- LOVE the theme song. I hope they keep it, I know it's different but it's more dynamic and stuff! This is possibly not a popular opinion, as I suspect I will see when I check everyone else's reaction posts.
- This ep feels like a Saturday night on PBS. Lionel from As Time Goes By is the captain! Richard from Keeping Up Appearances is Mr Copper! When Mr Copper was speculating on his life possibilities at the end I was hoping the Doctor would say, "...and you could have a wife named Hyacinth..." (please somebody write that crossover. Pretty please. Cherry on top and all that. Or am I going to have to do it?)
- I thought the set and costumes were fantastic, and they probably got to recycle some of the Human Nature wardrobe! But it was so anachrotech-y and I absolutely love the juxtaposition of antique decor and futuristic technology.
- Did the Host remind anybody else of the Ood? I think it was the voices.
- With all the death and heroic-but-suicidal actions, I begin to wonder how this is still anything remotely like a children's show, I really do.
- While this ep contained many interesting and cool things, the Queen's pink fuzzy slippers were PROBABLY the best.
- ALSO! The series four trailer! I think I love Donna. She looks fantastic and secksay. She also is yelling at the Doctor! This is good! He needs people yelling at him!
SO: It was a pretty decent episode, all told.