I finally got Toralei!

Mar 10, 2014 02:15

So as many of you know, I have been wanting a Toralei for ages! Of course, I never found her signature doll, and I never found her Catastrophe version either. I was very excited to hear about her recent Coffin Bean release, and hoped that would finally be when I'd be able to snag her. Tonight Scottie and I stopped by the store to pick up onions... and I wanted to look at the dolls while I was out. THERE WERE SO MANY NEW DOLLS OMG. I saw a whole bunch of the Frights Camera Action dolls, and the new Coffin Bean dolls, and the Ghoul Spirit (I think?) dolls... it was crazy!

My reaction
There were three dolls there that have been on my wishlist since SDCC (or longer, in the case of Toralei). The other two were Honey Swamp and Viperine. Viperine is totally beautiful in person! I had been so excited about Honey but... in person I didn't love her as much as I thought I would. Which is probably good, because I couldn't really afford to pick up Viperine and Toralei today as it was. I've spent my doll budget for the next couple of months, but both of these characters are ones I've really been wanting and I would kick myself so much if I didn't get them and then for some reason didn't see them again (this has happened :P).

Anyway, I did a little photoshoot with my lovely new Toralei!

She also comes with a drink:


Toralei meets up with my other ghouls...

Toralei: Rawr!
Catrine: Eep!

Toralei: Time to pounce!

Rochelle: What are you doing with my ghoulfriend?

Toralei: I'm not doing anything...

Rochelle: I'm here for you darling!

Toralei: Sentiment

I did some sculpting on Pony!Loki armour, but not as much as I meant to because I accidently had a nap this afternoon. n_n' Hopefully I can get further with that tomorrow and post pictures! :3 Also, upcoming photoshoot of the super pretty Viperine. :3

Now it's time for bed though!

dolls, hiddles is my spirit animal, monster high

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