A (Really Long) Song Of Ice and Fire

Aug 13, 2011 11:39

I’ve been working my way through George R.R. Martin’s A Song Of Ice and Fire book series (a.k.a. the Game of Thrones books) and, as I said in my earlier reviews of the first two books, the world-building is great, but the actual narrative construction is pretty poor ( Read more... )

game of thrones, books

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Comments 2

cookiekel August 15 2011, 02:19:46 UTC
I'm so torn about starting this series. I loved the first season and I have the first book but I'm worried it's going to frustrate me. Decisions, decisions.


iridescentglow August 15 2011, 06:11:49 UTC
Honestly, I think if you CAN wait for the rest to air on TV, you should wait. The books are inferior to the TV show, IMO, and knowing the twists is likely to spoil watching the TV series unfold.


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