
Aug 23, 2011 23:00

My life is being eaten by fencing and it is most welcomed. It's a frustrating sport, much like golf has been described to me*, but there's this incredible interplay of athleticism and strategy. Plus stabbing. Did I mention the stabbing? I frequently leave (and ok, arrive at) work wanting to punch someone in the face. It's then when I have these fantasies of someone trying to mug or assault me and I beat the crap out of them. Probably not the actual outcome, but hey, it's a fantasy, It's one of the ways I keep myself alert driving home late at night after a day of commuting, working, and then fencing until the workout clothes I wear under the uniform are soaked through with sweat and I have a new collection of bruises. That sentence is much shorter than my average day. I love the fencing part.

My weapon arm is hilariously more muscled than my non dominant arm. Such a unilateral and lopsided sport. My dancer brain objects to this asymmetry but it's similar to curling. Like in curling, the sport is mostly made up of nice and interesting folks who love it and do feel the need asserting their 'superiority' by putting down newbies/those perceived as non-serious and then some who are and do the opposite. I vacillate between being pissed and amused at those who try such a thing. Like in curling, I have nothing to prove and refuse to buy into this adult little league mentality. Sure, I get my ass thoroughly kicked by 12 year olds who have been fencing since they were wee, but I'm getting better and occasionally I surprise people. I'm fast, strong, flexible, graceful, coordinated, and aggressive. Or so I've been told.

I'll keep doing it as long I get to keep stabbing people.

* I have a person who is all ready to take me golfing too!

Edited to change 'do' in 'interesting folks who love it and do feel the need' to 'don't', as I meant to write. 

stabbity stab

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