Welcome Viperine photoshoot (part 2). Also Agents of Shield, Face-Off, and The Voice ramble

Mar 12, 2014 02:22

So here is the second half of my welcome photoshoot for Viperine! I had a bit of fun with this. Although I do feel a bit bad, sorry new lj friends! I do post more than just dolly theatre around here. xD

I mean there's also this adorable guy. No wait, that's not what I meant to say FOCUS TANYA FOCUS~

The previous teaser had Rochelle peaking in Viperine's box. Now they've met!

Rochelle: Hello darling!

Rochelle: Surely you do not need sunglasses on indoors?
Viperine: I cannot take them off, my gaze will turn you to stone...

Rochelle: Oh but darling...

Rochelle: I am a gargoyle, your gaze cannot do me harm!

Rochelle: See?

Viperine: Oh!

Viperine: You are right!

Rochelle: Of course I am right darling.

Viperine: I see you.

Viperine/Rochelle is my now my favorite headcanon pairing along with Venus/Abbey. lol I'd actually been thinking of pairing Rochelle with Duece because of the gorgon issues of turning others to stone, but he's already paired to Cleo and I'm fine with the canon pairing. This works out well for me. ehehehe, I'm such a dork. xD

So for tv rambles! SO MUCH TV TONIGHT OMG.

First off I watched the Voice, tonight was the last of the blinds. I missed Adam's last pick since the show ran over, and we were recording two other things that started then. We'll see whoever it was later though, so it's not critical. I am sad that nobody has really pulled me in.

Then I watched Face-Off, and that wasn't my favorite episode. lol Details under a spoiler cut:
[Face-Off spoilers]
Now the back issues are what I was expecting that special save to be used for, a health thing. Granted, he didn't need to be saved, even with the back issues he put together something good enough to be a middle look. But still. Me and Scottie both commented on the fact that this was the sort of thing we expected it to be used on, and that we were both ok with it never being used if it wasn't necessary. But still a moot point.

Saved dude from last week made an interesting look, but it wasn't spectacular and was justa middle look, which he was probably disappointed by.

My favorite make-up was the B&W Frankenstein look from the girl. I think leaving off the leg to focus on doing the paint and face as good as she could was a really good move.
The winning look wasn't surprising. That guy does really well executed original things. I wouldn't be surprised if he wins.

I was totally expecting the guy with the fetus to end up on bottom looks. Not because the baby thing was in poor taste- I've heard of worse things involving babies in horror movies so it's not like he was even being THAT shocking since worse has literally been done before... But because of that awful face sculpt thing. It looked like a leather mask or something and the painting was atrocious.

I was surprised that the leech thing ended up going home. I had been really underwhelmed by her concept and what she ended up doing, but the random pasted on jaw on the other dude's makeup was just so ridiculous. o_O

Anyway, this whole episode was a lot of Not My Thing and DNW, so bleh.

And then, the thing that I have been waiting excitedly for since I heard about Sif guest starring what feels like ages ago (was it a few weeks ago?)... Agents of Shield: Asgardian Edition!
You guys have to know that this will get me fangirling. xD It did not disappoint me, and it is my favorite episode so far! When it finished Scottie was like "This isn't getting deleted off the DVR is it?" and I was like nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. He knows me so well! And is such a sweetie putting up with my sillyness.
Spoiler cut for Shield and Thor TDW:
[Phil, Son of Coul]
We liked the fact that it actually made sense for only Sif to come down to deal with Lorelei, since any other guys would just be liabilities. She was pretty badass too! Her entrance made me all happy lol.

I liked Lorelei quite a bit too.
I rather enjoyed the talk that her and Sif had, alluding to their past experiences. Which I knew about from the comics, and on the commercials I had to go and babble on to Scottie about what she was talking about more specifically. xD
I wonder what her relationship to Loki will be in the MCU.

I also love that anytime people were talking about Odin... they were talking about Loki actually. Well, probably. It's still possible that Loki was just sitting the throne while Odin was in the loo and Loki just took that opportunity to mess with Thor. xD

This is where he belongs~
But if when they were talking about Odin's wishes they were actually carrying out Loki's wishes... what does Loki want Lorelei for I wonder. x3

I can help but be really amused by Fitz when he was under Lorelei's spell. Ah, poor fanboy. n_n' I don't understand anything about how he was feeling. *koff* (I mean, I just want to give Loki the Earth/Asgard/whatever he wants with a big bow is that bad? The answer to that is no in case you're wondering.)

I think that the end bit, where Coulson was apologizing to Skye for not stopping them from injecting her with the alien stuff, showed that having Skye around is really helpful to Coulson. He keeps slipping towards dark places and Skye is just like "dude, we're alive, and we've got each other, you don't have a tail or anything and I already didn't know what I was, we'll fine" and Coulson gets confused but also pulled back to a better place.

Anyway, I was a happy fangirl, but now I need to get to bed.

agents of shield, scottie, shield, loki is my spirit animal, the voice, dolls, tv, face-off, monster high

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