
Jan 31, 2010 22:28

Title: Chrysalis
Author: railise
Word Count: 197
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Isabella, mention of Squire Thornton
Summary: Isabella finds a butterfly. Pre-S3.
Disclaimer: I have no rights to or association with the show Robin Hood, and get nothing from this other than the fun of playing in the world provided by the BBC and Tiger Aspect.
Notes: For isabella_giz in rh_intercomm.

Ever since she was a small child, Isabella had always been fascinated by butterflies.

She loved watching the caterpillars inch their way across leaves, knowing that many would be eaten by birds, only the survivors being able to make their cocoons. Whenever she came upon such a casing hanging off of a branch, she marveled anew at the supreme amount of trust that such a state required, hoping that no damage would befall it before the creature within was ready to emerge. And then, when it finally burst free and spread its wings, it was the most beautiful sight she could imagine, catching the wind to wherever it might go.

And yet, those same wings which allowed the butterfly to soar could so easily be damaged, causing the glorious being to plummet to the ground, leaving it vulnerable to whomever happened upon it.

She was glad that she had been the person to find the wounded insect this day. On more than one occasion, she had watched in horror as her husband stepped on others like it, crushing them beneath his boot. But, perhaps this one might survive with her help. Perhaps, it might even fly again.

She had to try.

fanfic, intercomm, character: thornton

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