something for everyone, a festathon tonight!

Mar 22, 2006 11:44

Clearly most people just skip over my due South recs, because nobody mocked me about my WIP in that last post, so in an effort to get my foflist to actually read my posts I am jumbling up all sorts of fandoms here, and multifandom things as well.

Two multifandom festathons are taking sign-ups now:

You can choose your own car-related prompt at highwaymiles. Stories are due April 30 and can be het, slash,or gen, porny or non-porny, and there are a huge set of fandom-specific (over 60 fandoms!), crossover, and general (song-lyric based) prompts to choose from. I've already chosen one prompt, the Wilby Wonderful/Hard Core Logo crossover, and am considering taking another.

And svmadelyn is doing a second annual edition of the Cuff 'Em, Vamp 'Em, Just Make Them Come Already, Kink and Cliche Multi-Fandom Challenge. You pick a list: Kink, Cliché, or eliade's list of fannish Kinks, Tropes, and Clichés, and you'll be assigned three possible prompts for writing or art, of which two will come from the list you choose. I think. Stories are due May 15th.

I don't need to add that I am anxiously, anxiously, bated-breath-anxiously waiting for the remixredux stories to go up, which argh! are being delayed until Saturday! How will I stand it?!?! Also anxiously awaiting a second beta on the first revision of the WW/dS xover.

Here are some recs in my scattered current fandoms:

SGA: Things to do in Denver When You're Dead by Speranza (cesperanza) | Sheppard/McKay, NC17, novelette. Rodney and John slowly connect with each other while back on Earth. As usual for her stories, this is well-written, and I like that the characterization of Rodney comes through without him being obnoxious or rudely arrogant. I also liked her emotionally distant John. The one bit that continually nagged at me, though, is that this story depends on Rodney's relative dislike of and ignorance of football, and I can't buy that, based on Hide and Seek. Speranza tries to rationalize e.g. Rodney's mention that Flutie went to Canada, but this particular point really did interfere with my enjoyment of the story. On the other hand, she deserves full credit for getting the Colorado (and other! I love authors who research!) details right. Although the CU Buffs are probably better than the Denver Broncos.

due South: Truth in Advertising by xanphibian | Fraser/RayK, PG13, short story. Cute and funny; Ray and Fraser are ostensibly talking about one thing but really talking about something else, which is a story device that never gets old, in my book. I like the very close Ray POV.

Wilby Wonderful: untitled ficlet by calathea | Duck/Dan, PG, ficlet. The summary is: They fought for the first time sixty-seven days after Dan left the hospital, but the story never explicitly describes the fight. Instead the fight is shown as negative ground, almost, as the hole around which the other events are woven. It's gentle and in keeping with the feel of the movie, and I especially like that Duck's capacity for violence and his "dark past" are alluded to, because that doesn't make it into a lot of Wilby stories.

Oh, and speaking of recs, after nearly two and a half years of excellent stewardship, thistle_chaser has turned over recsrainbow to a new moderator. recsrainbow is a wonderful resource; anyone who recs either in a recs journal or on a website (including is welcome to join up. Member sites are listed in a sidebar and updates are posted on the journal. HieroglyFICS: recs gets lots of hits from there, so if you're a reccer in any fandom, consider joining - and if you're looking for recs in any fandom, consider friending recsrainbow.

festathons, sga, due south, recs:wilby, recs:sga, recs, recs:due south, wilby

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