No longer in a state of sin!

Nov 03, 2018 18:15

Although after the fact I remembered sins I forgot to confess...  Anyway, he answered my question about the abortion.  He's got a JUD degree.  I trust him!  Anyway, he said b/c I was a student and observing it's not my sin.  Basically it's as if he saw someone getting mugged outside his window.  But he said if it's weighing heavily on my mind then it's fine.  It wasn't...  Like I said I confessed to it in the past, but the priest said nothing at the time.  So I was covering my bases.  Hahah...  Once I said "bishop" he put down his bible and was ready to counsel me before I was done with my statement!  He knew where it was going!

Anyway...  Interesting.  Mom didn't go in to confess, but just knelt in a pew and prayed.  I thought you had to go at least once a year to be considered practicing?  Or is it only if you commit mortal sins?  Either way, I need to make it a point to go yearly if not more often.

So I mentioned in the car I'm listing to a "podcast with 2 priests in Rome" and I mentioned my connection...  "You remember that priest that used to be in our church and went to Rome?"  Someone said, "what is he, a pedophile?"  From my own family...

I need more things to watch.  I saw Island Of The Monks on Amazon.  It was kinda sad.  Basically their order dwindled to 8 people they could no longer sustain their monastery, so they were hoping to sell / move to a small island and set up a new monastery there.  It pretty much was several of them not wanting to go, but then accepting the fact.  In the end, they were given permission to sell the place and moved.  The 4 oldest going to other monasteries in the meantime.  They didn't really say what happened after that so it feels incomplete.  I tried to google and it looks like they just bought a place.  I think the doc was 2015-16.  But the can't move in till next year when the now hotel stops business.  I wonder if the 4 brothers that went to other monasteries are still alive, what the buyers of the old monastery did, etc.

Anyway, I have to start packing.  I don't even know what I'm wearing.  I'll probably bring another dress JIC.  7500centfish is invited to the rehearsal, b/c she's doing a reading.  Well...  I heard we're all going to the rehearsal, just not the dinner.  Well, the kids are going to some Chicago style pizza place.  There doesn't seem to be things planned by Tito Caesar like Zach's wedding.  But then again it's his home town.


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