Monster High photoshoot: Cupid and the engaged couple; also Helix ramble

Apr 01, 2014 01:23

First off, Just directing you to my Ask Me Anything entry here (clicky!) in case you haven't asked a question yet (or have another question ehehehe). There are still open days later in the month. I'm looking forward to starting tomorrow! (Unless I'm supposed to start tonight.... erm... lol ( Read more... )

tv, dolls, pictures, scottie, helix, hiddles is my spirit animal, monster high

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Comments 17

manda_kitty April 1 2014, 09:28:25 UTC
Omg, now you need to plan and throw a wedding!! Gosh I wish I lived by you, this would be so much fun to create!!!! Plus I think hanging out with you would be blast. Maybe if I ever get my Alaska vacation I've been wanting, lol


invsagoth April 2 2014, 08:07:36 UTC
ehehehe, I know right? :D I wasn't planning on it at first, but after I'd gotten my first comment about it and Scottie started talking about the fun things I could do... now it is definitely a plan! xD

It would be awesome if you lived by me! :D I think you'd be awesome to hang out with too. :3 It would be awesome if you got an AK vacation. n_n


manda_kitty April 2 2014, 09:38:07 UTC
I can't wait to see! What part of Alaska are you in? The hubby wants to go salmon fishing lol he's like fresh sashimi!


invsagoth April 3 2014, 06:37:45 UTC
I live in Anchorage atm, which isn't exactly the most interesting part of Alaska (I've been alllll over this dang state, lol).

I have stories of fresh sashimi from field camp that erm, aren't the best. If you do, make sure you freeze it first! Personally I think I'd always cook, but I have a specific background with them lol. n_n' One of the main things that I miss from my remote field camps is fresh salmon all the time. lol


meathiel April 1 2014, 16:55:51 UTC
Happy couple looks happy ...

Now you have to organise a big wedding!!!


invsagoth April 2 2014, 08:08:26 UTC
I'm glad they do! :D

I'm certainly going to do that, ehehehe! :3


heathersmoo April 1 2014, 19:37:38 UTC
I love that heart shaped lipstick. Super cute!


invsagoth April 2 2014, 08:09:09 UTC
I love that too! Cupid is one of my most favourite dolls. <3


agentbethbonsai April 1 2014, 21:42:02 UTC
*juuust kinda tries to SNEAK into that Tom gif*


invsagoth April 2 2014, 08:37:25 UTC
ehehehe, I know right? hmmmmm xD

... )


agentbethbonsai April 2 2014, 16:40:37 UTC
MOAR tom gifs plz? I'm like a kitty with nip!
Nip= TAWM!

Man, I wish I had a twitter or something to that degree. I'd stalk hunt try to find you and RP with ya, but not too many people don't like original characters...even if they *ARE* well written out and the like.



invsagoth April 3 2014, 07:10:48 UTC
You know that I have moar gifs! xD

... )


(The comment has been removed)

invsagoth April 2 2014, 08:10:15 UTC
She's totes one of my most favourite dolls! She was a grail doll of mine forever. xD I love everything about her, she's just so awesome! :D


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