So, I'm back from a relatively Internet free week. I'm ill, tired, headachy and generally feeling rather meh about everything in life at the moment. But I think that's the ill that's talking. And I think the ill comes from not really sleeping enough this week and lugging lots of boxes filled with books all over the place.
It was a rather manic week at work. It was the Southampton Bookfair, which it a three day event (that we are all mental enough to do once every two years) that involved lots of authors and lots of children. During it several schools, which equals a couple of thousand children come and listen to 12 authors talk over the three days.
As the bookshop that supplies the books we have to have a huge number of books for each author, not to mention lots of other fiction and non-fiction books.
Monday was setting up day. This involved a convoy of one van and two cars filled to bursting with books, tills, cardboard display units (that have a real name that escapes me) and bags. After we all got lunch (priorities here people) it all got unloaded, which took maybe 15 mins. However unpacking the books and putting them all on display and storing the author books we didn't need for Wedensday and Thursday took about 2 hours.
So, what did I do Monday night? I watched Supernatural season 2 DVDs instread of doing the sensible thing and going to bed before 1.30am.
So I spent all the time we were swamped by children being knackered. As each day went on I became more and more cranky. Normally I'm pretty good at hiding the pissed off moods I'm in, but not this week.
Every afternoon after the children had gone we had to pack away the books of the authors who had been there that day and get out the ones of the next day. Then on Thursday we had to pack it all away.
So I went to bed at a decent hour for me, with the full expectation that I would sleep until I woke up today (yay for days off). Not so. Instead I woke at 3am with a killer sore throat and all that accompanies it. I still have said sore throat and a headache and general bunged-up-ness. And it sucks.
On the plus side, I did get books signed by Julia Golding, Kaye Umansky and Alan Durant. I was too busy to get Michael Rosen to sign any, but he'll be back in Winchester for the Wessex Children's bookfair, so I can get him to sign something then instead.
Also at the Wessex bookfair will be, off the top of my head because I can't remember everyone... Terry Pratchett, Micheal Morpurgo, Micheal Rosen, Korky Paul, Chris Riddell (and, I think, Paul Stewart) and Jacqueline Wilson. I know there are others, but I can't remember them.
*looks through icons* I need an 'ill' one.
I have since looked through my flist, trying to catch up, and, for the most part succeeded, I do think. If there is anything you think I should be aware of, let me know.
I'm loving the gag reel from season four of SGA. If you haven't seen it, here it is...
Click to view
I'm also ignoring the latest round of fan wank, mostly because I'm too ill to deal with that level of stupidity.
I blazed through the second half of season two of Supernatural
I loved Dean's total devotion to Sam. The way his life is basically looking after and protecting Sam (and killing lots of bad motherfuckers, granted).
I loved the final three episodes of season two. The rest of the season I'd been a bit meh about. It just didn't quite seem to have the same kick as the first season (or the third, since i have seen that too).
The episode where the dijan gives Dean the perfect life? I loved that one. Thought it was totally mind-blowing. I loved Dean in this - all excited and overwhelmed and so fucking grateful that his mom is alive (although, I note, John wasn't - even if he did have a good career) and so is Jess and Sam got to do the law thing. Even if he and his brother don't really have the same connection, it hurts, but he doesn't mind because Sammy is safe and happy.
Although, when Dean calls Sam, Sammy and Sam says Dean never calls him that. Deans face is totally devastated.
And the joy Dean gets from doing things like doing the lawn (and the neighbour who waves back real uncertainly because that's never happened before), or watching cooking channels. And the real life pics of Jensen going to prom or Jared graduating = FTW!
And then those final two - bloody hell!
Dean wants pie. That made me laugh so hard.
And Andy, oh, Andy. I really liked Andy. Thought it was a little bit obvious that Eve (or Eva, hell, what was her name?) was the baddy. So didn't see Jake going evil though. Loved that. And I totally think the guy who is yellow-eye rocks. He's my favourite demon.
Roadhouse is dead *g*
I didn't mind it, but didn't love it. I loved on the commentary though, that Kripke was so damn happy to blow that place up. I was sad that Ash died though, I grew to really enjoy him. If Ellen isn't dead, do we see her in season 3 because I sure don't think we do. And do we know what happened to Jo, because I liked her?
I really enjoyed the episode where she went on a hunt with the boys, got caught and Dean was so shit scared of Ellen.
But Dean, oh Dean, in the face of Sammy being dead. It broke my heart. He was all broken (like, completely broken, just just a little bit like usual) and couldn't leave Sam. And the speech he gave about failing everyone and not being able to fail Sam? Ouch.
And Bobby's face when Sam walked into his house? Priceless. And the bollocking he gave Dean? I loved (and agreed with) his assessment of the 'damn Winchesters', so like father like son. And Dean's utterence that he shouldn't even be there anyway so it makes sense to bring back Sam and have his life mean something.
And then how Dean doesn't manage to keep the deal from Sam for even an episode *g* Dean lies for shit when faced with Sam. And then Sam's 'you're my big brother' speech.
I was just like, 'damn, but both you boys are messed up big time.'
And then I watched the more or less last episode of season 3 - the one with Bella. How many more does that mean I have to watch.
HA! I knew it. I knew Bella was working for Lilith. Way too obvious. Didn't get that she'd made a deal though.
Was slightly worried about Sam seriously suggesting that Frankenstein way of keeping Dean alive to dodge the curse. Could totally understand Dean thinking about it for a second and then realising that really wasn't the way to go.
And Steven Williams rocks.
So, what I want to know is, what happens with the deal? I really have got to get that episode, and pretty sharpish.
Also watched some of the final CSI:NY episodes. All I'll say is REEEEEEEEED!!!
Need to get and watch finale of NCIS.
Saw the TV line up for ComicCon thanks to
wraithfodder posting it *g*
There is going to be a Big Bang Theory panel. This fills me with stupid amounts of glee. I think I'm more excited about that than anything else. Oh, the Chuck panel also fills me with glee, now I come to think about it. And then, naturally, SGA and BSG.
Roll on July.
But at the same time, don't. I need to finish my bigbang. I'm at 51k and totally not beleiving I'm going to get it done. I did think of part of the ending though, so that's certainly a plus.
I'm at that stage where I'm totally freaking myself out over how awful it is and how the charactisation sucks, not to mention the plot, etc. I hate it when I do this to myself.
I'm going to go and quietly freak out now. Well, that and write some more while it's in my head.
And drink lemsip. I need my head to feel less woolly.
And I've just realised I've got lots of
mcshep_match to catch up on, as well as some kisses over at
mcsmooch to catch up on. Well, it's a hard life, reading all that McShep.