Since I haven't yet posted thoughts on this season, here are a few non-spoiler-y things to know about Smallville Season Eight and me:
1. I don't like Tess. I think she's boring and I can barely pay attention when she's in a scene. She's not Mercy and she's not Lex.
2. Davis' plight cracks me up - he's hilarious with his emo. They've managed to make Doomsday interesting which is quite a feat.
3. I can take or leave Ollie, but I think he's best when used sparingly; I prefer J'onn J'onzz among Clark's future Justice League friends and I like the amount of screen time he gets - just enough that I want to see more, but not enough that he detracts from Clark.
4. Chloe's inconsistency this season has been frustrating, but I liked the BrainIAC explanation. I did not like Clark's decision to erase her memory. I liked his motivation, just not the decision - it wasn't his to make.
5. I love Lois and I've loved the Clois, but I didn't realize how much I missed Lana until she appeared in "Bride". I am unbelievably happy she's back with us for a short while.
6. Clark's progression to SUPER has been super-fabulous. He's been awesome - making more adult decisions all the time - and I've loved it.
So we had: 1. No Tess. 2. Davis emo. 3. No Ollie. 4. Chloiac. 5. Lana & Clana. 6. Super Clark. :D
literaryll and I discuss Geoff Johns on a more than weekly basis. *cough* So...
I spent most of the episode fretting because, "Grife! The Legion doesn't kill! It's their first mandate!" However, I need not have worried. I like that it was exposure to Clark in person that solidified their Code - that history vids don't include everything and that Kal's love of humanity was not just about 'saving' them, but a true respect for Life. ♥ In this way, Smallville kept that it's not just knowing about Clark, but knowing Kal personally that inspires the Legion. He throws all their expectations a curve ball.
All three Legionairres could have very easily been over-the-top FotW, but casting prevailed and they each gave pitch-perfect performances.
Saturn Girl: I loved how Imra didn't use her telepathy in an invasive way - it was all about the inner-beauty of humanity as individuals. Her compassion and understanding shone through like a beacon.
Lightning Lad: I loved how Garth was the voice of fannish confusion, speculation and adoration - he's us.
So far in my LoSH reading I can't help but ship Garth and Clark (see
Action #864 for details) but that's not happening here - he reads as much too young for SV!CK.
Cosmic Boy: I loved his adaptability as well as his authority. I also liked how his manner of expression was similar to Clark's.
angel_gidget: You got your Brainy shout-out! :D
Davis/Doomsday: Oh, boy! I hope this doesn't mean we won't get to see Davis anymore - is it all Doomsday from here on out? :/
Chloe/Chloiac: Allison Mack seemed to sure have fun with Chloiac! I really enjoyed her scenes and I'm interested in the fall-out of having Clark's decision to erase her memory of his secret undone.
Lana: I LOVED her interactions with Imra. I love that they remembered that she founded the Isis Foundation. Imra and she connected as women of compassion and intellect and I liked that a lot. I found it interesting she wore black throughout the whole episode despite mirroring back to Clark that he should hold with his principles. Is wardrobe color still important on this show? I'm not so sure since Beeman left...
Clark: ♥♥♥♥♥ That's my Superman. :D I really liked how the Legion expressed doubts about 'Are we sure that's really him?', only to learn a lesson about what Superman truly means - HOPE! :D
I love Glen Winters direction - the lighting always seems just a bit more Smallville to me. I especially loved the bright sunlit glow during the final Clana scene juxtaposed with the dark foreboding Doomsday shot in the dead Fortress. Nice.
P.S. Final Crisis #6? What
this guy said.