Welcome Viperine photoshoot (part 2). Also Agents of Shield, Face-Off, and The Voice ramble

Mar 12, 2014 02:22

So here is the second half of my welcome photoshoot for Viperine! I had a bit of fun with this. Although I do feel a bit bad, sorry new lj friends! I do post more than just dolly theatre around here. xD

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agents of shield, scottie, shield, loki is my spirit animal, the voice, dolls, tv, face-off, monster high

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Comments 8

femme_slash_fan March 13 2014, 01:24:33 UTC
LOL Dude, my headcanon is so different to yours... but we agreed on Rochelle/Viperine, that's awesome.


invsagoth March 13 2014, 07:59:39 UTC
I went and looked your pictures, it was neat to see who you'd paired everyone up with and what dolls you have! :D

Yay for another Viperine/Rochelle pairing! I just think they're so cute together. :3


femme_slash_fan March 13 2014, 01:25:02 UTC
Oh, and I've upped mah girlies... well, except robecca whose photo is being dumb.


invsagoth March 13 2014, 08:12:46 UTC
I'm glad that you got them all up, with the exception of Robecca, despite the problems you were having!


femme_slash_fan March 13 2014, 19:29:46 UTC
I'll have Robecca once I find the damn cable.


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invsagoth March 13 2014, 08:11:36 UTC
I like to have them get along! Well, except for Toralei, but she's kind of a brat. xD

I haven't watched that show unfortunetly! I don't have HBO. n_n
It would be handy if I did though because we had it for a while and I liked watching True Blood. Also I'd like to see GoT! I'm reading the books and interested in seeing the show, especially since Scottie is interested in the story but just can't get into GRRM's writing style enough to get into them, and I want to share. lol


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invsagoth March 14 2014, 18:26:39 UTC
I didn't even think of that! I'm not sure, I'll have to check. We go to the library all the time here, and it's pretty big, so maybe!


manda_kitty March 18 2014, 08:40:51 UTC
So cute, love this pairing! I have soo many dolls to photograph yet. That should be fun while I'm putting then on their new shelves in my new hobby room. :) I even went add far add starting a pinterest board of what I have and what I want :) I'm going slo mo hunting this weekend. Wish me luck!


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