STXI: And The Plants, They Love Him Too

Feb 23, 2011 03:36

More of the Argo!verse, huzzah! [ Part 1 & Part 2]
Jeezy creezy, I wrote this, what, a month ago? Totally forgot to post it here, whoops. :P

And The Plants, They Love Him Too
(In which Hikaru Sulu faces off against a recalcitrant plant, and wonders how this became his life)

377 words, PGish for...implications.

It was just like a bad film, something out of those 20th century b-movie monster flicks he and Scotty watched together on a monthly basis. The stately mansion of the Planetary Governor was no longer visible under the writhing mass of vines. Under his initial shock and panic, Hikaru couldn't help but admire the plants' handiwork. He'd been studying these vines in his free time for almost a month now, but he had no idea they'd do that.


He was startled out of staring by a shriek from inside, immediately sobered by a realization of the damage semi-sentient creeper vines could inflict on any human body that got in their way. Hikaru started jogging toward the mansion, cautiously, wondering how the hell to stop a rampaging plant.

He could always just pull out his katana (always an essential when beaming down, even on shore leave), start hacking away at the tendrils and see how far he got, but he had a suspicion that would be futile. The plants could easily take him out while continuing their assault on the mansion, and truthfully, he didn't really want to hurt them. Ignoring how fucked up the situation was, this was possibly the coolest thing Hikaru had ever seen.

For lack of a better idea, he stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistled. Miraculously, the vines' writhing slowed, stopped, and started moving in reverse, the exterior of the house gradually showing again through the gaps.

With a scraping sound, one of the upstairs windows worked its way open, and a head popped out - Hikaru recognized her from the planet briefing as the governor's young trophy wife. In the landscaping lights, her hair was mussed, nightdress pulled off one shoulder, and by now he was close enough to see red abrasions coiling up her arms.

Oh shit, he realized. The plants attacked her.

“Ma'am?” He called up. “I am so sorry. I'll have these cleaned out of here right away--”

“Actually,” she interrupted breathlessly, “could you send them back up here?”

“Uh… sure.”

He walked over and patted the closest tangle of vines. “Never mind, go ahead.”

The vines moved forward again.

He wasn't going to think about that too closely.

drabbles, fandom: star trek

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