[Trans] Kame Camera - Vol.52 Habit

Sep 16, 2018 20:06

Well... I'd have never thought I would have posted these translations around 2 years and half since their translation but it seems that the LJ they were posted on was deleted and I never backupped them here so... here we go...!

Translator's message:

These Maquia are all 2015 interviews.  I wrote all numbers and release date on top of all issues.
**please keep in mind that each Maquia's interview was probably made 1 to 2 months before its release date**
This means that an issue released on June 2015 was probably done in May or even April. Some words might have deeper meanings, but some others maybe don't.
Please keep in mind release/interview month when reading.
Please read Kame's words, thoughts, and feelings.


ps: thanks to @scorch66 who, as always, read them and kindly fixed my non-native English :)


Maquia 2015.10, released in August

Vol.52 癖 HABIT

「Both good and bad habits, which are born from instinct and experience, are what build “Kamenashi Kazuya”」

This is the bracelet I wear now. Recently in private I was in the mood to wear only a watch, but I like this manly design. I'll take the habit of wearing it every day from now on, and I hope it'll fit me more and more.

“Take a defiant attitude” --- During the stage play “Aoi Shushi wa taiyo no naka ni aru”’s rehearsal, the director Ninagawa-san pointed this out to me many times.

It seems that when I'm on the stage, I have the habit of straightening my back and staring fixedly at the audience from the front. I know that for this character a defiant attitude would be the right one though. Maybe because during the everyday concert stage we all face the audience full on? Maybe it’s because of this habit that I'm being told by the drama or movie's directors, “don't pose too much”. I'm not planning to pose that much though (laughs) Idols are asked to stare into the camera for a long time, or requested to stand up straight. So until now I worked on being able to do that.

Habits are of course an instinct, but I think that long-time customs and piled-up experiences are also very important. In my case, the “habit to act cool” comes from my childhood. I was always striking a pose when pitching during baseball practice, and those actions were naturally born from the desire of “I want to become cool, I want to be seen as someone cool”. Repeating those acts many times, they sunk deeply and without realizing it, they became a habit. Following this flow of thoughts, the present “Kamenashi Kazuya” may be the physical collection of all those habits. For example, when I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is drink sparkling water while opening the window and feeling the sun and the wind. I surely take a shower facing up and with the water hitting my face. Especially when I'm busy, I zealously clean up my house, dish up on my favorite plate, something that I bought like vegetables, and eat it. I think they are habits I learned little by little during my life in order to be the me that “I want to be”. The “acting cool” isn't something that comes to life with just picturing it inside your head. For example, winking or taking off the sunglasses I'm wearing during the lives, is all about sense and timing. There's a situation, I put together instinct and experience, and apply them; once they come out naturally as a habit, that's when I can make someone's heart beat fast. This is why I'm in trouble when I'm requested to “please wink”. If it's done intentionally, it won’t make either of our hearts race as much (laughs)

My warped and mean personality must be a habit coming from childhood.

Of course I have a lot of bad and uncool habits. Like, I want to confine myself in small places like the toilet or kitchen even if I have nothing to do there. Ah, tongue habit and leg habit aren't good either. Even when I'm talking, my tongue slips out unintentionally, and I want to place my legs over something in one way or another (laughs) Being warped might be something like a habit too. Once at middle school there was a judo match, and as soon as I heard a voice saying “Kame's strong skill is the uchimata”, I though “I won't do it at all!”. And at the end I lost (laughs)  Also the will to act mean with the girl I like. It hasn’t changed since my adolescence. The roots of the old me who was flipping skirts, and the present me who plays stupid pranks, is the same. I think it's the habit of wanting to attract her by surprising her.

Good and bad habits, congenital and acquired habits, there are many of them, but as expected they became an essential element of what is my nature. What I think again now is that I want to learn the “keeping myself dear habit”. Even trivial things are okay. Something I do now too is, before going to bed, I stretch and pat my shoulder saying “Today you did a good job too!” Not being narcissist but treating yourself as a person dear to you: if we learn this, I think we'll feel more secure. Even at nights where I can't have a girl holding me....... (laughs) By sleeping soundly in any situation, I feel I can give my best from tomorrow on too.

I want to acquire the habit of “taking care of myself”. It'd be good if before sleeping I could embrace myself, as if I were thinking of a precious person.

Kame’s fixed point of observation

This month's interview is around the period the play’s rehearsal reached its peek. Even Kamenashi-kun, who has always repeated hard challenges, comments on Ninagawa-san's rich sessions with, “It's very fun, because I'm experiencing something I've never done until now, but I'm using a lot of mental and physical energy. After one day of work ends, when I jump in the manager's car, I find myself screaming “waaaaaaaaaah!” I don't want to show my tired face in front of people, so I scream in a private place. This is also one of my habits, I guess (laughs)”

*translation: kame camera, kat-tun, $magazine: maquia, .member: kamenashi

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