[Trans] Kame Camera - Vol.15 Age

Mar 21, 2012 01:15

I was supposed to do other stuff, yet I translated this.
As I said in the comments of Vol.14… in this volume he says the perfect opposite xDDD Or better, he continues the topic he couldn’t do in vol.14 since the theme was Manhood. So people who got “disappointed” with what Kame said (or didn’t say?) in the past volume, read this one to have a clear view of what he thinks about women’s inner beauty. ^_^

-Inner beauty.
-Kame is self-destructive and he knows it.
-"Not normal relationships" are the best, whatever he means with that "not normal".
-He hates to lose. What's new here.
-He's preparing something big for this year. Let's wait!

What's the scenery of the bottom of the heart that Kamenashi Kazuya's lens reflects?

Vol.15 年齢 - AGE

「As inverse proportion to youth fading away the internal beauty deepens. I’m charmed by that kind of women.」

One picture from the time I went to eat “yakiniku all alone”. I’ve always liked to act independently, but if there has also been a period when I felt it was problematic because if something happened it’d have been troublesome. Recently I’m free again. Is becoming able to go wherever I want all alone thanks to age? (laughs)

I often hear that men worry about women’s age, but I don’t at all. It happens that if we meet on work place, since there are hierarchical relationships, I ask first “How old are you?”, but in these situations, after becoming aware if she’s older or younger, the week after I’ve already forgotten the age (laughs). Because the nature of the relationship is something that changes following the compatibility with that person and the environment, right? Upon reflection, I guess most of men want to have predominance over women, so they’re maybe pulled back by older women who have gained experience. It’s probably weakness of not wanting their little self to be perceived. I understand the feelings behind, but if you let me say it, isn’t it because they probably talk without experimenting first? You don’t understand those people’s charm just looking from far away. You must try to talk with them nearby, touch them, feel their scent. And then if she’s fascinating for you, whether she’s older or younger than you, isn’t her age irrelevant already? You’ll become able to see her not as a mark such as age, but as “that person” is. In my case about romantic love and friends preferences I am wide open and omnivorous at the point to be said “You’re eccentric” (laughs). Right down the line, these are my criteria. Unless it doesn’t give annoyance to others, [the relationships that] even if aren’t normal are okay are private life human relationships; if anything, I think [the relationships that] don’t bind to public notice or common sense are those who become deeper and funnier.

Since I’m fascinated by people who carry a world that I don’t have, if I notice it, it often happens that I fall in love with people with a different age or job. It’s the same for men too but women’s beauty is made of both external look and the inside, and as inverse proportion to youth fading away the internal beauty deepens, right? For young women external appearance becomes a weapon too, but regarding older women, I’m more fascinated by the inside side. I am impressed by people in their 40s keeping a beauty similar to a woman in her twenties using anti-aging care, but I also end up feeling that I can’t find a point of contact with people who are specialized only on that thing. More than that, my heart flutters for an understanding kindness, a frank way of working, for culture.

You know, I’d like the woman next to me to be beautiful, but I also think that she doesn’t need to be pretty 24/24 hours. Maybe because it seems I can’t relax in front of someone who has always the “beautiful woman switch” on (laughs). Someone who can also become a mother’s face or a friend’s face is good.

I’ve got the presentiment that my 26th year will be my densest year of whole life

It seems that this year I’m 26 years old will become the busiest till now. Not only as physically busy as the debut time, but also the substance seems to become denser, I’m excited. But on the other side the only thing I do is working, there are also moments I think that maybe my “independent training” isn’t enough. Women too, if they don’t balance well “look polishing” and “inside polishing” they become uneasy, right? It’s the same (laughs)

This is because recently, in every business world, guys of more or less my same age began to distinguish themselves. Although I’ve started working earlier, they know many things I don’t, and being me one who hates losing it’s regrettable (laughs). I want to learn more about social common knowledge, I want to read books too, and I want to watch movies and theatrical plays. I wonder if I should live useless time such as suffering more and more failures both officially and privately while I’m young. I know I’m saying something incredibly extravagant and impertinent…… but you know, the conclusion is “I can’t do anything but live the present”. It’s up to each one of us how and in which proportion use the time that has been granted to our life. Running at full speed and with all our might in our twenties, or put in high gear from our 40s onwards? Women too, it’s fine if they want to entrust everything on beauty, and also, if focus on job or family. Whichever choice is fine. I think that it will be fine if you live your life in your own way, in order not to have regrets.


Kame’s fixed point of observation
“If I join the baseball player’s independent training, I don’t want to lose against players about the training contents, and if I do the master of ceremonies, I want to aim to the skills of the Imperial palace master of ceremonies! (laughs)”, Kamenashi-kun hates to lose at the point to say this. Thinking he doesn’t want to lose whatever age he reaches, is it the result of being a male!? “Thinking about it, on New Year a senpai brought me to play golf, and keeping saying in advance we hadn’t practiced, both of us were at the ground that exact morning more than 1 hour earlier and practiced! As expected, among men is nice! (laughs)”
By Maquia


Yes, I admit I posted Vol.14 after reading Vol.15 but I had half-forgotten what he said here xD But I sort of remembered, so this is why I couldn’t be “very angry” at Kame. And it seems he can hear me, as soon as I say I don’t like one issue, the following one turns out being one of my favourite~ ^^’’ I like the positivity all throughout the essay and I should learn to be less anxious about present (and whine less about my schedule) too.
(and I completely understand him when he says he hates to lose /bricked XD)
Since it's past 1am here, I might reread and do some edits tomorrow when I'm awake enough xD;;

PLEASE, don't steal this translation re-posting it without credits, and link to this entry!
Moreover, if you want to retranslate, CREDIT this LJ for the first JP->EN translation please!

*translation: kame camera, $magazine: maquia, .member: kamenashi

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