Fic: Something (Dean/Veronica)

May 11, 2009 20:48

Title: Something
Rating: PG
Summary: Veronica sits on the beach with her arms around her knees. It's sunset; it's all a big, stupid, clichéd metaphor and she hates indulging it. She's supposed to be stronger than this. She's supposed to have learned.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. Or Veronica Mars for that matter.
Author's Note: So, this is a Supernatural/Veronica Mars crossover, set at no particular point in either canon.

Veronica sits on the beach with her arms around her knees. It's sunset; it's all a big, stupid, clichéd metaphor and she hates indulging it. She's supposed to be stronger than this. She's supposed to have learned. Yet here she is, waiting until he walks down the beach, sits down next to her, and they have "the conversation"; the one that's only supposed to exist in the movies and on formulaic, cheesy TV shows.

She always liked to think real life wasn't like that. Sometimes, when you get right down to it, she guesses life really is just that stupid.

"Hey." She closes her eyes tight, then looks up at him.

"Hey," she answers, flatly, as he sits down next to her. She turns around and there's the Impala, sitting up on the hill, with Sam leaning against the hood. The sunset, the beach, the's all so melodramatic.

"So, we're heading out," he says. It's so awkward the words all but clunk on the sand as they come out of his mouth.

"I can see that," she answers, in a voice so much unlike her own. She's had her heart broken before. Over and over, actually. By Duncan twice, by Logan so many times she has lost count. It isn't that she thought Dean was "the one". She had known going in that he was going to be gone sooner rather than later.

It isn't about him. It's about her. It's about her being so stupid, thinking she wouldn't get attached, and letting herself fall for a guy she knew was just going to end up leaving in the end. Dean had been honest from minute one; she had done this to herself. She's broken her own heart, and that sucks.

"Is this gonna be a thing?" he asks. She knows he means a fight, or something like that.

"No," she answers. "I may not be handling it well, but I'm not that girl."

"I know," he tells her. She thinks maybe he does. "For what it's worth...I wish I didn't have to do this. I mean, you deserve better."

She shrugs. "You've got a job to do," she tells him. "A weird, freaky job that I don't even really wanna think about, but I know you're one of the few people out there doing it. I don't want you to go either, but you should." And that burns the most. "It's the right thing to do."

There's a look in his eyes, one that she can't put words to, and she all but reads people for a living. Dean has always been like that, though. She guesses a lifetime of keeping secrets has made him pretty damn good at it. "Look, if I ever come near here again-"

"Yeah," she replies softly. What's one more cliché for the pile?

Or two. Because he kisses her then, right at the moment when the sun is almost gone. She lets him no matter how much this whole thing is making her sick. Because this is the last moment, because wants he goes back up that hill, gets in the car, and pulls away, that's it. And she'll take a trite "kiss at sunset" over no more anything ever.

"This could have been something, huh?" she asks him, in a fit of masochism.

"It was something, Veronica," he tells her.

She nods. Yeah. It was.

supernatural fic: dean/veronica, fic: crossovers, supernatural fic, veronica mars fic: dean/veronica, supernatural fic: crossover, fic, veronica mars fic: crossover, veronica mars fic

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