Buffy: the Vampire Slayer - Got a Hunger.

Sep 20, 2007 17:16

Title: Got a Hunger.
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer.
Warnings: None.
Characters/couples: Angel/Buffy.
Summary: The sun is hidden inside her skin, singing in her blood.
Rating: PG13.

Got a Hunger.

Buffy takes off her ruined clothes, hisses a bit as she takes off her shirt, poking lightly at the cut on her side. It's not deep, she says. One or two days and I'll be as good as new. Angel doesn't move, doesn't get close to look at it, can almost taste her blood in his mouth. Nausea and lust weight his hands down, his feet. He doesn't trust himself to turn around and look.

Buffy asks for another shirt, hers ruined. She mutters about demons being rude, about ruining her shirt. He tells her where his shirt are, brings the bandages he bought only for her, gets a glimpse of soft, tanned skin. She's warm, he knows. The sun is hidden inside her skin, singing in her blood. If he'd taste it, it would turn him into ashes anyway.

Buffy smiles at him, says thanks. His shirt reaches her thighs easily and she folds the sleeves twice. The room is dark, just a few minutes before dawn. Buffy smells of sweat and peaches and blood. Angel looks away and tells her that she should go home.

rating: pg13, fic: buffy the vampire slayer

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