Crossover/AU - Kindergarten AU ficlets.

Sep 16, 2007 19:38

A CLAMP general series crossover.
Ficlets, all G.
Tsubasa spoilers.
Lots of characters.
For more? HERE

"FAAIIIIIIIIIII," Yuui cried, running around all of the children in the classroom to go and huddle behind his twin. One bright, laughing eye poked out from behind Fai, but his voice came clear as a bell. "KURO-PANTS IS TRYING TO STRETCH ME LIKE RUBBER BECAUSE HE SAYS I'M A BAD BOY AND SHOULD BE PUNISHED LIKE PRESEA-SENSEI SAYS!"

Fai raised his eyebrows, and said, "Well, there are two of us and one of him! We could just catch him and put him in the oven!"

"Yay! Fai is so smart!"


In one swep of movement, Lafarga picked up Kurogane-kun while Fai-kun and Yuui-kun hid behind her legs. Caldina giggled even as Ascot gave a slightly wounded look at his older sister and went to play with his kitten and Ferio-kun.

"Now, kids, what's going on?"

"THEY," Kurogane-kun yelled without saying more, stil fighting to get free from Lafarga's grip.

The twins were the picture of innocence, big blue eyes wide and apparently honest. Lafarga and she shared a look over their heads.

"Okay, squirts, he's the deal," Lafarga said, looking towards Yuui and Fai. "I'm going to count to ten and then I'm going to let Kurogane go. TEN. NINE. EIGHT."

By seven, the twins were running away, holding hands and giggling. Lafarga let go of Kurogane.

"Y'know?" Caldina said, trying to cover her grin with her hand and failing completely. "I give them until they're ten."


"Okay, so here's the deal," Eagle said with a smile way too smooth for a kid in his kindergarten class. Clef did his best not to press his fingertips to his temples - showing weakness in front of them was paramount to defeat. "You give us an extra ten minutes of recess, and I'll keep the kids quiet during nap time."

"Oh you will, will you?" Clef said, trying to ignore how tempted he was. "What are you? A mob boss?!"

Eagle smiled, a little boy grin too charming for its own good. "I have my ways, Teach. Don't you worry about it!"

"Presea," Clef called. "Remind me again why I don't make deals with little monsters?"

"BECAUSE THEY'LL EAT YOU ALIVE IF YOU GIVE THEM AN INCH?" Clef looked up, and saw her struggling to wrestle away sequins and glue from Primeraa, and made his choice.

"All right, Mr. Vision. You have yourself a deal."


"Mr. Kinomoto," Zagato said with a hint of smile, without looking up from the book he was reading from. "I realize that Mr. Tsukishirou has hung the stars and the moon in your little world, but if you do not pay attention you WILL be failing this class. Thank you."


And then, the ninja saved the princess!" Hikaru giggled. Presea was oh so grateful that they had girls like Hikaru-chan and Sakura-chan, especially considering the other hellions around. Even with Hikaru's brothers.

Sakura clapped, eyes wide and amazed. "Oh, Hikaru-chan, that's so great! I wanna be the princess!"

It was even greater the fact that when they were playing together, Eagle, Lantis, Geo, Tomoyo-chan and Syaoran sort of made EVERYONE around to behave so the two girls could play in peace.

Presea was never sure what the 'unless' was, just that it worked wonders for those fifteen minutes of peace.


Sakura was ADORABLE, and Tomoyo was determined to make her look like a PRINCESS. They had sheets, and some ribbons that Presea had handed over with a grin, and even a sparkly tiara that they'd made in craft class, even if some of the sequins were sort of..dripping. But Sakura was so cute it wouldn't MATTER, and Tomoyo was happily wrapping her up in a princess gown, occasionally turning to Syaoran who sat shyly on the edge of the Dress Up Area and watched and nodded vehemently when Tomoyo asked if he thought Sakura-chan looked cute!

And then Kurogane-kun and Yuui-chan went pelting through the room and around them in circles, and almost completely upset the careful ordering of sheet.

"THAT'S IT," Tomoyo said. She reached out and grabbed Kurogane by his shirt, dumping him down by her feet. "If you're in the Dress Up Area you have to DRESS UP. You can be Princess Sakura-chan's lady in waiting. I think there's a purple sheet that will look lovely with your eyes."

Behind them, Yuui-chan giggled, and said "Fai! Fai come see! Kurogane is gonna look like a GIRL."

And then Syaoran said very innocently, "If you want, I'm sure Tomoyo-chan could dress YOU up too!"

Which would havge worked better as a threat if Yuui hadn't lit up like a christmas tree and said "OKAY! CAN I BE THE QUEEN?"


"But sis!" Ferio was doing his best to look innocent, which would have worked better if he didn't have 'IMPISH' practically tattooed over his forehead. "It was nothing!"

"Nothing that made Fuu-chan cry?" Emeraude asked gently, trying not to wonder too much just what mess was in her brother's hair and just how long it was going to take them to take it off during his bath, for not mentioning just how long it was going to take her to convince Ferio to take his bath.

At least her little brother did look sorry about it. He pouted and kicked a little. "Hey, Hikaru-chan said that it was cute! How was I s'posed to know that Fuu-chan wouldn't like a frog? "


Sorata tried very carefully not to laugh. It wasn't easy with the kids, but he knew that in this case, it wouldn't be good if he laughed.

At least yet.

"AND that is why," Kimihiro-kun said, all seriousness and glaring, big blue eyes beneath his glasses. "_I_ should sit with Himawari-chan rather than with HIM."
The 'HIM' in question just yawned, looking bored.

"You done?" Shizuka-kun asked, rolling his eyes. "I'm hungry."



"KUROGANE," Clef bellowed from far below. "GET DOWN FROM THAT TREE BEFORE I BREAK YOU."

"Um," Caldina commented. "Like, shouldn't it be "before YOU break something?""

"Huff," Clef said. "Close enough!"


"Onichaaaaaaaaaaan." Kazuki made her eyes wide and big and begging and Nataku looked around to see if Emeraude was nearby. He didn't understand how the children behaved when she was nearby but, at the moment, he cared more about she being nearby rather than just about to give into whatever it was his little sister wanted.

"... yes?"

"Kotori-chan and Hokuto-chan and I wanna play~"

Oh dear. Nataku glanced a little more. Even Clef would work. At least then they'd have his cousin to pester and he'd be able to run to his classroom and hide.

"Play, then?"

Hokuto-chan grinned. Kotori-chan giggled. Kazuki's eyes were impossibly big.

"So we can put make up on you, then~~~ ONIICHAN'S THE BEST~~~~"

Nataku heard a giggle at the door, and froze, horrified. Hakuto, who was carefully applying eyeshadow to his left eye said, "Shhh, Kazuki-chan's oni-chan! I have to get this JUST! Right!"

Nataku cert carefully did not move, lest the little girl poke his eyeball out. But, damn it! He forgot to lock his door didn't he? And break was probably over. They had a meeting, didn't they.

From the door, he heard Karen's voice. "My, my, Nataku-sensei, I'm so dissapointed. You're having a make over, and you didn't invite me?"

"Ooh!" Kotori said, sounding star struck. "Would Karen-sensei really like to play with us?"

"I would," Karen said, and Nataku counted the clicks of her heels on the floor like death coming. Hokuto finished with a flourish and a grin, and Kazuki clapped, delighted with the effect. Nataku blinked, and looked up, mortified, as Karen came round and looked down into his face.

"Well," she said with a bright grin. "Don't you look pretty~"


"WELL," Yuzuriha decided with a wide grin, her fists planted on her hips. She looked around at half of the teachers at the meeting, who wore the faintly traumatized look comonly associated with young school children. "I think it's safe to call this meeting of Drag Queens R Us in session!"

Clef, fuming at the far end of the table, glared at her beneath a heavy layer of glitter. "I hate you," he said. "I hate you and your horrible luck."

"Well," Karen said with an amused smile. "Look at Nataku-sensei~ He's not even a kindergarten teacher, and still got a make over~"

Nataku, stone faced and oddly pretty, said, "I would prefer it if we didn't look at me actually, thank you."


"NO." Kamui said. Subaru seemed to want to say something, almost looking like a puppy, but refrained from doing anything else but piling sand into the bucket.

"C'mon, Kamui," Fuuma said, trying not to laugh at the boy, because Kamui would sulk forever and a day if he thought he was laughing at him. "Seishirou-senpai can play too. It's a big sandbox."

Kamui glared again to the six grader and then looked towards Subaru, who still seemed to want to agree. Then, he finally sighed and glared once more to the other student.

"_Fine_," he muttered. "But if you make Subaru-chan cry, I'll bite you!"

"Ahh, I wouldn't dare to make Subaru-kun cry, Kamui-kun. I promise." the boy said, taking off his glasses and shoes to get into the sandbox.


"YUKI!" Touya didn't sigh even as his best friend turned to look towards his - what it was? second cousin once removed - relative, counting to ten. He liked Akizuki alright when Akizuki wasn't bothering him, he guessed, even if the boy WAS weirder than weird. Even weirder than the monster.

Then, Yuki giggled and Touya had to turn and look.

"Nakuru-chan," Yuki smiled. "What are you doing?"

Nakuru beamed, his much beloved - from his own words, and Touya supposed that rough love still counted as love - cousin struggling to get away from the school sweater that the boy had, somehow, used to tie his hands even when he was still straddling him and trying to hold him still. Three girls a little older than Sakura were looking nearby, surprised.

"MAKE OVER TIME!" Nakuru beamed. "And Yue offered himself, too!"


Yue leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, like he was too cool for the people who were around him. Touya rolled his eyes, and Nakuru grinned with vicious intent, waiting~

"What," he said grumpily, "did you think that by wearing that skirt you'd actually look like a girl? Please. You just look like a bad drag queen."

"Oooooh," Nakuru purred, fluttering her eyelashes at Yue. "Sounds like ickle Yue wants to pretend like he has faaaangs. Well don't worry, Yue-chaaaan, I happen to know a few girls who can REALLY show you what a bad drag queen looks like."

Yukito pressed his fingers to his mouth, and leaned into Touya like that was the only thing keeping him from laughing. "Oh, my," he said quietly as they watched Yue's pale skin go even paler.

"...You woudn't."

Nakuru arched a single, fine eyebrow. "Wouldn't I?" she asked, and Touya thought, idly, that the two of them should really try out for track, with the levels of speed they put on trying to make their lives miserable.

"Good luck, Yue-kun!" Yukito called, waving after their fast dissapearing figures. Touya snorted, and nudged his boyfriend into class, right as the bell rang.


"Yuui-chan so cute!" Nakuru beamed, hugging the boy tight against her, never mind that her school shirt ended up covered in glitter and possibly some lipstick. "Eriol! Eriol! C'mere, c'mere!"

The boy came close and he laughed warmly. Then he turned towards Fai and nodded. "Fai-kun, your brother makes a very pretty girl."

Fai grinned. Nakuru and Yuui beamed.


Clef's left eyebrow twitched. Some of the kids that had been already in their way to sleep now twitching awake. Umi, who was the sweetest girl as long as she wasn't upset - was up already and she seemed to be trying to decide if she should break down and cry as loud as her mighty lungs allowed her or of first she should just kick someone. Caldina had knelt by Ascot's side, trying to calm her brother and Sakura-chan from crying. Hikaru-chan also looked upset, and he knew that if she as much cried, he was going to have a tiny rugrat revolution between Eagle Vision and Kurogane.

The thought made him shudder in his skin.

"Presea, please," he called above the noise of banging cans and boxes as he stood up. "Ask Emeraude to come here, now, please!"


Presea ran out the room, and Clef decided that he'd better do his best to wrestle those damned chopsticks out of Kurogane's little hands. He rolled up his sleeves, and begane to pick his way through the sleeping children. Only, suddenly, there were two wobbly, weaving blonde streaks that slammed straight into Kurogane.

"GAH. ATTACK! HELP!" Kurogane yelled as he was tackled to the floor, the chopsticks flying from his hands.

Clef stopped right where he was, and stared down in stupefied wonder. Yuui and Fai were sprawled on top of a completely bewildered Kurogane, their limbs already twining with each other and Kurogane's. "Kuroganeeeee," Fai whined, before yawning, not bothering to open his eyes.

"You can rock laaaaterrrrr," Yuui continued, snuggling into Kurogane's shoulder. "Mm, Kuro-pillow," he said, before konking out.

For a moment, Kurogane just stared down at them in horror. And then he let his head fall back and hit the floor. "Groupies!" Clef was pretty sure he heard him mutter. "Bah!"


Emeraude blinked, and looked down at the floor of the bus. "Yuui-chan, isn't it sticky down there?"

"YES," Yuui beamed, "But you always have wet wipes so it is O-KAY~"

"Well, that is true." Emeraude said with a smile, reaching into her purse to pull a wet wipe out, and clean Yuui's hands off. "But I don't think you're supposed to be down there, it's dangerous."

"But Emeraude-sensei," Yuui said with big eyes. "Zagato-sensei alwaaaays gets to sit by you on the bus! Iiiii want to sit by you tooooooo~"

"Um," Emeraude said, blushing very prettily. She glanced over at Zagato, who smiled at her, and shrugged.


Geo gave a long, long, long sigh. "I wanna marry Emeraude-sensei." Lantis glared, but it was Ferio who punched Geo's arm. "OUCH! Hey, why did you do that!"

"Sis 's gonna marry Zagato-sensei," Ferio said, frowning. Lantis nodded. "And that's it! You can marry Karen-sensei if you wanna, 'cuz Sora-chan-sensei's gonna marry Arashi-sensei."

Geo cocked his head to a side and then nodded. "Okay!"


"So I guess this means we're brothers, right?" Ferio asked with a grin.

Lantis blinked at him, and smiled a little. "I guess so."

"AWESOME. You wanna play swords with me then?!"


"Kurogane-kuun!" Fai called with a bright smile and a wave. "I think you should be Tomoyo-chan's body guard!"

"WHAT." Kurogane said, looking up from the crayon drawing he'd been drawing for his mother. "WHY WOULD I DO THAT."

"Becauuuuuse," Yuui said, leaning so suddenly over his shoulder that it made Kurogane jump. "Sakura-chan already has Syaoran-kun and since Kuro-puu is too cool to play in Eagle-kun's gang then he should play soooomething with us!"

Kurogane glared at him, mouth in a pout. "I don't NEED to play ANYTHING. And I don't HAVE to guard ANYONE."

"No," said a little voice, and Kurogane turned to look at Tomoyo, the girl who dressed him in sheets on a regular basis. She gave him a sweet smile, and said, "But I would be honored to have Kurogane-kun as my body gaurd, if he WANTED to be!"

"...Feh!" Kurogane said, and crossed his arms. He could see Yuui's bright grin out of the corner of his eye, but he ignored it. "Fine. But only if I get to be a ninja!"

"Yaaaaaaaaay!" Yuui and Fai started yelling, running around the table in happy circles. "KURO-NIN THE NINJA YAY!"


"....Xiao-kun," Clef said, in a dead sort of way. "What. Are. You. Doing."

Xiao Ling blinked down at him from the ceiling, where he was clinging with all the ferocity in his little body. "I am being a ninja," he said very seriously. "A CHINESE ninja. I must show Kurogane-kun that I am just as good as he is!"

"....Right. I'll go get Arashi-sensei."

"Okay!" Xiao Ling said, still with that fiercely intent look on his face as he tried to figure out what to do next.


Clef hummed around a cookie, "I think I love those girls."

Presea blinked and bit her cookie. "Hikaru-chan and Sakura-chan?"

Clef nodded. "And Fuu-chan, when Umi isn't being a terrible influence on her."
Now, if only the rest of the kids could be as sweet and well behaved, his job would be much less stressful.

Presea nodded thoughtfully, and swallowed her mouthful. "Quite a change from Hokuto and Kazuki, no? I hate to lump Kotori in with their schemes, but I'm afraid she quite willingly went over to the dark side."


"You really have so many pets, Ascot?" Umi asked, eyes wide. "COOL."

"Um, well, no," Ascot agreed finally, still squirming a little. "But Caldina-nee takes me to the zoo a lot..."

Umi giggled. "It's still so cool! You have to show me your animals one day!"

Ascot nodded, eyes very green, blushing. "Uh, uh-huh!"


"LOOKEE," Ferio said, with a grin. He held up what looked like the rug from room 12-B, a green monstrosity that dwarfed him. Fuu blinked at it, and tilted her head curiously.

"My," she said. "I wonder what I'm looking at~"

"Ah," Ferio said with a blush to go with his grin. "I slayed a dragon for you!"

"Oh!" Fuu blinked up at him, and then clapped her hands together, and said, "My, aren't you strong. I hope it didn't have any children though."

Ferio paused in his beaming. "Er..."

"That's what I thought. Shall we go put the dragon back in his nest?"

"O-okay," Ferio rubbed at the back of his head sheepishly. His plan had failed, but that was okay! Because Fuu-chan grabbed his hand and held it as they walked the dragon back home.


"And~ I'm gonna have lots of puppies!" Hikaru beamed. Both Eagle and Lantis nodded.

"I'll get you as many puppies as you want, Hikaru-chan!" Eagle smiled, and then looked towards Lantis. "Right, Lantis? We'll get her many puppies. LOTS of them."
Lantis gave just one serious nod. "We will."

"Really!" If they had thought that Hikaru had beamed before, it was nothing compared with the way she light up then, leaning towards them over her legos and giving each a kiss on the cheek. Eagle and Lantis glanced to each other, each holding the kiss in place, eyes like saucers. "Eagle-kun and Lantis-kun are so great! You wanna play with me?"

It was kind of hard answering when you have, pretty much, forgotten how to talk, so they just nodded a lot and let Hikaru-chan hold their hands and drag them towards the other toys.


"Okay," Eagle said, very intense for all that he was smiling like he was your best friend. "I need some puppies, people. Give me all your dogs and nobody will get hurt!"

Behind him, Lantis folded his arms, and nodded very seriously.

"Er," Ferio said. "I....think Ascot has some!"

"What," Ascot said, green eyes growing wide. "I- I do not! Traitor!"

Eagle smiled. "I will give you play-dough. I have a stash of play-dough and I will give it to you."

That gave Ascot pause, but then he said, very determinedly, "No! They're my friends! I can't just hand them over for play-dough!"

At this point, before it got ugly, Fai cut in, eyes wide and innocent, a sweet little smile on his face. "I know where you can get a puppy!"

"YEAH," Yuui said, popping up behind his brother with a wide grin on his face.

Eagle thought about this for a moment, and traded a glance with Lantis. They couldn't trust these two for a minute. But...Eagle could still remember the kiss Hikaru had given him on his cheek, and he said, "Fine. Where?"

"OVER THERE," Yuui chirped, pointing. "Kuro-puppy!" he called. "C'mere boy!"

"I WILL KILL YOU," Kurogane returned from across the room, where Tomoyo was wrapping him up in sheets.


Very earnestly, Lantis said, "We will be your puppies, Hikaru-chan."

"Woof!" Eagle said with a grin, "woof woof!"


"I am not going to envy their High School teachers," Clef said, apparently trying to decide if he should laugh or cry or scream or the three of them at the same time. "At All."

"Oh, c'mon," Caldina grinned. "It's good that she's trainin' them since they're young!"


"Sakura-chaaaaaaaaan!" Yuui called, "come play kitties with meeeeeee!"

Sakura lit up, and scrambled over. "Okay!"


"Awwwww," Fai said. "But he only ALMOST had a heart attack!"

Syaoran sat there, and blushed very hard. Xiao Ling looked down at his brother, and said, "Syao-chan kept me up all night meowing. It was sort of traumatic. Please don't lick him again."

"Xiao-chaaaaan!" Syaoran said with an absolutely mortified look on his face. His brother just smiled at him, and then dove over a chair before Kurogane-kun could tag him.


"So, Syaoran-kun and Sakura-chan will marry, right?"

Xiao nodded. "Right. And Yuui-kun and Kurogane-kun, too."

"UH-HUH! Tomoyo-chan said she'd do the dresses for them!"

"And then?"

Both boys paused, confused, but then Tomoyo giggled and beamed.

"SO! Xiao-kun and Fai-kun can marry, too AND live with them!"

Fai and Xiao looked at each other and then shrugged, smiling. "Okay!"

"But Tomoyo-chan," Sakura said, her face in a cute pout of concern. "Who are YOU going to marry?"

"Why, all of you, of course!" Tomoyo said with a generous smile. "That way I can take lots and lots of pictures of EVERYONE."

fic: cowritten with reversedhymnal, fic series: kindergarten au, rating: g

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