that doesn't necessarily mean that it will continue to work for that long, but they've at least thought about it *g*.

I agree; I like the fact that we still have all these independent stories going on. It's not your average show structure, but it's certainly intriguing!


isiscolo November 27 2006, 18:30:31 UTC
Heh, so what happens if their ratings go down and they're forced to cancel before the story finishes? I predict lots of fanfiction in that case to tie up the loose ends!


wychwood November 27 2006, 18:40:05 UTC
Could be! Or you get a B5 effect, where a five-year arc ended up with the late third and fourth years really packed with story, because they got cancelled. (Although it was then renewed for a fifth season, which had other problems to do with the fact that they'd used most of the story arcs!) B5 shows that it is possible to sustain this kind of arcing over the duration, but it's very difficult to do successfully.

Hopefully they'll keep doing what they've been doing so far, and resolving some storylines as they go along, as well as sustaining longer ones and creating more new ones. People complain a lot about X-Files and Lost not "playing fair" with pay-offs, and I'm hoping that Heroes does better. And the initial high popularity will, hopefully, protect the show for long enough that it can find its feet. Assuming that the execs don't go crazy, but that can be a wild assumption...


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