Title: ANTMM - Finale Week part 1
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The boy who wears a hat.
AN: Written in
ANTMM ‘verse.
Jensen flicks a lock of hair out of his eye and puts on the hat. It’s a kind that Jude Law wore in Talented Mr. Ripley. Jude looked sweet and mischievous at the same time there and Jensen wonders how he himself looks.
“Jensen, all set?” the photographer shouts.
Jensen nods. He’s been sitting on the ground for some time leaning on a truck, ignoring a pair of eyes he knows that has been watching him since the very beginning.
Marcus is standing with Henry who’s waiting for his turn. From the corner of his eye Jensen sees the two talk to each other - or rather, Marcus is talking and Henry is listening. Jensen doesn’t give a damn what’s going on, really. They sent Brent back home while he and Henry stay. Henry is such a pretty guy with his blue eyes. Jensen will be happy for him if he wins.
“No, no. Not like that. Jensen.”
Jensen jerks back from his wandering thoughts at the mention of his name, unable to stop himself from flinching when seeing Marcus pace toward him, least of all when he squats before him right in the middle of the vee between Jensen’s open legs. Jensen shifts uneasily at the invasion of his personal space. It’s not the first time by Marcus or anyone else during the competition but Jensen still can’t get used to it.
“Concentrate, okay? Can you do that? Your eyes show no emotion. We can’t print any of the pictures we got.”
Jensen is nothing but professional and he doesn’t want anyone to say he’s less than that.
“Sorry. Won’t happen again,” he says in a muffled voice.
“Good. I know I can count on you.”
Jensen’s lips curl in what he hopes looks like a smile. Marcus cups his face and leaves his hand there longer than appropriate. Jensen breathes faster in discomfort and he looks up at Marcus under hooded lids. Marcus gazes down at him, stroking Jensen’s lips with his thumb. Jensen gasps, mouth parting involuntarily. Marcus smiles gently.
“You’re so beautiful, kid,” he says in a voice so soft it’s out of everyone else’s earshot. He gives Jensen’s face a bit of a squeeze. “I think I like you. A lot.”
Again, I thank everyone who took the time to vote in the polls. :D This is the last poll, I guess, but I just want to know…
Poll ANTMM - Finale