Mar 22, 2006 10:47

Ok, y'all! Here we go! Over 250 prompts in over *sixty* fandoms. Awesome, awesome. We totally rock.

The way it's going to work is this:

The fandoms are listed alphabetically (well. As close as I could get, and with over sixty fandoms, please dont comment to tell me I cant spell. I was CLOSE, people, ok?) *g*

There are two seperate sections that are at the very bottom of the list that arent in alphabetical order: Crossovers and General.

Every prompt has it's own seperate number, from 1 to 254

When you comment to claim, PLEASE put as the very first thing in your comment the number you are taking and the corresponding fandom. If it's one of the general quotes, just say general, if its a crossover, just say crossover. Then, UNDER that, anything you'd like to add, details, questions, anything else, go right ahead and let me know. It will just make my life SO MUCH EASIER to be able to skim quick, grab your number, and then go in and cross off the prompt if that's right there at the top, ok?

Second, I'd love to try and have only one person per prompt, but really, if our time zones are off, you're still sleeping, actually *working* right now, etc, and you DESPERATELY WANT something that's claimed, just let me know. I'm very, very easy *g*

Also, since people might claim things when I'm not around, before you comment if you could maybe just scan the comments that I havent responded to yet. That means that I havent gotten to take them off the list, and if you see someone wants #57 and you kinda wanted #57, maybe look to see if #59 would be just as good. Again, I'm not saying it's not allowed, but this is all about flooding the world with LOTS OF DIFFERENT car porn. Mix it up a little!

This post will be open through the end of the week and then there will be the official starting post on Monday 3/27. Stories can be posted anytime from that day through 4/30 and can be posted to your lj, or here, whichever is easier for you. If you choose to post in your lj, please make sure to come back here and link us to it so we can all read, ok?

All right! Ready, everyone?


1. Murdock gets the Corvette in a fender bender, Face is mad. Whatever happens - takes place in/on the car.

Alias Smith and Jones

2. Heyes and Curry in the back of a buckboard wagon

Angel: the Series

3. Angel/Lindsey - Angel really wants to say goodbye to him (up against his pickup truck) in the ep 'Dead End' (the ep that Lindsey leaves) killerweasel

4. Gunn's truck has seen a lot of action. kbk

5. Wesley borrows Gunn's truck without asking.

6. Angel has a thing for convertibles.

7. Angel and Spike fight about that Viper with the necro-tempered glass. Each has their own nefarious purposes in mind for that morning.

8. Doyle's driving himself and Angel, and dents Angel's convertible.

9. Angel and Wes in the backseat of the GTX convertible.

10. Spike and Angel and the Italian scooter from the season 5 episode in Rome.

11. Lindsey (masquerading as Doyle in Ats s5) gives Spike a ride to save someone that Lindsey "saw" in a false vision.

12. Angel/Lindsey - It's dawn, the sun is rising. Angel is caught outside - will Lindsey let him in his truck, or will he watch him burn? killerweasel

Arrested Development

13. Stair-car porn! Or, if you want to get really tricky, Segway (GOB's scooter) porn!

Battlestar Galactica

14. Lee and Kara, Viper, angry

15. Sex in a Viper as an initiation merfilly

Black Hawk Down

16. Eversmann 'initiates' Blackburn to Ranger life in one of the Black Hawks idiosyncratic

17. Two words: Humvee sex.

Blade Trinity

18. Hannibal/Abby - After a good fight, the two need to release steam, on top of a dusted vamps car. cukecumber


19. Boothe and Hodges in Hodges' Mini Cooper. With humor, because how could that NOT be funny sparky77

Boondock Saints

20. The twins steal a car during a getaway & get distracted.

Brokeback Mountain

21. Jack and Ennis stealing kisses and groping each other in a stock trailer nickeyb

22. Jack & Ennis in Jack's beat up Ford pickup. foxxcub

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

23. Xander is a stowaway in Oz's van. Maybe it's Devon who discovers him.

24. Citroen breaks down. Oz gives Giles a ride.

25. Buffy/Cordelia, season two or three, drive to the woods wildrosesings

26. Buffy, Spike and Angel are driving from L.A. to Sunnydale, Angel's driving, Buffy and Spike are in the backseat and Spike initiates sexual contact. Up to writer whether Angel is forced to watch & listen or if he joins in. Apart from Buffy/Spike, there could be Buffy/Spike/Angel or Spike/Angel. impertinence

27. Giles is hurt on patrol and has to let Xander drive him home in his shiny red sportscar (s5 and on).

28. Xander and Spike wash the DeSoto

29. Xander and Cordelia parking in Cordy's car.

30. Immediately post-Chosen, while everyone who isn't in the hospital is sleeping it off at a motel, someone has schoolbus sex. Anybody would do, but bonus points for a wild Giles/Buffy/Faith threesome that winds up with several seats broken and/or ripped right out of the bus. :) ishtaritu

31. Devon details Oz's van to make it up to him (whatever he's making up for is writer's choice).

32. Ethan comes up with a car-related spell (what better way to get at Americans than through their automobiles?). Pair with whatever Buffyverse male -- author's choice.

33. Season 4 Xander and Oz in Xander's Ice Cream truck.

34. Spike and Xander on the motorcycle.

35. Spike and Xander in the backseat of the DeSoto. Or Xander bent over the hood of the DeSoto. Or anywhere within the vicinity of the DeSoto. *g

36. Spike/Xander - roadtrip in the DeSoto, sharing the backseat at bedtime. entrenous88

37. Spike/Xander - repairing the DeSoto. Xander had never imagined Spike as the greasemonkey type, but when he slides out from under the car... hooboy! mirasol

38. Spike/Xander. AU. When Xander's car died before his roadtrip barely got started, guess who offered him a lift? spikedluv


39. Gil and Greg, a short but intense argument, pulling over in the middle of nowhere, doing it fast and rough while half-outside, half-inside the vehicle. shihadchick


40. Robin (any of them) gets hurt; Bruce is sure there's a first aid kit somewhere in the Batmobile. thisispurgatory

41. Bruce catches Jason stealing the tires off the Batmobile.

42. Cass wants to understand Steph and/or Tim's fondness for cars. Porn ensues

43. Tim Drake (Robin)/anyone you want - All I want is somebody on the bike with Tim, while on patrol or coming home from patrol, and there needs to be enough fondling of the Tim, who is of course driving, that he comes in his pants. Yay!

Due South

44. RayK being frisked against a car with his hands behind his head. ifreet

45. RayK has sex with Stella in the Pontiac

46. RayV has sex with anyone in his car, cause he's young and it's the only place he's got

47. Ray hand-polishing his black 1967 Pontiac GTO.

48. Cabinfic. Ray fixes Fraser's old Jeep/tunes up the skidoos

49. RayK and Fraser are lying on the hood of his car, watching the northern lights. cathybites

50. RayK bent over under the hood, working on the engine. In jeans. strangecobwebs

51. Ray and Fraser never seem to make it OUT of the GTO.

52. Two men. One stakeout.

53. Ray and Fraser in a Humvee up north, stuck in a snowstorm. mrsronweasley

54. RayK & Stella's first time, in the back seat of her father's car

55. Fraser livens up a boring stakeout by giving RayK a blowjob in the front seat of the GTO.

56. RayK catches Fraser oogling his ass when he's bent over the GTO, checking...fluids, tire pressure, whatever, and Fraser must face the 'consequences' of his actions akite

57. Vecchio/Kowalski are partners, keep fighting over which of their cars is hotter, end up fucking in the back of the Riv AND the GTO rhythmsextion

58. Fraser keeps coming to help Ray fix his car on Saturdays then goes home and jerks off to Ray all sweaty and dirty and butch. hyperfocused

59. All the action the backseat of Ray Kowalski's GTO has seen lordessrenegade

60. Ray K and Fraser, in the car, on the drive up to Sault Sainte Marie OR the drive back to Chicago (during and after Mounty on the Bounty). sageness

Dukes of Hazzard

61. Bo and Luke go skinnydipping, then get busy on the sun-warmed hood of the General Lee

62. Bo and Luke handcuffed together in the back of a squad car, left alone for an indeterminate amount of time.


63. Eric/Vince, Vince is dressed as Aquaman and dripping all over the Hummer. moosesal


64. River decides to take a flyer out on her own. Without telling anyone. Hijinx ensue. Either Jayne is sent to bring her in, or Mal goes himself. Uhh, for the perviest of us, maybe some p0rn. Or just suggestive behavior on River's part misspamela

65. Kaylee/somebody in the mule (either the flying or non-flying one).

Fullmetal Alchemist

66. Someone is being chauffeured.

67. Alfons takes Ed for a ride.

68. Scar steals a truck.


69. Garett Maggart - rides his bike around Richard Burgi's block over and over again (because it's what Duckie did in Pretty in Pink when he really really likes someone.)

70. Garett Maggart - his sad, sad 1983 Volkswagen bug keeps breaking down and Fiona won't pick him up anymore, and he has to call Richard for a jumpstart. sassyinkpen

71. Garett Maggart - sneaks away at Moonridge to jerk off in Richard Burgi's car, while Richard is actioning off owls.

Gilmore Girls

72. Prius porn!

73. Luke/Lorelai in the limo from the episode... ummm... I think it was either How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod? or Blame Booze and Melville.

Good Omens

74. "One owner from new, and that owner was him"

75. There's a reason Crowley loves his big, roomy Bentley. sehkmetenkare

76. "It would take a lot to faze a copper from the Met.
It would take, for example, a huge, battered car that was nothing more nor less than a fireball, a blazing, roaring, twisted metal lemon from Hell, driven bvy a grinning lunatic in sunglasses, sitting amid the flames, trailing thick black smoke, coming straight at them through the lashing rain and the wind at eighty miles per hour.
That would do it every time." (apologies for length - you don't have to use the actual quote, just the concept.)

77. "I mean, it's not the kind of thing you don't notice, your car being on fire." theenginedriver

78. Crowley takes Aziraphale for a spin in the Bentley... over the Atlantic ocean

Hard Core Logo

79. Joe. Billy. Van sex.

80. A list of times Joe and Billy have had sex in a car/van, beginning with the first time they have sex ever, and ending with one of the last times estrella30

Harry Potter

81. Draco and Harry discover the Ford Angelina (?) in the Forbidden Forest. Year your choice. edie22


82. Cory, Amanda and Duncan in their "Bonny&Claid" days. Why did Duncan continued to dig them up even after he talled them that he wouldn`d do it.

83. Methos was probably the first man in history to have sex in the back seat of a car. eleanorb

84. Duncan/Fitz, 1930's or 40's (this may be pretty AU, I can't remember what Duncan was doing exactly during that period, canonically), countryside joyride, bickering (of course ;)

Homicide: Life on the Street

85. Cavalier porn! thepurpleswitch


86. House and Wilson break in the pretty red mob car ficklemuse

87. The convertible, a conference and those free pens doctors get with the drug names on them

88. Wilson in the "bitch seat" of House's motorcycle.

89. House learns to ride a motorcycle for the first time since the infarction.

Invisible Man

90. Bobby/Darien. The van breaks down. AGAIN. bethcarielle

91. Quicksilver Madness, Darien, and a limo


92. Jeremiah and Marcus in the jeep

Knight Rider

93. Michael Knight/KITT wank fic

Life on Mars

94. Sam blows Gene in his car.

95. Gene gets rough with Sam - as he's wont to do - and then gets a bit more 'physical' with him on the hood of the car. sarcasticmissy

Little Britain

96. Sebastian and Gregory are fooling around (snark, please!) in the back of PM Michael's campaign bus. They get caught by a rather put-out PM (who may decide to join in the fun). Or Michael and Gregory are caught by Sebastian. Etc.

Man from UNCLE

97. Illya/Napoleon in a hot air ballon. There are monkeys. laughingacademy


98. Hawkeye and Trapper and a jeep.

Men With Brooms

99. So what if Amy's pickup does look like a giant, bright red, phallic symbol? (Wanna makes something of it?)

100. Cutter and his black 1965 Chevy Impala. katrin

My Life As A Dog

101. Johnny and his light blue 1964 Plymouth Valiant convertible.

The Mummy 2

102. Remember that car that the mummies walk over and crushed in the movie. What if Rick and Evey christian the car?

Nash Bridges

103. What is it about Nash's bright-yellow 1970 Hemi 'Cuda that drives the ladies wild?


104. Tony shows Gibbs how to handle his mustang.

105. Gibbs's mystery woman in the car...what's the story there?

106. Gibbs driving really fast makes DiNozzo a way not easily hidden. capecodgirl

107. Tony washing his Mustang in the style of "Lucille" from Cool Hand Luke with or without an audience cpwatcher


108. Don lets Charlie drive the SUV so he can get practice on his learner's permit. strifechaos

109. Larry takes Megan for a ride in his new classic.

110. Charlie learning to parallel park as taught by Don or Colby. kyouichi

Oceans 11 or 12

111. Rusty/car sathinks

Oceans 12

112. Terry and Linus in Terry's car in Chiacago when Terry is rounding up the previous 11. jayest

Philadelphia Story

113. Dexter and Mike, tipsy, in a convertible, whenever. nickeyb

Pretty In Pink

114. Summer, post-grad; Iona's ditched her yuppie boyfriend and left the record store in Andie's hands, and borrowed the pink car (I know it's a Karmann Ghia, so what?) to go on a road trip. Duckie's hitchhiking. They meet.

Prison Break

115. Michael and Lincoln escape from Fox River. Getaway car sex ensues.


116. Bodie has a new car and just has to "christen" it. carodee


117. Pullo/Cleopatra in her litter


118. Max/? Heh. Prolly not on the list, but Dude. Teh topless Jeep. Stick shift in the way and hot alien!sex? finishedlast


119. Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki RPS - Jared toys with Jensen between scenes in the car while on set, be as porny as one likes.

120. Hugh Laurie and Robert Leonard play in the pretty red mob car on the set of House

121. Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki - The boys go shopping for a car feliz581

122. Jensen Ackles steals the Impala and shows Jared Padalecki what the back seat is really for. kennedy_bowman

123. Jon Stewart and George Clooney, while sharing a ride on the way to an Oscar afterparty, tell their driver to take his time. bkm5191

124. Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman while on their road trip, motorcycle, head.

125. Paul Gross, a starry night, in a canoe, alone. (Pushing the definitions, here, but what the heck.)

126. Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles on the hood of the Impala twitchy_kris

127. They have five or six Impalas on set. Jared and Jensen feel the need to try out all of them. storydivagirl

128. Jeffrey Dean Morgan/anybody and that black pickup. azewewish

129. Michael Rosenbaum/Tom Welling/Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki - Michael's pimped out van that was on MTV Cribs violetsmiles

130. David Boreanz/Christian Kane in Lindsey's truck on the set after shooting 'Dead End'. RPS, but they are still in character ... sorta. ghostrunner7

131. Jensen/Jared/Tom/Mike - the four of them out on the town, very drunk so they decide to sleep it off in the car and blowjobs happen. edie22

132. Callum Keith Rennie/Hugh Dillon - Silent sex in the Headstones tour bus while everyone else is sleeping. (Preferably first time.) brooklinegirl

133. Christian Kane/Jensen Ackles. Jensen's stuck somewhere and calls on Chris. Someone, for the love of all that is HOLY, put Chris in a beat up, mud-crusted truck. Seriously. idiosyncratic

134. Christian Kane and Jensen Ackles OR David Boreanaz. Chris loves his old truck. It's... roomy. khohen1135. Rosenbaum/Welling, Shaggin' Wagon porn. Mmmm. Sex in the van!

Stargate: Atlantis

136. Sheppard/Ronon - Sheppard brings Ronon to Earth and teaches him the fun of going at it in the backseat of a car. annalazarus

137. Rodney/John - puddlejumper sex (it's the SGA equivalent of a car, okay? *g*). yavannauk

138. John helps Rodney perform regularly scheduled maintenance on the jumper.

139. If you think hard enough, a bed will pop out of the seat in a puddle jumper and the Ancients' equivalent of Barry White will play. Any character combo will do. svmadelyn

140. John teaches Rodney how to fly the jumper.

Stargate: SG-1

141. Jack helps Daniel to break in his new car.

142. Teal`c learns to drive. His first lesson!

143. Jack's F150, by the side of the road, just before the apocalypse medie

144. Team porn set during the episode 1969. They were stuck in that van with those hippies for like, a week. Teal'c must have asked what a 69 was eventually. gileswench


145. Clark/Lex - an interesting Limo ride to a party

146. Clark and Lex go the drive-in! Sex ensues. feliz581

147. Lex and Clark drive around Metropolis looking for a bar that Lex went to once, maybe. He can't remember, but he knows it's there somewhere. Sex ensues. mskatej

148. Clark saves Lex/finds Lex in a perilous situation and has to drive him home in his truck. They start arguing and Clark crashes the truck (although not badly - Lex isn't hurt). Then they have angry truck sex.

149. Chloe/Jason - Jason uses one of Lex's car & takes Chloe for a ride! medie

150. Jason/Clark - Takes place in Pariah when the 'mummy' guy is attacking Jason -in his car- & Clark saves him

151. Clex down and dirty fucking bent over the hood of a car, with one person coming on the car. kristiinthedark

152. Chloe/Clark - in her red Volkswagon Beetle...

153. Lex and a scarlet Ferrari.

154. Clark/Chloe, sex in the truck after doing some Superman-type thing that turned her on. medie

155. Centurion Lex's chariot loses a wheel. Slave Kent helps fix it.

156. Jason/Lex, Clark - Lex goes at it with Jason in a car, knowing that Clark is watching. khohen1Sports Night

157. Dan and Casey take a roadtrip. Porn ensues

Star Wars

158. Anakin explains pod racing to Obi-Wan. dirty_diana


159. Dean makes Sam his bitch (or the other way around =P) in the stolen car from Scarecrow. veradeath

160. Sam handcuffs dean to the steering wheel and has his wicked way. sathinks

161. Sam/Dean - sex on the back seat of the Impala - bonus points for humorous observations concerning Sam's overabundance in the leg department leading to dents and or having to leave the door open so he doesn't kick the window out. expastic

162. The Impala breaks down and Dean doesn't have the repair money amethystshard

163. Dean (or Dean and Sam's) first roadtrip in the Impala without Dad mcee

164. Hitchhiking adventures-- Sam or Dean, any reasons-- fight between the boys, Imapala breaks down, runs out of gas causing them to have to hitchhike alone or together. Just hitchhiking. audrarose

165. Sam's choices in music jwynn

166. Sam discovers something Dean keeps in the trunk of the Impala that he'd never expected. sylph_ironlight

167. Sam says the Impala is too distinctive and will have to go!!!! khohen1168. Sam/Dean, hood of the Impala, except Dean bitches at Sam for coming on his car. iamtheenemy

169. Dean has to get to *insert state* to meet Sam and kill an *insert demon* when the Impala breaks down in the middle of nowhere. The only garage in 200 miles doesn't take credit cards, and Dean's only currency is $2 in change and his 'pretty mouth'. scribblinlenore

170. The Impala becomes possessed (again) trapping Dean and Sam inside. Sex ensues. maggiebloome

171. Dean and Sam investigate mysterious happenings at a small town make-out spot where local teens like to park. They get caught making out (or pretending too) in the backseat. elmo_loves_me

172. Dean/Amy - the cop he mentions at the beginning of Shadows. How did Dean get all that information? And find out about her tattoo?

173. Sam and Dean locked in the back of a police car. Either it's dark or they're left alone for a while. crazy4qaf

174. Dean/some supernatural critter. Dean picks up a hottie at a bar; little does he know it's not what he thinks it is and it's up to Sam to save the day. Het or slash welcome, any rating. impertinence

175. Sam + Dean + random-girl-they're-helping. Car chase, quick escape, threesome. ink_stain

176. Something possesses the Impala. Dean gets noticeably upset. Naturally etben

177. Dean/Car. No, I don't mean sex with the tailpipe, I'm thinking more along the lines of Dean waxing his car, getting turned on, and jerking off. kbk

178. Sam/self, watching Dean so I don't care when, but preferably before Sam goes to college. Dean gets a new car, Sam is pissed at how Dean's using it to get all the tail in high school's attention, follows him to find out how he 'works' his mojo, gets too caught up and watches Dean screw anything you want in the car. without_me

179. Sam/other, possible Sam/Dean - so fuck Dean always having sex in the Impala on the road, Sam wants to have a go in the backseat. Point is, Dean catches him. Hijinks, or retroactive fucking, insue. impertinence

180. Sam/Dean, or gen, or whatever - Dean manages to get himself hand-cuffed/tied to the door of the Impala. Sam doesn't think he should get him loose quite yet. Quite yet would be hilarious if it were a couple of days. Bonus points if Dean gets free and manages to cuff/tie Sam back. la_folle_allure

Amomaxia Making love in a parked car- Sex in a parked car- Gettin' busy in a parked car- Winsexin' in teh!Impala tvm

Teen Titans

181. Robin "borrows" another Batmobile and gives one of his teammates a ride (your choice). Sex ensues. thisispurgatory

The O.C.

182. Seth/Ryan - This would be set after episode one of season two...rather than flying home, Seth & Ryan rent a car and Seth tries to "comfort" Ryan at a rest stop. strifechaos

183. Seth/Ryan - Ryan's stuck on the side of the road, Seth picks him up. yeats

184. Ryan/Seth or Ryan/Summer in a stolen car in Chino

The Sentinel

185. Blair goes down on Jim in Jim's truck sunglow66

186. Jim takes Blair up against Sweetheart. moonglow11066

187. Stop spilling herbal tea in the damned truck, Sandburg! sassyinkpen

188. Why did Jim (& Blair) need an Expedition, anyway?

189. Blair shows Jim why the Corvair's a classic.

190. Blair scratches the truck maaaaa

191. Blair gets lost in the Volvo, jerks off while waiting for Jim to find him. Gets caught admiralandrea

192. Blair lying on the hood of his Corvair, naked... _suziq_

Velvet Goldmine

193. Curt and Arthur in a limo (no Brian).

Veronica Mars

194. Veronica/Weevil, in a stolen car... either Weevil stole it and V caught him, or he *had* to steal it to get them away from whatever piecesofalice

195. Veronica + weevil + weevil's motorcycle

196. Veronica catches Logan and Hannah in Logan's jeep.

197. Veronica watches Logan/Weevil on Weevil's bike! brandil

198. Veronica and Logan finish what they started in the X-terra from "Normal is the Watchword." scoured

199. Weevil teaches Veronica how to ride his "big old hog" (his motorcycle). That's a quote from an episode :)

200. Mac/Veronica or Mac/Cassidy or Mac/whoever in Mac's Beetle.

West Wing

201. A missing scene from 20 Hours in America aka that one where Josh, Donna and Toby have to make their way back to DC after getting left in Iowa

202. Delores Landingham and her favorite car, whatever it may be

203. On the campaign bus, Josh/Matt

204. Josh had always wanted her to sit on his lap as they drove somewhere, and finally, it was happening

Wilby Wonderful

205. Duck doesn't actually live in his truck, but he could. honey_babes

206. Dan's car breaks down. Duck goes to get him. maryavatar

207. Buddy and Carol on a date, possibly in his patrol car.

208. Emily and Taylor in Taylor's Jeep.

209. Dan and Duck take a roadtrip across Canada to visit his family out west.


210. ERIC and CHARLES (Magneto and Professor X) penknife

211. Eric Lensherr and Magda (his wife)
sorry, just had to ask

212. This would had to be in the early 1950's or late 1940's. Maybe background on how Anya was concieved. Would take place in Ukraine, and the car probaly not belong to them, as they were poor.

213. Eric Lensherr and his Brazillian Beauty Isabelle in Argentina. She never gets enough written about her. Take place 1970s??

Young Americans

214. motorbike/Hamilton/Jake carodee


215. due south and supernatural: Ray K and Dean discussing cars. And having sex, quite possibly. Feel free to mess with timelines any way you need to crazybutsound

216. Alias/Smallville - Sark/Lex and a very expensive sports car. moosesal

217. NCIS/Stargate- Daniel's rental car in Washington D.C broke down in the outskirts of the city and Anthony DiNozzo picks him up. skripka

218. Supernatural/Smallville - Chloe/Dean - Chloe is hitchhiking (her car broke down & Clark is busy with Lex) & who should drive by to pick her up...Dean of course! darci_marie

219. Angel/QAF Wesley and Brian, future AU, set maybe 2 years after QAF finale. Wesley, back from the dead, is stranded on the side of a small highway, Brian, on his way to visit Justin, drives by and picks him up.

220. BtVS/Highlander Spike/Methos, post-Quickening shag, set somewhere in the past. They meet in a bar, then do it in the parking lot, in one of their cars. Up to you whether Methos knows/learns Spike is a vampire.

221. Sentinel/Fast and the Furious Simon looking for undercover cop to go in races in cascade. Rafe, Sandburg or Megan or any combination of the three has some history with races

222. Good Omens/BtVS - Spike and De Soto meet Crowley and Bentley.

223. Wilby Wonderful/Hard Core Logo - Duck McDonald picks up a hitchhiking Joe Dick (during Duck's off-island years, while Billy was away from the band) isiscolo

224. BtVS, with potential for CSI crossover -- immediately following events in "A New Man," Ethan persuades his Initiative captors to let him go, en route to the holding facility in Nevada (sex + magic). Then maybe while hitchhiking he gets picked up by Gil Grissom (more sex).

225. Supernatural/Roswell - Dean Winchester/Maria Delucca - Dean finds Maria stranded on the side of the road and hotness ensues

226. BtVS/Ats When Xander's car breaks down and lands him in Oxnard, Lindsey is the one who pulls over to help him out.

227. BtVS/Ats Oz is the one who gives Doyle a ride home at some point during s1 episode "In the Dark"


228. "...driving down the road trying to loosen my load..."
lyrics by the Eagles. mistress_shiny

229. "I knew that I loved you when we were flying home in the dark Your hand on the wheel while I was trying to take my jacket off, My foot on the gas, your eyes fast to the road ahead of us I never felt such trust."
"Magnolia Street," Catie Curtis slodwick and sdlucly

230. "We can drive around this town, let the cops chase us around.The past is gone, but something might be found to take its place."
"Hey Jealousy," the Gin Blossoms hyperfocused

231. "Bend me over the back of the car seat/Take me down to Easy Street"
Lyrics to Ball & Chain, Martha Wainwright lanthano

232. "We got one last chance to make it real, to trade in these wings on some wheels"
Thunder Road by Bruce Springsteen mazily

233. "Driving down the road going 110, braggin to your mama's little boy, he's a man"
'Sweet Carolina Rain' by Kane

234. "We're trapped in the car and it's raining again" 'Sweet Carolina Rain' by Kane ruric

235. "You got a fast car I want a ticket to anywhere"
Fast Car, Tracy Chapman. sandersyager

236. "Someday I'll go where there ain't no rain or snow. Til then, I travel alone. And I make my bed with the stars above my head and dream of a place called home."
Kim Richey's "A Place Called Home" lonelywalker

237. "You're beside me on the seat, got your hand between my knees, and you control how fast we go by just how hard you wanna squeeze. It's hard to steer when you're breathing in my ear, but I got both hands on the wheel while you got both hands on my gears"
'Animal' by Nickelback veradeath

238. "Ride the Wild Wind, Live Life on the Razor's Edge"
lyrics by Roger Taylor of Queen

239. "Highway run into the midnight sun. Wheels go round and round, you're on my mind."
lyrics by Journey.

240. "Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don't you cry no more." lyrics by Kansas meredevachon

241. "Let's blow this town, Let's up and split. I've had enough of it (enough of it). Let's blow this town, Let's disappear." lyrics from The Misfits, of Jem and the Holograms cadi_b

242. "I got a hot rod Ford and a two dollar bill, and I know a spot right over the hill."
Hank Williams (Hey, Good Lookin')

243. "You reach down, between my legs, and ease the seat back."
Van Halen (Panama) marishna

244. "I guess I should've known by the way you parked your car sideways that it wouldn't last"
Prince - Little Red Corvette jenab

245. "I don't know where I'll be crashin', but I'm arrivin' on a sin wagon."
Sin Wagon - Dixie Chicks

246. "Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel. We're going to the roadhouse, gonna have a real good time."
Roadhouse Blues - The Doors crazy4qaf

247. "Easin' down the highway in a new Cadillac, I had a fine fox in front, I had three more in the back."
ZZ Top - I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide

248. "I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck with a pink carnation and a pickup truck."
Don McLean marishna

249. "You jump in front of my car when you know all the time, 90 miles an hour is the speed I drive. You tell me it's alright, you don't mind a little pain, you say you just want me to take you for a ride."
Jimi Hendrix - Crosstown Traffic bozaloshtsh

250. "In the wee hours when the stars were shining they nearly hit a young moose who kept on running down the middle of the highway. And they passed it in the passing lane, neither of them said a word. Both of them were thinking of their mothers."
Kim Barlow's "Get in the Car"

251. "I stopped to fill my car up, the car felt good that day, I didn't know where I was going, but it felt good for a change"
I Stopped To Fill My Car Up by The Stereophonics amy_star_

252. "I finally see the light, Down on the east side, Wasted like a memory, If I had a car I'd drive, Straight off the bridge into the river, it would empty me"
Burning Photographs by Ryan Adams oxoniensis

253. "Black car with your creaking wheels, Take away these thoughts of mine"
She Is Free by Jeff Buckley daysoflo

254. "I wanna be bigger stronger drive a faster car, to take me anywhere in seconds, to take me anywhere I wanna go, and drive around a faster car, I will settle for nothing less"
Bigger Stronger by Coldplay

255. "In the car, we were waiting for our lives to start their endings, In the car, we were never making love"
In the Car by Barenaked Ladies afrikate
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