Fuck You, She's Awesome: A Commentfic Meme

Nov 25, 2010 23:14

It seems like female characters get the bulk of criticism in fandom. Whether they're getting in the way of a slash pairing, being too forceful and outspoken for fandom's liking, or just plain being female, they just can't seem to win.

Well enough of that! These ladies are awesome, and we need to say so more often. So I'm opening up a commentfic fest here to do just that. Think of a female character- any female character- who you've seen getting hated on, and post a prompt about her. The rules are pretty simple:

1. Format your prompts like this: Fandom, character, prompt.
2. You can ask for shippy fic, but make sure it focuses on the ladies! That means het or femmeslash- no slash, sorry.
3. Be polite! And no hating on anyone else's prompt. This is supposed to be a celebration- leave the negativity at the door.
4. Leave feedback! It causes warm fuzzies all around
5. Spread the love! Link far and wide.

http://community.livejournal.com/inthewildwood/5322.html>http://i56.tinypic.com/2vhvjiq.png" />

commentfic meme, fanfiction

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