I knew I was called. I just wasn't sure yet what I was called to do. I thought I was going to save the world. Now I think I'm called to save a little tiny portion of it. And I know what portion.
And honey, you can't read this, but when it's time for your prom, you have a dress waiting for you. And it's beautiful just like you. I love you. :
Once again, ALL of the finalists on TBL are Jillian's. And while having Mike in the finals puts my bet of Tara winning in jeopardy, it makes a JILLIAN SWEEP IN THE FINALS!!!!
It takes about 20 mins to get from The Mall to My House if I don't take the highway (which I don't.) So today I decided to count all of the churches or religious-related places I could find on my drive home. The tally is as thus
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Who on EARTH has EVER heard of CLOSING an INDOOR ICE SKATING RINK for the summer? Where I come from, children are born with ice skates on. You skate all year round. Closing an INDOOR rink from April to October is blasphemy. I don't suppose I could convince you to open a few more of your "seasonal" indoor rinks all year round?
Dear Organist, Though I really am impressed with how friggin fast you can manage to play hymns, including but not limited to "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," you are playing everything twice as fast as it is supposed to go. No one likes a showoff, and no one likes an organist on meth. Cut it out.