Title: Breakable Girls and Boys
intrikate88 Rating: PG-13 (slight language)
Fandom: Dexter
Spoilers: 2x02 “Waiting to Exhale”. Takes place sometime soon after ep.
Summary: Control and brokenness. Deb and Dexter aren’t that different.
Deb runs, pushing her feet and clinging to the rhythm of the elliptical as her fingers spread across the metal bars she grips. She’s going to be in the best shape of her life (revenge for Rudy trying to take that life away) and she keeps her breathing steady, her heart rate lower almost every workout (maybe one day not even the sight of duct tape will send her pulse rocketing.)
The display registers her pulse going back up rapidly after thoughts of Rudy intrude. She nearly hits the screen in frustration.
Fuck, she thinks, wish I could be like Dexter, he’s always calm. Don’t know why he puts up with a monster like me invading his space.
But she can’t feel how she wants to feel, so she forces her heart back into a place she can control, so everyone will think she’s okay, and not a broken little girl.
* * *
Dexter methodically winds the last of the plastic wrap around his victim before tying it off. He looks around, making sure his tools and knives are laid out in order, that the photos are displayed in the most visible places. This is his domain: everything precisely the way he planned it.
He doesn’t hate this. He doesn’t love this. It is a hunger that needs feeding. Sometimes he experiments with trying to feel guilt or elation, but they don’t stick.
As he powers up his reciprocating saw, he thinks, Wish I was more like Deb. She feels the appropriate reactions. It helps that she doesn’t know she’s living with a monster. Again.
But for all his wishing he still feels nothing but an inappropriate need for satisfaction. He cuts through skin and bone, manipulating the limbs; now the sociopath will settle down, now he can pretend, and everyone will think he’s okay, and not a broken little boy.