[Trans] Kame Camera - Vol.51 Green

Aug 28, 2016 19:14

Posting some old Maquia again!

Published on Maquia 2015.09, released in July.

[** “Green/Blue” is the direct translation of the title, but the meaning is not the color “blue/green”, but being “green”, unripen, unexperienced, immature, naive. In the translation I choose the most fitting word case by case, but please remember that it actually includes all those meanings every time those terms appear]


What's the scenery of the bottom of the heart that Kamenashi Kazuya's lens reflects?

Vol.51 青さ Green **

「Knowing what is common sense without being captivated by it. I want to be a man with some “inexperience”, with a charm that can't be measured with a ruler.」

I always carry the play script with me ! The rehearsal studio is far so when I travel, I study alone. The lines' wording, the lyrics, there's really a lot to learn... Reading the script while drinking coffee is my recent habitual style.

The rehearsal for the stage play “Aoi Shushi wa taiyo no naka ni aru” will start soon. The director is Ninagawa-san. The original story is a drama written by the late Terayama Shuji when he was 28 years old. Maybe it's because it's written in his young days, but it has a straightforward “unripe” feeling. I wanted to know more about Terayama-san, so I also read the book compiling all the love letters addressed to his wife, and I felt that that raw quality is Terayama-san's real nature. The protagonist of this drama, Kenji, who is wavering in the fracture between justice and love, is maybe Terayama-san himself.

I also have a lot of immaturity. Ninagawa-san said during the play press conference, “Kamenashi-kun has a soft demeanor, but he's actually stubborn, it feels like I'll have a hard time”, and it's really like that (laughs) Even now when I'm working as a newscaster for a TV program, I'm told “You are a proper person”, but it's only because I sincerely face the job and the person I have in front of me, and the feeling of enjoying everything together is strong. I don't have any consciousness of being a serious person.

By nature, I think I have quite the naughty temper. For example, during middle school, I went to school styling my hair with hair gel once; I was scolded by the teacher and had my head splashed and washed in the basin with soap. But the morning after I went to school with that hair gel again and once more had my head washed by the teacher. I repeated that every day. Maybe inside of me I didn't realise it was a bad thing to do (laughs)

This happened when we debuted and had a meeting about KAT-TUN's future with the members and the staff. There were many people who didn't understand the reality and the situation, I was shocked and irritated that the discussion wasn't coming across at all, and I left the room without thinking. Occasionally, I'm impulsive. It also happened that for a concert I was supposed to do two backflips, but driven by the cheering I did three and fell from the stage (laughs) If we have to say it's all on account of youthful zeal, yes, it was on account of youthful zeal. But even if I could go back to that time, I think I'd have chosen to do the same. I've also learned some of the social common sense. Gaining experience, I increased the ways of expressing myself, and I improved. Yet, I stand up against unreasonable things and I do unplanned backflips. That unripeness won't fade nor do I want to lose it.

Enjoying together like kids, more than how I'm looked at.

Adult men I consider cool keep an “eternal immaturity”. They know social common sense and they act in accordance when it's necessary to act in accordance as adults. But they don't judge things and facts only upon common sense, and they possess a charm that can't be calculated with common sense. For example, the senpai I get along well with, Kimura Takuya-kun or Fukuyama Masaharu-san, are like that too. Ninagawa Yukio-san and Musaka Naomasa-san who I work with this time, too. Suddenly showing a sharp tongue during a press conference, or saying crazy stuff, they show the nature of a performer while still being “eternally immature”. After accurately evaluating common sense and the situation, they arouse discord and make the people who came to the press conference have fun. It's a naughty spirit, thinking “Let's enjoy this moment all together” more than thinking about how they will be seen. I absolutely approve of it and I want to be the same.

Actually me too, just some days ago after attending a friend’s, who's an actor, stage play, I was invited to the after party. When I went back home before the others, I silently settled the bill for everyone. It's not to show some manly attitude, I just wanted to play a bit. The atmosphere and the timing was good, so I thought to do a small surprise (laughs) He's younger than me and he gave his best in the stage play, so it included my “you did a good job” sentiment. He was surprised and happy. Maybe this is my version of immature coolness... I guess (laughs)

There are many choices made “In account of youth”, but I'd still make the same choice now too. Because my nature doesn't change.

Kame’s fixed point of observation

For this month's Kame camera he is in a stage play mode, maybe because this was held after the play’s press conference and the double interview with Takahata Mitsuki-san. “During 'Dream Boys' I would have never thought that I'd work with Ninagawa-san, I'm so honored. I think it's exactly because I have this age and experience that I can work with him.” Ninagawa-san said during the conference “Johnny-san introduced me to Kamenashi-kun”, but [Kamenashi-kun says] “It's already been 10 years ago, it was sudden. It seems Johnny-san introduced to Ninagawa-san Kimura-kun and Nakai-kun too.”

*translation: kame camera, kat-tun, $magazine: maquia, *translation: magazine, .member: kamenashi

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