So, I'm back from a relatively Internet free week. I'm ill, tired, headachy and generally feeling rather meh about everything in life at the moment. But I think that's the ill that's talking. And I think the ill comes from not really sleeping enough this week and lugging lots of boxes filled with books all over the place.
cut for boring real life work stuff )
Comments 4
We had the Essex book festival in March and now have tons of copies of the works of the authors featured sitting not getting borrowed :)I am gearing up for the Summer Reading Challenge, 3000 children do it over the holidays in my library alone. Crazy times are had in sign up period, and in the tasks the kids do in the library. Still, we do it because we love the books, right?!
Korky Paul! I love his childrens books! They are my favorites to read out at class visits!
Hope you feel better soon chick x x
They are so much work, aren't they? And I'm not even the point person. I just help out whenever and whereever I can.
Definitely love the books. Love meeting the authors too. That's always fun. Luckily I've never met any author and not liked them - that would suck.
Korky Paul is amazing.
Definitely feeling better. Just back to being tired *g*
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