Lost Girl ramble (IE WTF), the Voice ramble

Mar 26, 2014 00:28

So I know I just posted that Ask Me Anything meme, but I wanted that to be it's own separate entry that I can link to in other entries. ( Click to ask me a question about whatever you'd like, or even make a photo request.

The Voice was alright. I have no idea why they spent the last 20 minutes of the show on one battle though. I mean really. They did at least THREE drive-by battles. They could have I dunno SHOWN THOSE INSTEAD? We fast-forwarded through all of the family history stuff to the actual battle, which neither of us even liked. e_e They were singing Brave, but neither of them had the right voice for it. They were singing in two low of a key or something and I was just cringing my way through the song. They weren't even singing what they were singing poorly, but what they were singing wasn't right.

I am so tired, but I wanted to write about the most recent episode of Lost Girl.
So... this isn't my favorite episode. Zombies! Zombies are good right? That's fine. I wonder if it's original air date would have put it near Halloween...

Mostly I want to talk about Kenzie though. I love Kenzie. She's my favorite character.
Poor Kenz. T_T
First off, FAMILY THAT YOU DON'T EVER TALK TO AND TREATED YOU LIKE CRAP RANDOMLY SHOWING UP NUUUU Y WOULD U DO THAT. I mean, I understand that Hale was trying to be sweet. But there's erm, a lack of thinking through on at least the part of the writers as to why Hale would invite them in the first place. I'd like to give Hale a little more credit than that, so I'm side eyeing the writers here.
I mean, Scottie had wanted to ask my mom before he married me, if he hadn't been in a different state at the time he would have done it more officially. As it happened mom saw me talking to him over IM about it, and she gave her blessing (haha, I'm sure she's thrilled that she did that now, not that saying no would have done her a damn bit of good, it just would have lost me that much sooner). Her blessing was more of just a courtesy of course, it wouldn't have stopped either of us if she'd said no. But still, neither of us had good parents and yet Scottie wanted to do the special thing, so I can at least understand where Hale was coming from.

What did Kenzie's dad-thing do, nope nope nope cats cats cats ABANDON SHIP

Thank you Loki, I'm going to live vicariously though you.

I am so glad that Kenzie tossed the family though, and didn't let her mom hit her. It is not worth keeping those kinds of people.

Still I felt bad for Hale. I think he was just trying to do the proper thing and it messed up his proposal because the parents are awful people. It didn't ruin the proposal but it certainly didn't work out the way he'd wanted it to.

The end with Druid made me SO ANGRY. That whole scene just made me angrier and angrier as it went on. After it was off I was like I WANT TO TEAR OUT DRUIDS HEART AND SHOVE IT DOWN HIS THROAT. (possibly one of my kinder thoughts)

I don't know why Bo couldn't save Hale though using the trick she used on Dyson. I mean, sure, she couldn't do it with only Kenzie I get that, and I get that she wouldn't sacrifice Kenz for Hale. No matter how much Kenzie might have wanted to die for Hale, Bo wouldn't want that and shit Hale wouldn't want it either I'm sure. I would not want to be brought back at the expense of Scottie.
But couldn't Bo have snagged some Chi from other people around, there had to be someone. Scottie and I were both like "there must be some people around that you could kill", and it's even possible that she wouldn't have had to kill them. I would kill everyone for those I love. It's not even a question.

I think the only reason she couldn't save him was specifically so she could go back to the underworld as it was said she would in an earlier episode. Which isn't the best reason for this to happen.

I was in a really good mood earlier, I just realized that's probably the reason I've become an irritable bag of cats. I was confused as to why I was so twitchy until I thought about what I wanted to post. xP

These aren't even my normal cats wtf

tv, scottie, loki is my spirit animal, tanya is a bag of cats, lost girl, the voice

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