Title: Ripcord Fandom: FFVIII Characters: Quistis, Xu Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: Quistis, Xu, and the field test. For aesriella at The Kissing Battle.
Title: The Last Order Authors: first_seventhe and irishais Fandom: FFVIII Characters/Pairings:: Cast (Squall/Rinoa, Seifer, Irvine, Selphie, Quistis, Zell, Xu) Rating: PG-13 Warnings: None Summary: A commanding officer's step-by-step guide to letting your pride (and lack of experience) destroy your home.
Title: contrariwise Fandom: FFVIII Characters: Seifer, Quistis Rating: PG Warnings: Experimental formatting? I am incapable of writing sane drabbles? Summary: This is not a fairy tale. Garden forgives, but it doesn't forget.
Title: A Bullet With Your Name on It Fandom: FFVIII Characters/Pairings: Quistis, Squall Rating: PG-13 Warnings: None Summary: It always comes too close for comfort.
Title: Breathe In Fandom: FFVIII Pairing/Characters: Seifer, Squall, Quistis Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Death Summary: "No," he repeats. This is the mantra. This is what's keeping him sane. Notes: Many thanks to kimouski and neev for beta-work. :D
Title: War Bride Fandom: FFVIII Characters: Quistis Rating: PG-13 Warnings: None Summary: It's strange how saving the world was supposed to be the hard part.