Since I haven't yet posted thoughts on this season, here are a few non-spoiler-y things to know about Smallville Season Eight and me:
1. I don't like Tess. I think she's boring and I can barely pay attention when she's in a scene. She's not Mercy and she's not Lex.
2. Davis' plight cracks me up - he's hilarious with his emo. They've managed to make
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Comments 24
I can take or leave Ollie, but I think he's best when used sparingly; I prefer J'onn J'onzz among Clark's future Justice League friends and I like the amount of screen time he gets - just enough that I want to see more, but not enough that he detracts from Clark.
It's no secret I like Ollie but I enjoy J'onn too. For me, they're in two separate categories. J'onn is more of a mentor but Ollie can be a friend. That's what I need Oliver to stick around. Clark needs more male friends.
I like that it was exposure to Clark in person that solidified their Code - that history vids don't include everything and that Kal's love of humanity was not just about 'saving' them, but a true respect for Life.I love that. It was just great ... just because Clark's not Superman yet doesn't mean he can't inspire them ( ... )
Yes, I can see that perspective. though I never did feel that way about Clark needing more male friends - he's never really had many and he never will compared with his close female relationships. I hope it didn't sound like I don't like Ollie because I do - I just didn't miss him this episode despite the continuity issues. I'll be happy when we see him again.
He reminds me of Bart.
HA! I didn't even register that - but YES! He has that same sort of happy naivete. Way too young for Clark.
But I do think Clark needs more male figures in his life. Not just Ollie, in general. Pete was there early on and he had Jonathan's influence. Lex was there quite a while too. Chloe's great and so is Lois but he needs a balance. Before he meets Bruce, at least. Cuz there are some things he can't talk about with those two.
I got the Bart vibe the first time I saw the clip and I giggled. Some people do ship Clark/Bart but like you, it doesn't work for me. :)
EEP! I forgot to put a spoiler-warning. :/ I hope that was okay for you!
I just re-read FC 1-5 right before reading #6, otherwise I wouldn't be able to follow it either. I find that really helps me with Morrison's stuff - I just enjoy the individual issues for the brain-breaking crack, but to actually follow the plot - re-read, re-read, re-read. :D
I find that spoiling myself on the internet is a healthy alternative to Buying Everything In Sight!
Oh goodness, yes! Part of me wishes I had the patience to wait for Final Crisis to come out in trade instead of having to read it RIGHT NOW, but alas I just can't stand waiting like that. I'm amazed by those who can.
Clark's progression to SUPER has been super-fabulous. He's been awesome - making more adult decisions all the time - and I've loved it.
I like that it was exposure to Clark in person that solidified their Code - that history vids don't include everything and that Kal's love of humanity was not just about 'saving' them, but a true respect for Life. ♥
Aww I got teary eyed reading this.
Oh by the way I went to my local bookstore which never has anything good in the TBP or Graphic Novel section and go the second volume of Justice and Superman Red Son so I'm hoping they're enjoyable reads Red Son I got more for my brother though. LOL.
LOL. Great line.
That's me too - I like Ollie in small doses. I've much preferred him this season than in season six (Exception: "Toxic" - like I said: small doses.) However, I adore J'onn's appearances.
I got teary eyed reading this.
I hope that's a good thing...I ♥ Clark so much in this episode - he was everything Superman should be.
Ooh, cool! I hope you enjoy them. I have to admit I've not heard of Justice and have yet to read Red Son. I hope you'll review them once you've read them - I'd love to know what you think.
'Tis all good. One of my Resolutions this year was to review what I read, but have I done that yet. Nope. :/
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It was, wasn't it? He was wonderful and Super. ♥
The last issue of Beyond came out in August and the last issue of LoTW came out in October. That much slippage on important tie-ins is just horrible.
*clings to hope with you for Bart*
*chants* Bart, Bart, Bart... Did you see the April solicits for Teen Titans (the cover)?
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