TV ramble- Agents of SHIELD, Face-off, Helix

Feb 05, 2014 01:42

I really meant to work on my sculpt tonight but I ended up feeling rather under the weather instead. Bleh.

But I did watch some tv! I wrote out my thoughts about the shows, put under cuts just in case. :3
Helix I actually watched last night.
[If we had a small monkey, he could slip through the sensors and disable the fence's power source with his adorable little hands.]I thought it was interesting to finally find out what they were talking about with the White Room. Scottie Read more... )

agents of shield, tv, helix, hiddles is my spirit animal, face-off, whedon

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Comments 8

electricdruid February 5 2014, 13:57:11 UTC
I miss watching Face Off, but frankly the judges ruin it for me every time. Every episode, I would feel utterly baffled by their choices. Too frustrating =/


invsagoth February 6 2014, 10:08:17 UTC
Huh, that's rather interesting!
I think I usually am pretty in tune to the judges thoughts (a lot of the time me or Scottie say something before judging, and then the judges say it and we're like YES YOU SEE IT TOO), but not always. Generally even if we don't agree though we can see where they're coming from at least.
Sorry that the judging makes the show not enjoyable to you though! I wish you could still watch it too, then I could even chat with you about it. n_n'


electricdruid February 28 2014, 15:59:36 UTC
Maybe next season we will give it a shot again and then we can chat about it :) It's been a while, so I don't remember exactly what our complaints were, but one thing I remember is that they would often have these ridiculous abstract themes... and then they'd either pick the best ones regardless of how well they applied to the theme, or they'd do the complete opposite and pick the ONLY one that did something related to the theme, regardless of how good it was ( ... )


agentbethbonsai February 5 2014, 18:41:58 UTC
Pffh, a user on youtube, by the name of MegaSteakMan did something on that!

Let's see if I can find the video....





invsagoth February 6 2014, 10:30:51 UTC
ehehehe, that's amazing! "Didn't I kill him?" "Yeah... but comic books" xD So true, and especially considering Loki's history that is even more amusing.



agentbethbonsai February 6 2014, 18:07:50 UTC
I know, right? XD

That cosplay is just...OMG. How long did that take?!


amyofaquitaine February 5 2014, 22:04:07 UTC
I really liked that ep of SHIELD (okay, so I love almost every ep). Simmons was so adorable with her over-prep (the prostitutes lol). LOL @ little Fitz with his American accent (I wondered where they were going with that convo because I read an interview recently that said the actor who plays Fitz supposedly can't do a 'convincing British accent'). Did May steal her outfit from Natasha?!? She is SO AWESOME. Stan Lee makes everything more awesome. DEATHLOK DEATHLOK DEATHLOK...that is all ;)


invsagoth February 6 2014, 10:35:57 UTC
I love all the episodes of SHIELD too. xD
I loved her story too! Prostitutes? Plural?! lol xD
I was so amused by Simmons and his American accent, and also his request for large portions of food for reasonable prices. xD He was waaaay better than Skye with accents lol.
ehehehe, I thought of Natasha's outfit too! And she was totally badass.
I'm always excited by the introduction of more Marvel characters! :D


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