fanvids for fans who don't like vids

May 30, 2006 21:09

Or at least, for me. As I've mentioned before, I don't really like most fanvids. This is partly because I am not hugely musically oriented (and I am not familiar with a lot of modern popular music), and partly because I crave narrative in my media. I like stories that tell stories. I get distracted by experimental formats. So frequently I look at vids and think, "hmm, nice music, pretty pictures, *yawn*, so what?" Vids I like tend to be either humorous or have a clear and obvious message. Subtlety is generally lost on me.

I should point out that partly because of this, I don't generally download vids unless they're by someone I know, or someone who has made another vid I like, or if they're recced to me, or if they are in a small fandom I'm heavily into. So particularly in SGA, this rec set is a very small fraction of what's out there.

Please note that the rec links go either to an lj post linking the vid, or to the vidder's webpage, so you may have to scroll around a bit to find the link.


Stress by The Clucking Belles (wickedwords and sherrold) | Rodney character piece, humor. I especially loved the use of repetition, fast cuts, and OMG the use of the WRAITH, hee! [previously recced]

Xanadu by barkley | Ensemble, crossover with Xanadu, humor. Totally cool and totally wacko. I especially liked the segue into Elizabeth's appearance in Before I Sleep - that's the point at which I mentally went, "oh YEAH!" Like Olivia's passing the torch of Atlantis to Elizabeth, to entirely mangle a metaphor.

Rumble by Shalott and Speranza (astolat and cesperanza) | Ensemble humor. West Side Story retold in the SGA-verse. Hilarious.

Hello by merryish | Ensemble. I interpreted this as Atlantis and the Ancients "speaking" across time to the Earth team, although I guess you could consider it John/Atlantis - I saw it as much more of a team thing, though. [ Email merryish @ for password.]

Cartoon Heroes by mamoru22 | Ensemble, crossover with SG1. This one is cool because it uses clips from behind-the-scene specials - it's kind of a meta-vid about the creation of the shows we watch.

Jolene by z_rayne | Rodney/John, John/Chaya, angst, humor. This was made for the Lord King Bad Vid contest - it's all overdone earnestness and angst, which somehow makes it absolutely hilarious.

She's a Rebel by Sin (sinden) | Teyla character piece. Homage to a strong woman.

Not to Hold by Danvers (sdraevn) | Rodney/John, angst. The combination of sad music and lots of shots of Rodney looking wistful is wonderful.

due South:

Icebound Stream by sisabet | Fraser/Victoria, angst. The intercut footage of arctic scenes and polar bears is really cool.

So Broken by Danvers (sdraevn) | Fraser/Victoria, angst. I think the choice of clips and the way they are put together is even better in this fanvid than in Icebound Stream. However, Bjork's singing is almost painful to my ears, especially the close-to-screaming parts. It's a beautiful vid, and the music is appropriate, I guess, but I can't stand the singing.

O Canada by heuradys | Ensemble, crossover with Men With Brooms, humor. Curling! Beavers! CANADA! This is great, and the editorial comments are priceless.

Hard Core Logo:

So Much For My Happy Ending by Jade (jadesfire101) | Joe/Billy, angst. The song works extraordinarily well with the subject matter. I liked the timing with the gunshot, the punches, the kiss etc and the nice intercuts of them playing. [previously recced]

One Night in Copenhagen by heuradys | John Oxenberger character piece. This really captures John's lunacy and emotional lability. Plus, one can only watch so many depressing Joe-centric vids (all with the clip of you-know-what) - it was refreshing to see something else.

Harry Potter:

I'm Too Sexy by Pete the Bum | Snape and others, humor. This is a pretty old one, but it still cracks me up.

All these recs will be added to HieroglyFICS: recs (which has all my lj recs to date now).

recs:sga, recs:vids, recs:due south, recs:hp, recs, recs:hcl

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