lukuma's How's and Why's Fandom Pimping Meme

Feb 04, 2009 06:48

Choose one fandom that randomly pops into your head (or that you want to pimp out). Underneath each one, write what's it about, why you like it, who stands out for you and who introduced you to this fandom.

Marvel Comics - Captain America, Invaders, Avengers - ♥♥♥ JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES ♥♥♥

What's it about?
Deep epic longing. Regrets:Restitution. Forgetting:Remembering. Thought:Identity. Idolatry:Reality. Heroism:History.

Ed Brubaker's Captain America is a 21st Century Espionage Thriller with numerous 20th Century flashbacks weaving through like a tapestry. It does include the requisite
DepressingTM, however it also has
HopefulTM because "Truth, Justice and the American Way" and also Legacies, thus making it quite accessible to DC fans. Also, it can be read without knowing jack-else about the Marvel U.

Why do you like it?
See above. :P
Also: ♥♥♥ BUCKY ♥♥♥ Bucky reminds me of Zinda. Also of Robins: Tim's compassion, competence and ability to compartmentalize; Jason's anger and desperate desire for acceptance; Dick's loyalty, lust for life and ability to see the world with humor despite everything... *sigh*

Who stands out for you?
Besides Bucky?! *removes blinders* ...STEVE. Toro and Namor. Just enough Natalia (who may never be 'Natasha' to me). More of Eli. Hints of Clint and Kate. Plenty of Nick Fury. Sprinkles of Tony. Some Sam. Samples of Jacqueline and Joe. Awesome, wonderful, multi-dimensional heroes - all of them.

How did you get introduced to this fandom?
literaryll (naturally) who was introduced via her boss (Steve is his favorite character.) and glossing (fic). I read Fabian Nicieza and Kevin Maguire's Adventures of Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty, a four-part retelling of Steve Rogers and James Barnes' origins as Captain America and Bucky. Next, I read the first forty-two issues of Brubaker's Cap (see above) and the first five issues of Avengers/Invaders (also currently ongoing.)

From there it snowballed into not quite 100 issues of the nineteen-sixties series Tales of Suspense, two trades of Young Avengers and the Young Avengers: Presents mini-series, Invincible Iron Man, Black Widow, the current numerous Avengers titles, etc...

Meanwhile, literaryll sent me what little fic she knew of and then I had to go find more...

What do you recommend in this fandom? - Click and be SPOILED.

There are quite a few well written, interesting and moving fics in this fandom, but these are my favorites:

Sleeping Arrangements (Steve/Bucky) NC-17
"Don't be shy," he said, because he knew Steve was, knew, further, that Steve couldn't help that fact. Bucky was the brash one, the fast-talker, and as the weeks stretched on and they tangled with Sergeant Duffy, as Bucky showed Steve how to liberate spare rations and chat up the daughter of the dairyman, they became thick as thieves.

One Pale Season (Steve/Bucky) NC-17
Bucky's face - everything - glows a little, monochrome, like they're up on the screen in some movie palace. Like he's lit from the inside. After a beat, after thinking it over - Steve always knows *when* Bucky's thinking, just hardly ever *what* - he shrugs and rolls to his feet in a single fluid movement. The kind of movement Steve can't ever hope to match, no matter how many Vita-Rays he might take in.

Discrepancy (Steve/Bucky), R
Nevertheless, being the sneaky mascot had afforded him plenty of opportunities to watch, and from what Bucky had seen, sex was rough, messy, and quick. It’d seemed like a flurry of hurried movements stolen when it was believed no one else would see the two soldiers engaged in what their government would have termed "dishonorable" behavior.

More Than a Kid (Steve/Bucky), PG-13
It was the steady way that Bucky removed his costume and calmly folded it away. The act itself was regulation soldier, and even Sarge couldn't have found fault. But the fingers that lingered, briefly on the blood stains, told Steve that his partner understood the consequence of battle far better than any child could.

Without Him Live No Life (Steve/Bucky), PG-13
But that would be cowardly, and Bucky Barnes is a lot of things - a lot of things he'd give his other arm not to be - but he damn well isn't a coward. So instead of fleeing the apartment full of ghosts, Bucky goes through the motions of getting ready for bed. They're almost automatic motions now, having been ingrained by the military, Steve, and the men who ruined his life by saving it.

Stolen Moments (Bucky, Steve/Bucky implied), Rated 18
He waited, unmoving, until his eyes adjusted to the almost total darkness. Boxes and crates line the walls. He pulls one of the boxes in front of the door. It wouldn't hold it closed, but it would hold it just long enough to give him the couple of seconds warning that he'd need. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it on a crate at the back of the room. He stretched, trying to force himself to relax. It didn't help that he knew that the relaxation would come wiht a time limit. If he was lucky, he'd squeeze half an hour of freedom, but more likely it would be half that. Not enough time to savour his freedom, but just enough to remind him of his humanity.

At What Cost? ( Gen, Steve, Bucky), Rated 12
He could recognize the pre-battle jitters in himself, worry about the men and boys called to service. He recognized and needed to get a handle on them before they got the better of him. Captain America turned to go over his plan with his young partner only to find himself looking at the grizzled veteran beside him. He cursed himself. That was the third time he'd done that tonight.

Agamemnon (Gen, Bucky, Becky, James/Natalia) PG-13
She knows her brother is dead before the movie begins, when the newsreel starts rolling and the smiling kid behind the mask has far too many freckles. The army never told her it was him, of course, but it was obvious if you knew James, and Becky's maybe the only one who did. She stuffs more popcorn in her mouth, holding the greasy bucket tight to her chest. No one asks her what is wrong, and Becky doesn't cry until after the movie ends and she is back in her dormitory, in the temple of her rough sheets and the dull grey light.

Five Winters (Steve/Bucky, James/Natalia) PG-13
He figures it will be his last winter on this base, at any rate. Bucky's good at eavesdropping, and he hears the generals talking. They'll be at war, any day now, and when that happens Bucky intends to sign up. They'll tell him no at first, probably. But they usually do.

Vultures, Eagles (James/Natalia Gen) PG-13
He staggered backwards a step, catching himself before he fell into the bottles of vodka, and Natalia took advantage of the momentum to step nimbly around the door and throw an arm around his neck, pulling them together for a hard kiss with a vodka afterburn.

Bits and Pieces (James/Natalia) PG-13
He shifts on his side, props his head on his metal hand and looks at her, the expression on his face almost resembling an amused smile. Each day he seems to be relaxing a bit more now; sometimes he behaves like someone else, a person she doesn't know at all. She doesn't suppose he even notices. If she were someone else, Natasha thinks, she would probably be scared.

Homemade Action Figures!
Steve/Bucky kiss *fans self*

Witty Stick-Figure Summaries and FUNNY bucky-cons!

Her journal banner is gorgeous.

See also: 35 entries on my buckybarnes tag at

Finally some shameless self-promotion: I've started a comm, brand-spanking new and in need of content!
buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap buckycap

memes, fanfic, fic recs, *new comm, comics: marvel

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