[Trans] Kame Camera - Vol.52 Habit

Sep 16, 2018 20:06

Well... I'd have never thought I would have posted these translations around 2 years and half since their translation but it seems that the LJ they were posted on was deleted and I never backupped them here so... here we go...!

Translator's message:These Maquia are all 2015 interviews.  I wrote all numbers and release date on top of all issues ( Read more... )

*translation: kame camera, kat-tun, $magazine: maquia, .member: kamenashi

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Comments 5

Kame Camera - Vol.52 Habit kissmegreen September 17 2018, 08:32:24 UTC
“don't pose too much”

He must have had a very hard time trying not to lol


"After one day of work ends, when I jump in the manager's car, I find myself screaming “waaaaaaaaaah!”

I can totally imagine this!

Thank you! It feels nice peeking into Kame's thoughts again. Since the beginning, I think I learn a lot about him from his 'camera' so even though this release/trans is old, I still learnt something new about him XD

oh this from your notes "Maquia 2015.10, released in August" - could it be that it was done/written in August but released in October?

Either way, many thanks again ^^


Re: Kame Camera - Vol.52 Habit iside89 September 18 2018, 12:58:42 UTC
Actually Maquia's numbers are a bit weird to understand, but it's always 2 months of difference between release month and the month written on cover.
For example last Maquia (2018.10) was released on August 23 - meaning in August you buy a Maquia with October written on it ^^;

So "release in August (interview around June) for volume marked 2015.10" is correct.


jk_no_koi September 18 2018, 03:02:41 UTC

Thank you so much.


moveslikekame September 19 2018, 10:49:26 UTC
First and foremost, hisashiburi!

I didn't realize how much I actually missed maquia and your trans till reading this now. As always it's such a pleasure to get a glimpse into the "World of Kamenashi" thru this series. His perspective on things is an interesting eyeopener and often encourages me to think, reflect and work on myself.

Thanks you for this ❤


kuro_sora September 24 2018, 08:14:51 UTC
お帰り ^^
We missed your translations!!

Thank you so much. I always get to know much about Kame from reading "Kame Camera".


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