Bit of an intro (Fic Index!)

Aug 27, 2017 15:55

Technically, I don't exist.
For a list of stories, direct your attention to the cut below.

Fandom: Star Trek XI

Banned From Argo--Drabble(s) based on the classic filk song of the same name. In this installment: Kirk vs a space pirate; the morning after the night Spock can't fully remember.
More Argo Shenanigans--The continuing adventures of the Enterprise crew on Argo. In this installment: Scotty and Chekov's drunken hijinx.
And The Plants, They Love Him Too--More from the Argo-'verse. In this installment: Sulu faces down recalcitrant plants, wonders how this became his life. -_-;

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis

Oh Damn, Drugged By Aliens Again--Is it a snippet of a larger tale of alien narcotics and the ensuing shenanigans therein? Or is it a stand-alone drabble, a brief glimpse of the daily life of SGA-1? You tell me.
Snapshot--A parade on an alien planet, featuring SGA-1.
Orphaned Intro To Some SGA Fic Which May Or May Not Ever Get Written--Err, what it says in the title. Featuring the Trouble Tally!

Fandom: Bandom (aka MCR, really)

The Death Drabbles--In which I kill off the members of My Chemical Romance one by one.
Not the Life it Seems--Kind of an X-Men/My Chemical Romance fusion, of sorts (MCR with powers at boarding school à la the INO vid).
The Untitled Pseudo!fic Conversation--Not technically fanfic, per se. Conversation between two OCs Re: Gerard Way.
Chloe's Tale--Takes place in the Paramour!Crack-verse that Kaylie and I were generating. In sum: IRL, MCR recorded The Black Parade at the supposedly-haunted Paramour mansion. We took that and ran with it. This is from the POV of one of the ghosts.
Prompt Sentences--Once upon a time, Nora and I exchanged prompts for stand-alone MCR sentences. These are the best of mine.

Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean

Thunk--Will Turner's state of mind at the end of Dead Man's Chest.
Give Me a Reason to Believe--Jack likes to lurk quietly in taverns, eavesdropping on everyone's conversations... (implied Sparrington)
Untitled FST Drabble--A snippet of a 'verse I was brainstorming in which the characters of PotC are in various bands.
FST Script/Dialogue--yet more of the FST verse. Crack, crack, more crack. Oh, and questionable lasagna. :P

Fandom: Other

Numb3rs: \m/ ²--It was David's idea to put the characters of Numb3rs in a band, and the plotbunny was his, too.

Original Fiction

The Saires of Willtucket--Every August, the saires return to Willtucket. An atmospheric little piece.
The Tale of the Ramble On--A futuristic ghost story flavored with a heavy dose of Firefly.
The Bird and the Worm--The prompt was to write something based on a song. Inspired by the song of the same name by The Used. Creepy.
Being an Account of the Beginnings of Taoism from the Diary of Lester the Border Guard--If history were a fandom, this would be the crackfic.
Weasels!--Stream-of-consciousness exercise. Green pandas! Existential physics jokes!
We Join Our Hero in Dire Straights...--I was having a crappy day and turned myself into a Mary Sue as stress relief.

A small note on the tagging system: Anything under 500 words is tagged as a 'drabble', anything above is under 'long(er) fic'. Odd things like dialogues and sentences are tagged 'misc'.

fic index

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