[Trans] ORISTA 2011.02.14 - KAT-TUN

Mar 14, 2011 00:33

This is a translation I did last week, before the earthquake. At first, I didn't want to post it. I think it may sound inappropriate. But I think that it's good to go forward too. Japan is fighting and trying to go back to its former life since the day right after the EQ, and being hopelessly mourning is as offensive as being tactfulness. So, after 3 days of reflections, I've decided to post it, hoping you will enjoy it when you feel you want to read it. :)

Note: This is the single members' parts+the group questions. There's a crosstalk too, I haven't translated it yet nor I've read it, so I don't know if it's interesting enough to be translated. I'll see.
Rounded parenthesis () are present in the original text.

Only Star 2011. 02.14

It’s meaningless not to challenge!

“While rapping, what’s important is the rhythm”

Q. Please tell us the art of singing a rap skillfully like you, Koki-kun! (13 years old girl from Saitama prefecture)
Koki: First of all, since what [in my case] came first was creating the rap and not singing it, when I’m on the train, I kept putting into rhymes all the words that caught my attention. Because rap is something similar to puns. And actually, the important thing when doing it is the rhythm. For this reason try be conscious of the rhythm, not about the melody.

Q. How much have you become able to play Shamisen? (19 years old girl from Niigata prefecture)
Koki: I’m doing nagauta music, I have become able to play “Matsu no Midori”. I have done nagauta as the basis of shamisen, but if I had to play at a live, it’s better tsugaru music. It has force. [T/N: It’s another kind of shamisen songs/style]

Q. What troubled you most in making animals as your family, like your beloved dogs Sakura-chan and Rai-kun? (13 years old girl from Wakayama prefecture)
Koki: Trimming [the fur] during busy periods, or the cleanings. But you know, when they become more than 2, the difficulty doesn’t change much, whatever the number is. From 3 animals onwards, even 4 or 5 don’t change (laughs).

Q. Recently, did you “remake” something? (21 years old girl from Kanagawa prefecture)
Koki: Something small such as clothes, no; but [I’ve remade] my house. To create a better vision for movies, I attached at the ceiling an aluminum rod and a machine and put a projector on it.

“Now, I’m composing 2 rock songs”

Q. About your future projects, which kind of solo song do you want to compose? (14 years old girl from Kanagawa)
Ueda: Now, I’m composing 2 rock songs. One has a real “core” feeling, aimed at the enthusiasm; the other one close to pop. They’re easy to listen to, but the one that seems to be potentially amusing to do at a live on the performance point of view, is the core one.

Q. What is the thing that you consider important while composing a song? (14 years old girls from Tokyo)
Ueda: If I’m persuaded or not. If I’m not, I can’t sing it being confident. I’m like this when I compose by myself, and relating to songs composed by other people, I become really strict!

Q. What is the thing you spoil yourself with, saying “Only this one is my reward”? (24 years old girl from Iwate prefecture)
Ueda: Eh? I’ve never given rewards to myself. I don’t know well what may be my reward, and I’ve never done something or went shopping with such feelings. Simply, I say “I want it, I buy it!”. Isn’t “it’s a reward to myself” just an excuse? It’s good doing it when you want. I hate this “reward” saying (laughs)

Q. If you listen to music while boxing, which songs do you listen to? (21 years old girl from Sekigawa prefecture)
Ueda: I don’t listen. I would end up breaking (the electronic machine/music reader) with the sweat! I did it one time before, and actually, I broke it (laughs)

“(With Tanaka) I think to go fishing”

Q. During concerts, what’s the intense action you try to do and you think it’s dreadful, but it’s necessary to keep your physical strength? (18 years old girl from Hyogo prefecture)
Taguchi: Probably going to sleep early and waking up early. If I’m at home the earliest time I sleep is at 10 pm and end up waking up at 5 in the morning.

Q. Taguchi-kun, you’ve many interests, did your new interests increased? (19 years old girl from Chiba prefecture)
Taguchi: I look for myself. I write on a paper my strong points or what I want to do. There are many things I want to do, such as a TV program I want to appear at, or simply the image of my future self 10 or 20 years from now; but about my strong points, I surprisingly find simple stuff like “cheerful”. But about my bad points, I try not to write them down, because I want to continue being positive.

Q. When you say puns, are you nervous? (15 years old girl from Tokushima prefecture)
Taguchi: (immediate answer) I’m not!

Q. Please tell us your aim “This year I’ll absolutely do this!” including a pun! (laughs) (23 years old girl from Kumamoto prefecture)
Taguchi: I want to take the ship (senpaku) driving license and have fun naughtily (wanpaku). Since Koki will take it, I want to take it too and go fishing together.
[T/N: Don’t ask where the fun in this pun here is. I don’t know XD]

“(With Nakamaru) it’s fun even just being together”

Q. Kamenashi-kun, what do you want to challenge this year? (19 years old girl from Kagoshima prefecture)
Kamenashi: Since I want to act a lot more, I want to challenge many characters. For example a character that appears only one second in that story, I want to try to act in many different environments. Speaking about characters, [I want to play something like] a villain, a detective, a doctor. Up until now I’ve played many cute characters inside stories from manga, so I want to try challenge something mystery-related too.

Q. In “Going! Sports & News”, are you doing some preparations directed at the training camp? (20 years old girl from Kanagawa prefecture)
Kamenashi: I’m already taking part [at the training camps]. But, recently, I’m building up muscles and doing baseball is fine, but as KAT-TUN’s Kamenashi Kazuya there’s a feeling of being out of place. When I’m dancing, my movements aren’t the ones I did in the past anymore. These aren’t muscles to show, are practical muscles. My next target will be taking the right balance of those areas.

Q. It seems that recently you often hang out with Nakamaru-kun, what was particularly interesting? (18 year old girl from Nara prefecture)
Kamenashi: I wonder what it is. Since both our characters and what we like are completely different, only being together is amusing. We go around following Nakamaru’s lead: “ah, we are shopping here~” or “we’re eating here~”. Since it’s Nakamaru’s territory I can’t being concrete (laughs). [T/N: I think he means he can’t say the specific places to avoid maru’s assaults XD]

“Maybe Tsukiji here in the neighborhood may be good”

Q. In the CM you are the driver, but if you have to take the members along? (17 years old girl from Kanagawa prefecture)
Nakamaru: Everyone would probably complain, it’s difficult (laughs), but maybe Tsukiji in the neighborhood may be good. If we go to eat something delicious, everyone would come without complaining, I guess.

Q. Have you learned some new technique for your beat box? (16 years old girl from Niigata prefecture)
Nakamaru: I’m doing the scratch disc, the rhythm and the melody all 3 at the same time, but I’m still practicing. Probably I’ll never be able to do it since I’m challenging something that’s impossible from a structural point of view as a human being (laughs)

Q. You have the image of having a strong grudge against dance, but tell us the specific part you “are having a grudge against”. (21 years old girl from Hyogo prefecture)
Nakamaru: Since I’m slender, more than very powerful shakes/swings, I think I’m more suited for dances that use odd waves or small movements and I’m practicing those.

Q. What do you pay attention to before the live? (19 years old girl from Aichi prefecture)
Nakamaru: If I’m full I can’t move, so I eat in order to not have a full stomach. After that, during the concert, when there are quick changes I drink lots of liquids. During 1 concert I drink around 2 liters of water!

Group questions

Q. What’s your goal as KAT-TUN for 2011? (17 years old girl from Tokyo)
Kamenashi: Even outside lives, to do something more as 5 people. More, more, I want to create something more all 5 together.
Taguchi: I want to do a variety show as 5 people. I want to do a show that transmits the atmosphere when we are all 5 together.
Tanaka: I want to do a step up, as a 5 group people and as KAT-TUN. So I want to something amusing that has a good stimulus. Because I consider KAT-TUN as a festival.
Ueda: This year I want to be conscious about the group, and I want to emphasize the group more than the solo [activity].
Nakamaru: As expected, for KAT-TUN the lives are a part where we don’t want to lose against others, so this year I want to do stuff that surpass last year’s. As first thing, about the open-air event this summer, it’s festival-like and I want to show a different atmosphere from the usual.

Q. When do you feel happy the most, when you are together with the members? (16 years old girl from Kagawa prefecture)
Kamenashi: At lives. From the beginning I’ve done group sports, so I like things such as forming all together a circle, or the sensation that I’m doing something together with my mates. The angle may change, but watching at the same direction and do it, it’s the best sensation.
Taguchi: When we talk normally all 5 together, during interviews or photo-shoots. Even during interviews we have fun friendly, as if we were at school. I think that this part of us that even at our age still doesn’t fade away, or better that in a good meaning doesn’t calm down, is good.
Tanaka: This doesn’t mean that “absolutely if we’re not together is no good!”, but I can’t put on the same level other people with KAT-TUN. Because for me, KAT-TUN are like a harbor. (laughs)
Ueda: There isn’t! Even if during the MC at concerts I got excited or there are moments like “ah, amusing!” “ah, so fun!”, there aren’t moments like “I’m happy we’re here together”! Among men it’s disgusting, right? People, become realistic! (laughs)
Nakamaru: Because I enjoy if we’re all 5 together, I’m always feeling happy. Especially at lives, I like the feeling of creating something all together.

Before someone asks: every time you find the expression or the number "5" or "as 5 people", they expressly said the number. It wasn't me who added it.

kat-tun, .member: all, $magazine: ori-sta

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