Ask Me Anything meme~

Mar 25, 2014 23:21

Ok, I've been thinking about doing this for a while now, but I kept waffling about it. (I kept thinking: What if I get no questions? What if I get too many questions? eeeee In all honesty I was much more nervous about not getting questions though. n_n') I realized today how late in the month it had gotten, so I better put it out here while I can!
People can keep posting to it if they want as the month goes on. n_n' If the month happens to get filled up, I can always put a couple of questions on one day. (I don't know if that will be a thing, but just putting that out there)

Also, if you have a post that I've missed let me know! I want to ask everyone questions too. n_n'

Meme stolen from a few people ...

Would anyone like to give me topics to discuss or specific questions and a date in April when I should post it. It can be whatever you want. It can be silly or serious, about movies or books or me or my life or whatever you'd like.
You could even request pictures of dolls or something. You could do a photo request and a question if you'd like. Go nuts? xD

1 April: What is a good recipe for a lasting relationship? (both romantic and friendly :3) jeune_fleur
2 April: What is the meaning behind your username? How long have you had your lj? Have you had any others? tigtogiba34
3 April: Monster High questions: What is your monster count, what is your rarest, your favorite one, and last one most wanted?
Bonus question: If you were a pony which pony would you be? manda_kitty
4 April: If you had the chance - would you move away from Alaska to somewhere warmer?
How many Monster High Dolls do you own and do you think you'd ever give up collecting them? meathiel
5 April: Monster High is real. Which character would you be and what would a day there be like? diemme
6 April: What is your initial strategy for dealing with a sudden zombie outbreak in your area? theacidqueen
7 April: You can invite five people (alive or dead) to dinner. Who do you invite and why? becofoz
8 April: If you could have any Monster High outfit to wear yourself, what would it be?
If you could make one Monster High character exist in real life, who would it be? emberstorm
9 April:
10 April: It's three years into the end of the world and you are one of the last known survivors. You're scavenging for food when you spot a wild Hiddleston. What do you do? icecoldrain
11 April:
12 April: If you had to move out and would only be allowed to take 5 dolls with you.... which ones would you take? jeune_fleur
13 April: Top five favorite animals and why.
What animal if it were possible to tame or have any creature as a pet would you choose that is living, extinct and mythological?
What was the coolest animal you've ever gotten to interact with?manda_kitty
14 April:
15 April: What is your favorite kind of cereal?arctic_comet
16 April: Your house is on fire and you can only take 3 things with you. What do you take? (I'm so fatal XD) jeune_fleur
17 April:
18 April: What language would you like to be able to speak? arctic_comet
19 April:
20 April: If you had the opportunity to be a ghost, what sort of place would you like to haunt and what are some spooky things you'd do? theacidqueen
21 April: Did you have a nickname as a child? arctic_comet
22 April:
23 April: Do you believe in the paranormal? If you do, have you ever had a paranormal experience? jeune_fleur
24 April:
25 April: Do you believe in divination? Have you ever had a fortune reading? If not, is it something that you would have done at some point? icecoldrain
26 April:
27 April:
28 April: Why did you start a livejournal? leia131
29 April: Describe what what has been the best day of your life thus far? manda_kitty
30 April: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How about 10 years? endlessblush

friends, loki is my spirit animal, suggestions from the audience, memes

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