*waves* Part 2

Jan 01, 2017 13:17

I know it's been ages since I last posted. What else is new? As I'm doing this from Dreamwidth, I will gradually familiarise myself with it and use this as my main journal from now on. At the moment I still have a paid account with LJ; once that comes up for renewal, I will change to having a paid account here ( Read more... )

updates, the kid, christmas

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Comments 20

samtyr January 1 2017, 04:50:34 UTC
Friended you there too. Look for: la_samtyr


inwe_saralonde January 1 2017, 06:16:07 UTC
Have friended back :)


noadvertising January 1 2017, 10:41:37 UTC
Well, I definitely enjoyed my first time Kiwi Christmas and am glad to have been able to spend the holidays without winter gear. Never missed the snow, or better, the rain and the mud...


inwe_saralonde January 1 2017, 11:06:13 UTC
Admittedly Melbourne doesn't get snow, so that's something we don't have to deal with. Rain I have no problem with (unless I'm out delivering catalogues - then it's a bit of a pain).

Glad you enjoyed your Christmas in New Zealand :)


alexcat January 1 2017, 12:26:53 UTC
People may migrate to DW but I sorta doubt it. I already post there but no one really reads or comments there at all.

I have tumblr but no idea what to do there.


inwe_saralonde January 1 2017, 12:59:07 UTC
I doubt it, too. At least I have my LJ entries now on Dreamwidth, so good to have it as a backup.

I have Tumblr as well, but it's more of an Instagram type thing, where you post photos or videos.


silver_trails January 1 2017, 13:33:48 UTC
Friended you!

I hope Liam gets into the course he wants. =)

I don't think anything will happen with LJ, but I do have a friend who reads there first, and she has LJ too. Anyway, it's good to have a back up and you can post from there to here.


inwe_saralonde January 1 2017, 22:48:59 UTC
Friended back :)

Fingers crossed Liam gets what he wants; it's now a waiting game.

I don't think anything will happen with LJ, either, but agreed it's good to have Dreamwidth as a backup.


inwe_saralonde January 10 2017, 11:09:01 UTC
I have received your Christmas card - thank you!


silver_trails January 10 2017, 11:48:25 UTC
Welcome! I'm glad it finally arrived! (g)


talullahred January 1 2017, 18:32:55 UTC
Hiya, glad to see you around and good to hear about Liam and your life.

I checked and we're already friends at Dreamwidth. I'm not sure whether I'll move or just use it to backup LJ, but I'll be more or less around. They do have wonderful communities there and I wish I had more time to explore it.

Happy New Year!


inwe_saralonde January 1 2017, 22:38:48 UTC
I've had a Dreamwidth account since 2011, but it's only now that I have decided to actively use it and move away from LJ. We'll see how it goes :)

Happy New Year to you, too.


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