TV ramble- Agents of SHIELD, Face-off, Helix

Feb 05, 2014 01:42

I really meant to work on my sculpt tonight but I ended up feeling rather under the weather instead. Bleh.

But I did watch some tv! I wrote out my thoughts about the shows, put under cuts just in case. :3
Helix I actually watched last night.
[If we had a small monkey, he could slip through the sensors and disable the fence's power source with his adorable little hands.]I thought it was interesting to finally find out what they were talking about with the White Room. Scottie totally called it that the outside was what they were talking about. xD
Me and Scottie were both amused that Dr. Farragut just used a compass to get back to the line. Take that traitor military dude!
I'm assuming Dr. IVIT's head is alive somehow, since they went through the trouble of showing us that the frozen monkeys were alive since they were screaming when they were set on fire.
Not sure yet what Dr. Hatake's play is yet, looking forward to seeing what he's up to.

(I realize that's a SHIELD quote, but I don't think Helix has been terribly quotable. And well, monkeys?)

All the love for Agents of SHIELD!
[You’re the least supportive pretend girlfriend I have ever had.]I was so amused by Stan Lee's appearance in the show! That was awesome. Scottie said that might have been his longest speaking cameo, and he might be right. xD I figured he had to show up at some point!

Poor Simmons lol. I excel at prep but I am awful at improv so look at my extremely detailed backstory! Don't you want to know what marine life we looked at? *pout*
I can sort of feel for her though. I tend to over-prep everything, though I don't think I'm as bad with improv.
I was excited that Mike's character was finally revealed (as Deathlok)!
I was so amused by Coulson and Ward trying to work the holotable.
Agent May is as always a badass. xD I was also amused by this scene:
May: Oh yeah I totally told Coulson about us *flings self out of train window*
Ward: Wait wut?!

I am so looking forward to next week! Lorelai and Sif! I mean, it's not Loki, but it's still Asgardian. And Lorelai is the little sister of the Enchantress, which is pretty awesome. xD

[Noodling around with guitars]I'm not sure what to say about this episode. I think the seed for the show (the guitars) was a bit hard for the artists to really get their heads around. At least that's what I'm assuming. I didn't really like anyone's look very much. I really liked the idea of the 2nd place makeup with the clear chestplate with the ribs and heart and things underneath. I was most struck by the abstract guitar makeup that won, but I wasn't entirely sold on the concept. It was a bit wierd.
I was a bit unsure about it because it didn't really say guitar in any way. I also liked it better than the others because they didn't have a set of guitar neck horns like so many others. I guess I prefered the too abstract over the too literal.
I was surprised that the angular red makeup ended up on the bottom. I didn't think it was great but there were probably other's I'd have picked instead. Not that I'd have picked it to win either, but I thought it was more of a middling look.
I wasn't surprised at all that the rockabilly makeup ended up on the bottom, especially after the horn fell off during inspection. She had to know that she was going home at that point. I feel for the girl because she was clearly having issues and anxiety sucks, but you still need to be able to get the work done regardless.
Anyway, a sort of meh episode this week, which is disappointing.

This gif of Hiddles playing the guitar is more satisfying than the guitar episode of Face-Off to me

I'm mostly caught up on tv so far, though I still need to watch the last episode of Lost Girl.

agents of shield, tv, helix, hiddles is my spirit animal, face-off, whedon

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