
Aug 23, 2011 23:00

My life is being eaten by fencing and it is most welcomed. It's a frustrating sport, much like golf has been described to me*, but there's this incredible interplay of athleticism and strategy. Plus stabbing. Did I mention the stabbing? I frequently leave (and ok, arrive at) work wanting to punch someone in the face. It's then when I have these ( Read more... )

stabbity stab

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Comments 2

cb4260 August 27 2011, 20:29:23 UTC
Sounds like so much fun!! I should try a fencing class someday! Many, *many* moons ago, I was a gymnast (more of a trampolinist, actually), so I get the whole worry about asymmetry thing. I've only tried golf a couple times, but I was terrible (putting it nicely). I'm sure I would get (slightly) better with practise, but just not sure I have the patience. ;-)


insptr_penguin September 4 2011, 21:15:24 UTC
It really is! I strongly encourage you to try it when time and life allow. Such an engaging sport -- both mentally and physically. I confess I don't know a ton about gymnastics but it's always looked very symmetrical to me and the bodies of the gymnasts reflect that in their musculature.

I am sure that I am going to be terrible at golf when I try it but I always enjoy learning about new sports so I'm looking forward to it.


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