I'm supposed to call someone to tell them I love them.  Lol.

Mar 15, 2022 21:43

Came back from the parish mission.  Once again generic talk, talking about his lived experience and then name dropping it as an example of Jesus.  Once again, I don't feel I got much out of it in terms of growing in my faith.  But it was a fun talk.  If anything, I did appreciated the exposition / benediction.  HAHAHA!!!  Mom was saying in the Philippines the Tantum Ergo has a different tune and started singing it.  I'm like...  That sounds familiar...  But I remember the song being in Tagalog.  So I tried to play the song I thought had the same tune in my mind.  HAHAHAH!!!  It is in Latin!  Anyway...  I'm thinking...  They have Rosary / Benediction on Monday nights.  Not really a fan of group Rosary, but maybe I can just ignore it and do my own thing / adoration?  I dunno...  Just a thing I'm thinking about.  I did bring my Breviary and did that.  Tried to do a #breviaryview, but not feeling it now.  I then left my breviary in the pew.  I wonder if anyone would know it was mine.  I mean, by the seat maybe...  But it might have been in the lost and found if some rando found it.  Anyway...  Is there anything to mention about the talk?  A lot of it had to do with relationship, like don't abandon people and don't abandon Jesus.  That's why he was saying to call someone when you leave tonight and tell them you love them.  If you came with someone, hold them tight, etc.  Oh yeah, Br. David did tell Fr. I to call Romania when it was over.  He didn't care what time it was!  I think it would be 2AMish?  cc 7500centfish

Leaving...  I held the door, Mom was behind another person, so I just continued.  I went down the steps and I heard a commotion.  Mom had fallen.  She actually just sat on the step and rolled back.  Didn't hit her head.  As someone said who tried to help her up...  There were several people actually.  The someone said the way she fell was the best possible.  I went back and held Mom by the arm as others pulled her up and continued to walk her to the car.  The night previous / what I was intending to do was walk to the end of the covered area and accompany her in the dark.  Anyway, as we walked away, seeing how she fell / knowing she was OK, I was more "paranoid" that I didn't thank the people who helped her.

Dream.  I was walking into church, except I was behind a slow person and I didn't want to be rude and over take them so I just slowly walked behind them.  But then as we approached the doors Fr. I was standing in front of the door greeting people and me being awkward broke away from behind the slow person and went through the side door.  As I walked by I heard Fr. I complement her dress or something.  When I was in the gathering area, I was meant to go down into the basement hall for a meeting, but decided to "show off" and "say Hi to Jesus" and enter the church proper (?).  But once again stuck behind slow people who I didn't want to over take so as someone genuflected in an aisle I felt I needed to go to the next and then the next.  Once again, I was like forget this and over took people and went all the way around till I was behind the altar, but then there were no aisles to genuflect in.  I then saw a cart, like the ones in Bedknobs and Broomsticks in the Portabello Road scene and it had books on them, which from the sign on top I assumed were free for the taking.  So I started looking through them, but then I saw one of those library slips inside.  Someone was behind me looking at books too, so I mentioned they were for borrowing only.

Work.  Marna had be do stuff as I was prepping to leave.  7 minutes I won't get paid for.  Like seriously...  If you paid me for the time I'm there I'd take my time, but the fact you don't...  Anyway, like 15 mins before I leave, Dr. L had me make an appt for a patient.  I booked it for tomorrow no problem, but then because they had a different insurance to what was in the chart I was scrambling to figure that out.  The office then called to tell me this.  Yeah, I just found out too.  Then I was in the middle of putting in the referral, but because the insurance isn't active active it needed to be paper.  So...  Marna asked me to do that and it was 5 when she asked me this.  "Just fill it out and I'll fax it."  She on the other hand had to call radiology because with this insurance they can't do imaging in the office.  So...  Yeah, I get she was busy, but the referral could have waited till tomorrow.

In other work news...  One of the major insurances was dropped from many hospital systems, so we have to refer a lot of patients to new doctors.  I default to CHS because...  Even when it's Catholic, it's "private" and the only other option is the county hospital, which sucks.  But then...  I had to refer a patient who is obviously not Catholic.  Do I default refer them to the nice hospital?  I ended up saying...  You can go to Mercy or Nassau.  They chose Nassau.  There are more reasons I don't like Nassau.  Like it's difficult to get reports / speak 1 on 1 with actual people so...  Yeah, I prefer other places.  But like I said, I offered them a choice.

The Pillar had an episode about #MeatFriday.  Apparently this Friday is the same like Christmas.  But one Bishop seems to have dispensed his Diocese for the entire Friday if they participate in Vespers or Vigil Mass.  I mean...  I do vespers after I eat, so it doesn't really effect me, but...  It's good to celebrate even if I eat Fish for dinner.  Maybe I'll listen to music!  But then said there could be ambiguity.  Because by law the day starts midnight to midnight, but then there are liturgical days which start at vespers, etc.  So there is a grey area to when the feasting actually starts.  If anything they said any priest can dispense an individual.  JD (?) said once he went to Mass on a Friday in Lent and as they left Mass, anyone the priest shook hands with he dispensed them from fasting that day.  HAHAHAH!!!  I love Catholicism!  But hahaha...  That made me think.  Is it any priest that can do that to any person or does it have to be your pastor, who is responsible for your soul?  But then again who is my pastor???  Because there was that one time during someone's funeral Monsignor A was eating meat and told us it was OK.  I mean, I chalked it up to going to a wedding and not being rude.  So...

I got my incense!

catholicism, #meatfriday, #breviaryview, st e, private kinda, dream, sunday mass tweet

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