I almost cried in church...

Nov 04, 2018 14:51

B/c I'm a dork like that.  I was just thankful and...  It was a good feeling.

That being said, I was slightly paranoid the priest recognized me.  The screen isn't that concealing.  In his homily, he made a comment about little children confessing they disobeyed their parents...  But whatever.

Random podcast thoughts I haven't posted about.
  • In the middle of a podcast on Male Chastity, well it's called The Challenge.  Just a comment they made.  The church doesn't require its women to wear burqas.  I mean, they said if the point in them is to prevent men from sinning...  Basically saying it's then not a sacrifice if they're not challenged.  Throwback to the podcast on dressing for church.  There comes a point where it's an issue with yourself and not what the woman is wearing.
  • I find myself picking up on words / understanding more.  Like Septuagint and Red and white martyrs.

    More youtube vids...  Well one was on is it legal / should you teach world religions in public school.  I think I wrote about this years ago...  Maybe even before my LJ...  But I've been keeping a journal since high school.  Anyway, in college I felt something missing.  I wasn't having daily religious education, nor praying, so I decided to take a world religions class.  Looking back, I should have probably sought out a Newman society or something.  But then again, I don't want to socialize, I just wanted to learn.  I think I only went to mass on campus once b/c of a Holy Day or maybe it was Holy week and I was just feeling it.  And I remember feeling out of place / an outsider.  Anyway...  Basically the vids I saw are yes it's legal, but you have to teach it secularly and you can't favor one over another.  So my professor...  It seemed like he saw good in every religion, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism.  Like he'd say he'd go to Jewish services and find them beautiful.  Even forms of Christianity.  But not Catholicism.  How it was backwards / not with the times.  "I can say that b/c I was a Catholic."  We had to write these reflections and a lot of the time I was disagreeing with what he was saying or how I interpret things.  Like once he said Catholics see priest in a higher light and...  This was before I realized priests were cool and down to earth...  But the fact I've had several priest in my life, I didn't see them as being higher than others.  I guess he was trying to convey how they are like a conduit between people and God.  Lol.  I read back on my reflection and I basically said something like as a Catholic you don't need to be a priest / nun / brother, etc to perform God's work.  You can be a mother / father a lawyer or anything.  Lol...  I was way more Catholic than I thought!  Anyway, I was like in a place where everything he was saying I was fighting against.  At that time Catholicism became a choice and not something I was born with / forced on.

    Real life stuff.

    Brought in my car for an oil change.  At 9500 miles or so every AM my car would tell me how many miles till I needed an oil change.  When I surpassed 10K, it screamed at me!  Anyway...  Mom and I drove to bring the car.  I suspect we'd just drop it off, go to the mall then pick it up later.  Nope.  Mom was like we'll stay.  It was done in about 45 mins.  I had a bagel / coffee while we waited.  Titanic was on the TV...  I was still hungry, but they didn't buy me breakfast.  Anyway, went back to my car and I had to adjust my seat, etc and Mom is already driving away.  I then noticed they washed my mats and vacuumed my car.  But they put all the trash I had on the floor on my seats and stole all my coins!  I was told I needed to have money in my car so I'd always have money...  I was pissed...  Some of those coins were from The Indy I.  They told me to expect a survey...  Guess what I'm writing about!

    The local Bed Bath closed.  They keep saying they could go to the other Bed Bath...  "But they don't have harmon drugs!"  Anyway, we ended up going to Target.  This is both good and bad.  I needed to buy a few things...  But if this continues to happen I may end up buying stuff I don't really need.  I bought discounted M&Ms and Sour Patch Kids.  Both Tita Nette and Tita Evelyn were overwelmed.  Tita Nette likes to go up and down every aisle to see what she needs, but that's not possible here.  Tita Evelyn said it was just too big and she doesn't know where anything is.

    Ooh...  Little Drummer Girl.  I need to watch this.  But at the same time, do I read it first?  I...  I don't know if I'm reading the George Smiley books or just the Karla Trilogy.  Either way, I'm stuck on The Honourable School Boy.  It's just so hard to read.  At this point, more than half way through I don't know whats happening, it's VERY slow moving.  I don't think this is either of those series so I could just read it?  But...  I'm in the middle of reading The Terror, The Alienist, The Honorable School Boy which I pretty much decided to stop / if I want to read I'd have to start over.  Uh...  I'm reading short story compilations, but I can start and stop those at any times so...  I also thought of pickup up Mere Christianity.
  • catholicism, private kinda

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