I finally got Toralei!

Mar 10, 2014 02:15

So as many of you know, I have been wanting a Toralei for ages! Of course, I never found her signature doll, and I never found her Catastrophe version either. I was very excited to hear about her recent Coffin Bean release, and hoped that would finally be when I'd be able to snag her. Tonight Scottie and I stopped by the store to pick up onions... ( Read more... )

dolls, hiddles is my spirit animal, monster high

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invsagoth March 10 2014, 17:16:10 UTC
I love that too! Also all the different skin tones and outfits and everything, they're really good with the details. :3

Viperine is super cute, I can't want to unbox her. :D


amyofaquitaine March 10 2014, 16:13:39 UTC
Congrats, I'm so glad you found her!!! Oh my goodness, that one is really cute. I haven't seen any of the Coffin Bean girls yet. Did they have Frankie and if so, was she cute? (I'm not interested in Abbey since she looks like almost all the other Abbeys released recently.)

We're totally opposites about Honey. I was 'meh-to-good' on her before I saw her in person but loved her once I actually saw her (same goes for Jane). But Viperine is stunning!


invsagoth March 10 2014, 17:05:43 UTC
Thank you! I was so excited. :D I was especially excited about the Coffin Bean version because even though I love her signature, I love the longer hair and she doesn't have gloved hands!
I really liked the Abbey actually, but Scottie and I both commented on the Frankie being especially nice! I loved her hair and faceup. :D

I was so excited about Honey, I was so bummed that I didn't actually like her as much when I saw her. But that's why it's important to see the dolls in person before you get them! I think there's something about the face sculpt that I didn't love.
Oh I didn't even get to post about Jane, I saw her too! I had been meh-to-good on her before, but I thought she was so cute when I actually saw her! Still going to hold off on getting her for now but I was pleasantly surprised. :D I certainly hadn't expected liking her more than Honey!
But I was glad that I loved Viperine as much as I did. I love snakes and so I wanted a little gorgon girl. :3


meathiel March 10 2014, 17:58:53 UTC
They are so pretty ... and I really love the photo shoots you do with them.


invsagoth March 10 2014, 18:17:48 UTC
Thank you! :3 I really enjoy doing the photoshoots. :D


manda_kitty March 10 2014, 19:17:52 UTC
Ah! shes so cute! Which store is selling the coffin bean dolls? Have you seen slo mo yet? I've seen him on websites but not available? Love my Viperine! Can't wait to unbox her! OH! have you see the power ghouls Toralei? A friend of mine got her the other day apparently she lifts her hand up and meows.


invsagoth March 10 2014, 19:31:17 UTC
She is! I got mine at Fred Meyer (most of my dolls come from there it seems, they get the best assortments!) I did see one Frankie at Walmart recently, but that was the only one of that assortment there.

I'm excited that you have Viperine too, she's so pretty! :D
I haven't seen Slo Mo yet!I don't know where he's supposed to show up, but they'll probably be out elsewhere before they're here (that's usually the way it goes anyway!). I haven't seen the Power Ghouls Toralei yet, but that sounds cute! xD


meri_sielu March 10 2014, 22:29:01 UTC
Torelei is gorgeous but I really love Rochelle <3


invsagoth March 10 2014, 23:42:03 UTC
I love Rochelle too, she's one of my very favorite dolls! :D


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