[TRANS] TV GUIDE 2016.8.19 -- Ueda's Interview

Aug 11, 2016 17:42

Butterfly!Ueda is soooo gorgeous and the photoshoot inspired by "MOON" with the mic stand is ♥

-Talking about Precious One at the end of 10Ks concert.
-Talking about Nakamaru's tears on last day
-Talking about the impact the hug with Kame and Nakamaru and their expressions hit him in that moment.

I warned you.

It’s the first translation after months and it was unexpectedly loooong xD As I translated and actually didn't recheck carefully, I’m afraid my English is a bit choppy lol but I liked this interview very much so I had to translate and share it ^^
No pictures because I translated from my magazine copy. (don't ask for scans, I don't know)


After the “10Ks!”

The last live held in Tokyo Dome on May 1st which starts KAT-TUN’s recharge period gets its long awaited DVD release. This time Ueda Tatsuya, as representative of the group, recalls that “special day”.
He says that recently he’s “playing the piano every day”
The scenery that 55,000 people saw at Tokyo Dome, and the scenery that only the three of them saw…
With pictures that resemble to “MOON” and “PRECIOUS ONE” [performances], we’ll deliver the love message from Ueda Tatsuya to all the hyphens.

“Ah, it’s Precious One.”, he says looking at the music score placed on the piano’s music stand; and just like that, Ueda Tatusya sits on the chair and rests his fingers on the keyboard. Sound lightly arises and the performance starts. We didn’t ask him “can you please play for us?” Of course that was the plan, but Ueda just played “Precious one” as if it was obvious, nonchalantly and perfectly.
And then, at the end, while showing a smile as if to hide embarrassment, “as expected, I need Kame to sing to it (laughs)”
KAT-TUN are in their recharging period right now. The Dome tour was held as 10 years delimiter line. Before the release of the DVD that gives a full view of that last Tokyo Dome concert, we asked Ueda to talk about the sentiments behind.

----Your piano was amazing. At the sight of a man playing the piano, girls are beaten in a blow!
Ah, really? (laughs)

---Do you have a grand piano at home?
I have a touch piano keyboard, recently I am playing it every day. Once I complete learning a song, I learn the following one. I got the KAT-TUN song scores from the staff.

---Then, regarding the DVD, where did the meetings for the live started?
From the decision of releasing an album for the 10th anniversary. The first theme was to show thankfulness to the fans that have been with us in these 10 years despite everything that happened, so we had them vote their favourite song and create an album. Then, about creating the live, of course including the songs released as singles was a point, but the start of everything was including as much as possible the songs that the fans had chosen. But if we add this we can’t add that, so let’s add the one that received votes from the fans. More than the singles, we created the live prioritizing that (the songs voted by fans).

-------What was the song you couldn’t step back?
I wanted to add “Precious one” at any cost. Moreover, in that specific version (Ueda at the piano, Kamenashi and Nakamaru singing in their each own way). But we didn’t decide how until the end. There was also the opinion “Isn’t it better to conclude beautifully?”, and for me “Precious one” is the song we sang to close our debut live, so it’s surely a song that both KAT-TUN and fans have dear. If the present three of us play that song’s sound one by one, and then join at the end, it becomes extremely full of meaning, doesn’t it? This is what I said, and from there I didn’t step back once.

---Were you nervous playing the piano there?
I was nervous at the very first live in Nagoya. Moreover this is not the acoustic corner so I wasn’t allowed to flub (laughs) It’s a moment where everyone focus and listen: at the first Nagoya concert it was at the end of the main live, differently from Tokyo concert, wasn’t it? In Tokyo it was at the end of the encore. But after the main live it was just after “UNLOCK” therefore playing the piano after getting excited with that kind of song, I’m absolutely not allowed to fail. If I failed, it would be like destroying a dream, or better it would mean spoil everything that everyone had listened full of feelings until that moment. So there was also the opinion “do you really want to do it despite all?”. But I said “I will”. That’s how much I wanted it. Because I was sure it would have become something full of meaning. The fact that the present us take responsibility and respectively play it, individually: I thought it definitely has more meaning that simply singing to “Precious one” and surely will communicate something to the fans too; I said I wouldn’t give up on that, so we discussed until the end.

----It begins with the piano breaking the silence.
I actually never really liked playing the piano. I’ve studied it only 1 year when I was a kid but never played it again after entering primary school; I only started to self-study it to write KAT-TUN songs. I played it during last episode of “The Shonen Club Premium” (NHK PREMIUM), but actually I was asked to do it way before that and I have always refused. If I have to do it, I want to do it properly, so I want to have time to practice and only then do it. Therefore for that last episode, also including the feeling of repaying the staff who worked with us for this program for 2 years, I said “Ok I will play it”. After that, I thought, “we should do this in the live too”. That’s how it started. I believed that if we do it, I should become able to play to it even with closed eyes, so I was always practicing. At first it was like this (he mimics leaning over the music stand) but now I can do this (he swings while playing) (laughs) I can’t read the score so it’s learnt completely by heart.

----How do you memorize it?
I write the notes one by one. Then I start learning from the intro, so it takes a lot of time.

----I see. So, about the DVD, there are too many things I want to ask, where shall I start.
Please, please, ask anything you want (laughs)

---About the live itself, were you planning from before?
It was planned. We were continuously discussing how to make it.

----Only the three of you without backdancers.
I guess we discussed that until the end. Tokyo Dome with only the three of us, how’s going to come out?, sort of. As visual, how’s it going to be having only the three of us in such a large space? At first I thought the same too, but creating a time and space only for the three of us and the fans is also something that can be done exactly because it’s the 10th anniversary, plus if we can do it it’s going to be amazing; we discussed about it until the very end. If it’s only the three of us, it also means heighten the morale together with the staff, or better it’s a “let’s create it together with the people who know KAT-TUN well and have supported us until now”. So as a result, we decided to go for only the tree of us, but as first thing, changing the formation was very difficult. It’s like re-learning everything from the start (laughs) even rewatching the original choreography VTRs won’t help that much; that process was the hardest.

----During the MC you talked about not being used to that positions.
That’s only Nakamaru’s problem (laughs) if he just stood in the middle it’d be resolved (laughs)

----How about splitting the song into parts?
Of course, we started with the flow of keeping the same base and deciding who was going to sing the parts that changed, but group songs are something that we can sing because everyone has their own parts. Looking at the bigger picture, KAT-TUN songs have a high key, so it was like “ah, here’s me again?” (laughs) well, it was a difficult rehearsal under many aspects. As the theme was 10th anniversary and singing with grateful feelings, we also decided since the beginning to avoid an elaborated direction. But there was also some insecurity toward that. Is it ok to have this kind of direction? Until now, KAT-TUN=elaborated direction. But this time is a festival for our 10th anniversary. As a result, I think it turned out being something with a deep meaning.

---But costumes are costumes that only KAT-TUN can wear!
Regarding that, we already got used to it so we don’t know (laughs) We simply like that kind of (flashy) outfits. Wearing our costumes we think “ah, I’m so cool” (laughs) This time, I really like the opening pirate costume. The opening outfit is really important to rise our voltage.

Ueda looked so happy talking about the stage costumes. Regarding the fact each member’s outfit is a bit different, “each one of us has his own favourite style, so in the process they turn out like that”. Also when we asked about the feelings of that day, Ueda replied firmly with his own words.

---How were you feeling on last day, before going on stage?
I think it was different for each one of us. We would entered the recharging period from that day, so I think each one of us had a lot of feelings going on. Probably the audience would attend the concert holding a lot of feelings too, there were a lot of emotions going on. We were thinking “let’s have fun anyway”, but there was also a “once we end singing here, we won’t sing for a while…” But once it starts, we have no free time to feel anything. We were continuously on stage, there was no solo songs, I remember I sweated a lot.

----Ueda-kun was teased about how your sweat evaporates quickly.
If I take a break my sweat disappears soon. My body learnt how to stop sweating after 1 minute (laughs)

----Do you remember the MC?
I don’t remember it that much. We never decide what to talk about, so we probably were talking about trivial stuff. Every time we go out it’s a battle (laughs) I guess we don’t think about anything until the final greeting. We are simply enjoying until the end.

----While talking on stage, you didn’t even feel “there won’t be any similar moment with the three of us for some time”?
Of course deep inside of the three of us there probably was, but when on stage there’s also adrenalin, and I guess the feeling of enjoying it was strong.

----The Tengu corner was nostalgic. I thought you would throw the uchiwa.
About that, you know, right now we have no element to turn into tengu (laughs) With that we are teasing our past a lot. As in, these guys are really big-headed Tengus despite having just debuted (laughs) But if we do that now, it’s a “what do you think you are to turn into Tengus?” (laughs) The one who said to do that was probably Nakamaru. Because the one who says he wants to do stuff like this is Nakamaru. Also the Dracula corned that Nakamaru and Kame did is the same “let’s play with what we did in the past”. Also the lasers and my bike. It’s something we can do because it’s the 10th anniversary, also people who are watching will surely feel it, there will also people thinking “ah so nostalgic, that time it was like this”.

[T/N: “being/becoming a Tengu” means get bighead, be puffed-up, pompous, etc. The Tengu song and corner, since the debut period, was about how KT were too bigheaded around debut area ^^’ What Ueda says here with “no element to become tengu” is that right now they have no reason to justify being bigheaded right now.]

----What was the part you liked?
From “Don’t you ever stop” to “Never again”, because it is all dance it was tiring but I feel all of us were gaudily dancing. I also really like the flow starting with “Will be all right” a cappella. What naturally touched me was “4U”, with our pictures from our childhood starting to flow and the audience singing. Also during the rehearsal, looking blankly at the screen I thought “ah, so nice lyrics…” and got teary-eyed. I remember that clearly.

Happiness, deep emotions, every concert surely comes to an end. The three of them who were standing on stage spoke their true feelings as last greeting. Among the fans there were already people crying desperately. Even people who were in the press area and came there for reportage couldn’t keep composure.

-----The last greeting had a particular mood.
It was. I guess that, since we wanted to properly transmit our words, each one of us was particularly long. You think you want to properly convey, but when it comes the time to speak… I guess, I was trying to be conscious of first calm down, keep the heartbeat speed down, and then speak.

----What did you want to convey most?
I guess the biggest one was, I wanted everyone to take this as a plus. Until we meet again please support each one of us; of course as single fan, but I also wanted to say that I wish fans banded together and worked as one for supporting us.

----Also the journalists, despite being there for work, emotions overflowed and everyone ended up crying. What’s the moment that hit Ueda most?
The moment that hit me most was when after the greeting I turned and Nakamaru was coming toward me crying. When I saw him like that I thought “aah, this is bad”. Until that moment I was putting all my efforts into absolutely not crying. I properly did my speech, Kame did his speech too, I thought “ok, now let’s go out with a firm conviction”, I turned and he was coming toward me crying with such an elementary schoolboy face.

---He walked toward you as if he was drawn to you.
Yes, crying desperatedly. At first I thought “Eh?”, but when I saw that expression I kinda crumbled. “Nakamaru fell into this status”.

---Indeed. The normally composed Nakamaru was crying defenseless like a kid.
Yes. The moment I saw him I realized that even inside Nakamaru there was a lot he had been thinking about. Because Nakamaru talks quite dispassionately. Even talking about the group, he always does that with detachment. I’m the type that becomes emotional and talks with passion, so I didn’t really understand his thoughts. But when I saw him like that, I thought “aah…”. Of course everyone was feeling like that, but with him, we’ve always been together since high school.

----You were taking the train together.
Yes, yes. Then, he was keeping crying backstage too. Maybe backstage was even worse. Because when on stage everyone is enduring. The span of time before going out for the encore was quite harsh.

----Too many feelings overflowing?
Because each one of us had stuff to reflect upon. We were in a status that even staff almost couldn’t come close; it’s not that we were isolating ourselves, but each one of us was reflecting while taking his time alone. Then, it was like “Ok, let’s go”.

----So it was like that.
We don’t want to show our weak side in front of the fans as much as possible. Because we think that if we don’t stand firm reliably, they can’t follow us. Thus I decided that I would haven’t cried on that day, no matter what, yet when Nakamaru gave me that expression, the feelings just… Because of that, I remembered 10 years. From KAT-TUN formation until now, in that moment all memories came to me like a revolving lantern. Like, “the three of us are a group”. It’s a relationship like war comrades, like mates, like family. The moment I felt this the strongest is when we joined shoulders. Before leaving the stage, climbing the stairs together.

----That scene was in almost all magazines which where there for the reportage.
But you know, no magazine nor TV report showed Nakamaru from my angle, I wanted everyone to show that angle. I want fans to see that moment. During DVD editing I said it too. Please add Nakamaru’s face of that moment. They said that due to camera position chances are it has not being recorded. Filming from front, you can only see his profile looking at me, right? But I saw his face from straight front. And when I turned to the side I could see also Kame’s face coming here. He doesn’t want to be seen by everyone, you know, he was giving his back because he doesn’t want to show to the camera, or better, because he doesn’t really want to show is weak expression.

----Only the three of you saw what no one else knows.
Yes. This is why when I saw the completed DVD I felt “ah, yeah, this is how audience saw it”. Like, “the scenery we saw is completely different”

---It’s a vision impressed in the back of your brain.
That moment is extremely carved into my mind. That’s why I thought I want everyone to see it. I think that in that exact moment, there’s something that people who’ve been supporting us for 10 years can feel for sure. Because they could already feel it even from a far away shooting.

----Fans were crying hard, end even us were in an embarrassing status of coming for work duty and yet crying.
But I’m thankful. It means that it was conveyed. Having done like this has a meaning, and they’re tears coming from the fact they are supporting us. So I’m really grateful there are so many people like that here for us, and it was a concert I felt I love the group called KAT-TUN. So of course there’s a sense of loneliness, but positive feelings like “let’s give our best more and more” arose too.

----After the concert ended, you came to greet the journalists, but all of you were incredibly smiling.
That moment we were already in a positive feeling status. “Let’s give our best. Surely doing like this it will turn into a positive thing.”, a sense of having broken out. We properly stared at our fans, we could confirm once again “let’s give our best to see this scenery once again”.

------No ending party on that day?
Kame had the live broadcast. I guess it ended as we all hugged saying let’s give our best.

---A belated ending party?
KAT-TUN don’t have ending parties. Never did. It’s a weird relationship, isn’t it? We firmly have a bond, but we don’t hold ending parties. We never had ever once. As we think it’s not something we do, when I hear about it from others I’m surprised (laughs)

----You just went back home? Nothing with Nakamaru?
Nakamaru probably went for a massage (laugh) He always goes of a massage after. I went out drinking, maybe? I don’t know, I don’t remember anymore.

----Please tell us the thing to pay attention to about Nakamaru-kun and Kamenashi-kun.
Nakamaru is that part, I guess. The fact that he released what he was piling up. I think he was coping until the greeting, but surely a lot of twisted feelings came up and turned out like that. I think this is also one of his charming points. On the contrary, regarding Kame, it really impressed me his firm stare fixed in front of him. He has a lot he is carrying on his shoulder. I thought that in the ending each one’s charm is collected. Also each one’s way of life.

3 months passed. The three of them are happily appearing on television. Ueda in “Hono no Taiikukai TV” is appealing as coach of Johnny’s athletics club.

----You’re active separately, please tell us some news!
While taking part to the TV programs, I’m studying many things. In order to connect the private to work as much as possible, I’m doing boxing, going to watch theater plays, watching movies, playing the piano, because I think it’s be good if everything one day will connect to work.

----Is there something new you want to learn? You don’t cook, right?
I’ll never cook in my whole life (laughs) I really want my wife cook for me after we get married, because I really feel charming the ability of doing housework in women. Of course sometimes I do and I think I can until a certain point. But I want to entrust it as much as I can, normally I ask for delivery or eat outside.

---So you like women who can do housework.
In my case. I feel the “femininity” in doing something that I can’t do. Of course working ladies are appealing too, but thinking that they’re going to work forever I end up thinking probably they don’t do houseworks. So if asked where I feel admiration toward women, it is that point. Of course it is not only that. Love is the great premise (laughs)

----What do you order as delivery food?
Curry, curry. Delivery curry is so good (laughs) some time ago I really liked white meat cutlet curry, now I prefer curry with pork shabu and spinach. Also egg salad. I’m very biased but curry is so delicious (laughs)

----So to conclude, what do you want to tell the hyphens right now?
Yes. I’m sure that now, here, Kamenashi-kun and Nakamaru-kun and myself will give our best, so I’d be happy if you can support us with all your power. Because the power of fans is really big. You have the power that if your voice is strong you can move anything, so please believe us and fight with us until we
restart our activities. We will hang on too, we’re ready to face a lot of things.


The last comment about fans' voice... sounds like a message. Let's raise our voice in willing KAT-TUN to come back soon! :DD
What I felt from the various concert ending greetins, the members' 10,000 characters interviews, and whenever they talked about this recharge thing, is that they'll come back once the request from fans (and possibly not only fans, as Kame hinted) of having more KAT-TUN activities is strong enough to move them and whoever is in charge of them (record company, agency etc). So... let's convey them our feelings!!!

.member: ueda, kat-tun, .member: all, $magazine: others, *translation: magazine

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