
Oct 07, 2018 19:26

So tired...  I was up till almost 5AM because I decided to watch Silence by Martin Scorsese.  And after that I decided to watch youtube reviews on it...

But I guess I'll start with...

Mom's classmate died.  At first I didn't know who was on the phone or who had died when she said, "she's dead".  But by her reaction I was worried it was Aunt Pitat.  Aunt Pitat had got into a car accident and totaled her car.  She complained of chest pain, but was fine per her.  I don't know if she was evaluated or went to an ER or anything, but...  She went home alone, so 7500centfish and I told Mom to check on her the next day.  Dr. K went to see her the next day as well.  And today she's supposed to go car shopping.  She's thinking of a Passat or Jetta.  Anyway...  It wasn't her.  And...  I was relieved, yet...  If Mom's reaction is like that for her classmate, imagine if it were Aunt Pitat.  I don't know if I could support her through that.  Anyway...  I'm straying.  It was her classmate from the Philippines, Tita Anita.  She had just been here...  She was actually here on my bday and we celebrated together.  Mom said she wasn't sick.  Complained of slight chest pain yesterday and her family found her in the bathroom unconscious today (yesterday?).  Mom was saying she just texted her yesterday, how she had forwarded something to her.  How Tita Anita had said she was a good friend, etc...  Anyway, Mom then tried contacting her other classmates.  Anyway, I went down to eat and...  I tried to be more helpful and not to act annoyed even when I think it.  Mom was asking me to help her with some UST or APPNY thing.

Anyway...  I've been feeling...  I don't even remember where it started.  But I feel...  I went to Catholic school for 13 years of my life and...  I feel like I know next to nothing about Catholicism!  Well...  No that's not entirely true.  But not enough.  I mean...  I took church history and theology classes.  Maybe they taught us the right things, but...  I didn't equate it into anything more than Jesus loves me.  I certainly don't know enough to defend Catholicism.  And I guess that's the thing I want.  Anyway, so I tried to look for podcasts or youtube videos which were basically relearning catechism or an RCIA like thing for people who are already confirmed.  I ended up finding Catholic Stuff You Should Know.  I've started from the beginning, 2010 and am listening at work.  I'm only up to 2013 at this point.  It's not really outright catechism.  More like...  Quirky / interesting saints or canon law.  Mostly obscure things.  But thrown in are actually useful / everyday life things within.  But as I was telling people in TN...  I really shouldn't have googled the people.  B/c OMG...  One guy is hot!  FYI, it started off as them being seminarians, but one by one they become priests.  Like I said, it started in 2010.  I lost my train of thought...

In between I was also looking for podcasts / reviews of Brideshead Revisited.  The first I heard was Close Reads who went chapter by chapter and...  There were times when it went over my head and this one guy was going way into it / dominating the conversation...  Plus I'm very much a surface reader.  But I feel like they got it vs. other podcasts I listened to.  One was on it being a hidden gay novel.  And maybe b/c I don't come from that background / familiar with it as a literary form I just didn't see it.  But WTF!?!  She was like...  I (me) personally thought Sebastian had a calling to the priesthood, but it had nothing to do with him being gay!  Ugh...  What did she say???  I remember the comment she made about lesbians.  That...  Today they're having a hard time recruiting nuns b/c as a lesbian you no longer have to become a nun, you can do other things with your life.  Where the F did that thought come from!?!  It was kinda similar with Sebastian, like oh he's gay, therefore he has a calling to become a priest.  FYI so what a priest is gay!  They are called to be celibate / chaste.  Plus gay does not equate to pedophilia.  Moving on!!!  Besides the 1st podcast I didn't feel any other podcast got the whole suffering as a way to salvation.  Like when I first saw the mini I once heard it describes as only a catholic would find the ending as happy.  And I did.  And it's not the Catholic church / religion that caused their suffering, but the fact they were running from it.  Then there is ambiguity as to whether Charles and Sebastian had a gay relationship.  Yes they loved each other, but was it gay / sexual.  The first podcast was like no it's not, and you can have male friendships that close and not be gay.  The 2nd...  1 person was like no it wasn't consummated, the other it was.  Either way they felt the message is still the same either way.  So...  Don't matter.

So I was then looking at Catholic youtube channels.  Most specifically New Catholic Generation.  They do random videos, reactions to buzzfeed vids, movie reviews...  I saw a review to the trailer for Silence.  Interesting...  I had it saved on my Hulu watch list so I immediately went to watch it.  I had seen a few of Scorsese's films and even took a class on Italian Americans in cinema.  A lot of his movies dealing with sin and redemption.  And this fell into that theme.  Cinematically it was well made.  I was enjoying the movie.  And maybe I was expecting a certain ending?  So when the actual ending came I was...  Let down?  Disappointed?  Unfulfilled?  SPOILERS!!!  Basically it's about Jesuit missionaries in Japan.  There's a rumor Liam Neeson has apostatized and...  Did they say at that point he was working with the Japanese and converted to Buddhism?  Anyway, so his 2 students, Spiderman and Kylo Ren go to Japan to find him and continue his work.  For a bit they find the hidden communities, distribute the sacraments, but eventually get caught.  At this point the Japanese gov learn that torturing and killing the lay people isn't gonna do anything.  But basically psychologically torturing the priests is the way to go.  Get them to renounce the faith and therefore setting an example to the lay people that it's fake, there is no point in Christianity.  In the end Andrew Garfield cracks?  Hears the voice of Jesus?  And apostatizes.  Throughout they had the Japanese do that, step on an image of Jesus or be killed and I thought so what.  There was one guy who would do that, be set free then confess.  He did this about 5 times.  And I was like yeah...  No biggie.  But then when Fr. Andrew does it...  Lol I forget his name, it's Portuguese...  Yes it's under duress so is it really apostasy?  But then I missed it...  There was a cock crow and then he continues to work for the Japanese and turn in other Christian missionaries.  It didn't sit right with me.  Then in the end...  Oh he's given a Japanese widow and her kid.  In the end he is given a Buddhist funeral and only the wife is able to touch his body.  The end scene is a funeral pyre and he has a crucifix in his hand.  I mean...  It's obvious he converted his wife, but...  It was not enough for me.  Like I said afterward I saw reviews for it and Bishop Barron basically says what I was feeling.  Like religion is OK as long as it's kept private / personal.  But then the New Catholic Generation review...  This one guy was hurt by it and...  I agree with him in a sense, but then I thought he was being way too offended by it.  But then he explained it more and...  Basically as a priest apostatizing it like pooh poohing...  Sorry can't think of a good term... on the martyrdom of the lay people who died for the faith.  Long story short.  It had the potential to be a great movie, but it fell short with the outcome.

Mom wants to pray the rosary...  Might go do that now and finish this afterward.

Time jump!

I was gonna write about more religious / catholic / personal things, but I don't feel like getting into it right now...

More television!

Since baseball season is over, I "picked up" 2 TV shows.  Kinda...  I don't know if either has staying potential at this point.

A Million Little Things.  I went into it b/c of Ron Livingston, James Roday and...  What is her name?  From Battlestar Galactica...  Boomer!  But Ron Livingston is some dead guy, Grace Park is barely in it and...  Was it geebs?  Described James Roday as Shawn from Psych, but on this show.  Basically.  I don't know...  It seems too saccharine.  Not enough really emotional drama for me to care at this point.  I guess the whole thing, as well as picking up where their friend left off is figuring why he killed himself.  Now...  Surprisingly...  I can't ID, but he seemed too "happy" to commit suicide.  Supposing he did know his wife and his friend were having an affair, how is "take care of one another" anything other than a...  Like I don't see someone being all depressed and about to kill themselves saying such a thing.  It's more like a positive thing to think?  But then they do show him as happy before he jumps out his window.  So...  I don't know.  It doesn't compute with me.  Either way...  Like I said, I'm not sure it has enough to keep me watching at this point.

Manifest.  The premise sounded interesting.  A flight takes off, land and it's x years later.  Focusing on a family, half went on 1 flight, the rest on another.  There is set of twins, which are now 5 years apart.  And...  It doesn't seem to focus on that much anymore, but for some reason the passengers developed some sort of 6th sense where they hear voices which make them do things to save people.  That is kinda cheesy and a turn off.  It is filmed in and around Queens so that's a plus.  But Jeter...  Really?

private kinda

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